-xXChapter 41Xx-

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Hyunjin kissed Chan's collarbone. Soft in the beginning an then more needier. Chan moaned a bit. The black haired boy could feel the abs of the other one while pressing his needy body against his. Hyunjin softly bit Chan's lips and pulled them with his teeth while feeling horny. „Let's do a selfie from us being all messed up", Chan said still giggling. He wasn't drunk but Hyunjin's lips had the same effect. Chan grabbed his phone and made a picture while they crashing their lips together again. Hyunjin's lips felt so awesome and the picture looked awesome. Felix would cry forever after seeing this. They broke the kiss. „This was hot",Hyunjin said. „You are hot." Chan smiled. „C'mmon it's impossible to be pretty like you. Can I have your number?" Hyunjin grabbed his phone. „Thought you would never ask". So Hyunjin liked him. Chan saved his number. The both of them decided to sit at the couch together and talked a bit more after Chan has to go. He needed to go to school tomorrow and staying awake that late would affect his sleep even tough Chan knew he could sleep well today because he hurt Felix again. He was doing it right now. He was cheating on Felix.

It didn't matter to Chan. Felix pain was the only thing that mattered this night and Hyunjin's lips. Felix pain was the reason why he came here and found Hyunjin. Chan knew he would have fun with Hyunjin and his puffy lips. His puffy lips, wich were like a drug. Chan send the picture of them making out to Felix and writing: „Looks, like your boyfriend has fun :)" He knew this message will hurt Felix more. Chan was totally looking forward for him crying again and then Felix would do everything for him again. What a great feeling. He will cut him wide open for him. Chan smiled.

Felix watched a show on his laptop when he got a message from Chan. He smiled as the thought of getting a cute message from Chan appeared in his mind. Chan was the perfect boyfriend. The cutest.

What he saw broke everything apart. It was breaking him apart. Felix didn't knew he could fall that deep. Chan sent him a picture of him cheating. He was kissing a pretty boy with black hair. Chan...was....cheating....why did he do that? Felix felt how his eyes got teary. His finger startet to shake and so did his body. Sorrow filled up Felix's body, forcing him to tremble much stronger. Chan was cheating on him....Felix could still not believe it. And again he asked himself why. Why did Chan did it? Wasn't he good enough? Did he failed to make him happy? Tears were running his cheeks down. Warm and full of sorrow. Felix hated himself how fast he could cry when it comes to Chan, how strong his heart react to the dark haired boy and he hated it.

He hated how much he loved him. Felix should've known better that Chan was not a good boyfriend. That there was a reason why he always broke up with everybody. Why he warned him. Felix was blind. He was totally blind because he was just seeing the good parts in Chan. Now he saw what Chan really was. A liar. A traitor. The murder of his heart. Felix wimpered, while starring at the picture. Chan did it just to make him cry, to break him in the most painful way there was. Chan knew exactly what he had to do and Felix was so naive. He was always naive, caught inside his own strong feelings. In his obsession.

„Why did you do that?", Felix texted and he didn't knew how he was able to text, because everything was trembling inside. Felix could feel a sharp pain in his heart. Felix broke very often but this time it was the most painful one. It was like his life was saying goodbye to him and left him alone with pain and selfhate. Felix cried. He cried because he always tried to be good to Chan, even after being always treated so badly. His heart always hoped, there would be a change for a happy end but life is not a happy end. Life is a nightmare.

„Because seeing you hurt makes me happy, baby. Did you forget?", Chan responded. Felix wanted to throw his phone against the wall. Chan never loved him, right? He never did. Everything he wanted was his tears and pain. He told him many times. Felix still cried and it didn't look like he would stop with it and he also didn't want to stop anyway. He wanted to cry. If life is such a bitch and Chan the worsest human he met in his life, he would rather be dead. Felix had enough of this pain. He just wanted to end it. After crying he texted Chan one last message. „Would it be better to see me die?". Felix life ended here. There was no way to continue it. A life without Chan is not a good one and a backstabbing Chan a torture. 

But Felix started to see him with different eyes now. 

Are you happy now, Chan? Felix wants to die because of you :')))) It's fun to read how this story brings out some hidden things in humans out 0: Kiddos, I've started to write that JeonghoFF with Psychojeongin and I must admit, I've created a beast :') It shouldn't be released and I definetly shouldn't write when I'm not sane. This story is the definition of hate :(

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