-xXChapter 11Xx-

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Now that he calmed himself down from his emotional breakdown, Felix walked towards his trash bin and picked up the dirty tissue. Chan touched the farbric so it means it's another thing for his collection. Felix ignored that its his own cum, he rather imagined it was Chans precious cream. Even thought Chan didnÄt want to see him in a lovers way, he still kissed him and touched his dick. Felix can still feel the gently touches there. It was time to put his lovely photos back on the wall. Picture after picture. Untill every little piece of art is back at its place. He smiled at a certain one. The picture he took secretly, while Chan was laughing with his friends and Chan's cute little dimples are very visible there. One of Felix favourite photos ever. He leaned in front of it and kissed it softly. „Good night, darling".

Hours passed by and Felix was very tired, so he decided to go to bed. He didn't have plans for tomorrow. He will probably do something with his friend but he rather just watch Chan's home from a far and try to look for him. Of course, Chan shouldn't see him. He would think it's creepy, if Felix showed up because then he would know where he lives without ever telling him. No, better just hide and watch him from a far like always. After undressing Felix went to bed, grabbing the used tissue and collected all pieces of the destroyed chanpicture, wich Chan tored off. Felix tried to stick them together to create the whole picture again. This picture was too important for him. The he cuddled inside his blanket. How about calling Chan his boyfriend now? Wouldn't it sound a lot better than just friend and Chan touched him. That's what boyfriends do. Of course,  Chan wouldn't agree with him but it's an one sided love anyway. Why not trying things out? Yes, Felix smiled at this thought. He didn't noticed that his eyes were teary. He felt sad.

And cried to sleep.

Chan let his mind drift away. Wasn't he a bit too harsh to Felix? The boy loved him. A lot. It can tear people hearts up. Even thought Chan didnt want to do it, he ended up doing it in a horrible way. He left him. Well, Felix will get over it. Everybody does. Love is not a safe play. It's a challenge. Chan knew it and hoped that Felix will notice it soon. It's not safe to love him. After the weekend he noticed that Felix is still around, staring at him. It made Chan shiver badly. He was close enough to go straight to him and tell him, he should leave. Didnt he have some friends? Was he all alone? It doesn't matter. Chan has to be cold as ice to let Felix kill his feelings for him. He didn't want to cause more pain.

Jisung talked to Chan, after meeting him in the classroom in the morning

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Jisung talked to Chan, after meeting him in the classroom in the morning. „Hey, how is your knee doing?" "It still hurts a bit but it's healing". Jisung was relieved. "And hey, did you hear the news?" „No". „We will have a new student today. His name is Minho and he is very cute". Chan is always suprised of how much Jisung knew about his classmates, even when they are just new to the class. „How do you know it?", Chan asked. Jisung got closer to Chan, deepened his mood, staring at him with serious eyes. „Because I know everything". For a second Chan thought of Felix, who looked at him with the same expression. Chan gulped nervously. Jisung started to laugh out of the blue.„You should see yourself. It looked like you saw a ghost. I heared it from Woojin of course." Chan tried to calm down. He felt the same shiver like back then when he saw Felix this morning, staring intense at him. The situation is becoming more creepy.

The bell rang and everyboy sat down on their seats. Chan sat next to Jisung, who was, of course, on the phone, to text Changbin. The teacher entered the room with a new student and damn, that student didn't just look cute, he looked hot as well. This Minhodude had deep brown silky hair and a cute smile. His ears were pierced and it looks like he hid a well build body under the school uniform. „Hey Sung. The new boy's here", Chan whispered. Jisung stopped texting to his boyfriend and looked up, seeing also Minho. „Woah, he looks very attractive. I would bet my sweet ass that he is straight as hell. Look at the girls, how they look at him. Disgusting." Chan just ignored his friend. Even with a straight Minho he could still look at him like the girls does and they are right. Minho looked so handsome. „Hello class. As some of you might know, we have a new student. His name is Lee Minho. Please introcuce yourself".

Minho smiled like a guy from a teethcommercial and made Chan heart beat faster. He didn't know why his heart reacted so fast to the new boy."I love dancing and before you ask, I am gay". „Oh oh, he is gay, you know what this means", Jisung said, teasing his friend. „Shut up. No. He might be handsome but I won't ask him for a date". Jisung knew about Chans hopeless lovetries. He was always there, trying to built Chan up after a break up. „Oh you don't know. Maybe he is the right one." No, he won't, because there is no boy in this world, who would make him happy and Chan slowly accepted it. He will be forever alone.

Okay, Felix, so you want to get more attached to Chan? I don't say no to that :'D Awesome.  Yes, I drew a doodle because just writing of how Chan suffered wasn't enough :D OFC Jisung had to text Changbin again :'))

Being a stay is really hard sometimes and finding kpopfriends is even harder

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