-xXChapter 17Xx-

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It was weekend and time for letting Minho disappear. Nobody needed him anyways. He was a sickness without any cure and Felix is going to end the sickness called Lee Minho. „Hey Minho? Do you wanna hang out today? It's weekend and I'd love to spend time with you." Minho was happy that Felix wanted to be with him. He also wanted to hang out with him but didn't know if Felix  wanted it. "Yes, good idea. I wanted to ask you the same, actually. "Wich time?" „Let's say at nighttime? I wanted to show you a game, wich I've created. Called 'NightyNight', Felix admitted it was a stupid name but Minho didn't know the reason behind it. The name may sound cute but it was the opposite of it. „NightyNighty? Really? Are you like five?" Minho laughed. „Hey, don't laugh. It is a serious game!" A game with a bad end. „Don't mind the name, I wanted to call it special, since t's basically just playing batminton at night." Minho stopped laughing but still he couldn't take it serious.

„So badminton at night is so special that you created a game for it?" Felix nodded. „So, are you in? I'd love to play it with you. You're the first one, wich I would play it with". And the last one. Minho got serious. Did it mean Felix is actually alone? Altought he had friends?  Minho got sad. Luckily he was Felix's friend now. If Felix love his self created game, why not playing it and making him happy? „Yes", Minho said, waiting for Felix reaction. He smiled anxious. „This makes me happy. Okay, then let's meet..uhm..at eleven o'clock at the fields near the old, abandoned supermarket? You know where it is. Everybody knows the place". Minho wasn't living that long inthe city but he heared about this place. It was a scary place. Seems like Felix had a thing for scary places. „Or are you scared?" Felix laughed. „You know the place is cursed. That's why 'NightyNight' is also so special. It's just badminton at night but in scaryplaces. Got it?" Minho shivered a bit but didn't think of it. It would be a fun time. Felix was such a good friend and he sold the idea of playing badminton at night like a highly wanted product. „I'm not scared. I am older than you". And silent soon.

Hours passed by and it was a cold night. Felix waited for Minho on the fields. Even tought it was freaking cold, the moon was shining brightly and turned the fields into a mysterious but beautiful place. The wind blew Felix's hair, while waiting for little shitty Minho. What if he was afraid to come here in the end or hanging rather out with Chan? If so, he would find a way to make Minho play 'NightyNight'. Without Minho it wouldn't make fun, since Felix created the game just for him.  He saw Minho reaching the place. Felix told him he didn't have to bring badminton racket. Felix  would bring racktes and balls. Minho just needed to come and there he was. Smiling and standing in front of him. „Good evening, I'm glad you actually come." „Yes of course! I dont break my promises! So are we going to play or also walk around? I haven't did something like this since I was a kid." Felix smiled naughty. „No, just playing for the start. If you want to do something else, tell me then." Felix handed him the other racket he brought with him and backed off to keep a distance to Minho. „Ready?". „Yes, start".

They played badminton at night and Minho started to having fun playing it. Who knew playing badminto at night could be so refreshing?  „Hey Minho? Can we shorten up the distance? My arm is getting tired." „Of course". Minho walked towards  to him. „Did you know that badminton is just a part of 'NightyNight'? It contains another part but I will tell you later." They played a bit more until Felix stopped. Nervously he looked at him. „Minho? I have to tell you somehing. Can you please....come here?" Minho threw the racket in the long grass and closed the gap between him and Felix. The other boy still hold the racket in his hand. Grabbing it nervously. „Minho...I like you...and I don't know what to do....", Felix whispered. Time to mess up with Minhos mind. „You're Chans boyfriend...and it hurts....I am sorry..but I couldn't bear with it anymore." Felix grabbed the racket more nervously. Felix had to practise a lot, to make it as much realistic as possible. Minho has to be shoked by his little fake conefssion. Making him feel worse. „Oh Felix...I didn't knew....I am sorry". Felix felt Minhos hand on his shoulder. „It just hurt so much everyday to see you so happily with Chan that I can't breathe anymore. Tell me Minho, when does it finally stop? I know I shouldn't feel like this but I can't kill my own feelings for you." Good shitty Minho, listen to me.

Minho was truly shocked about Felix confessing to him. He didn't knew his kind friend had a crush on him and suffers from it. He felt bad because he was the reason why Felix felt anxious at the moment. His body shaken terrible and Felix was near crying. He didn't knew it. „I am sorry", Minho said." „And I am sorry for this". Felix leaned to Minho and kissed him. I am sorry for you kissing my boyfriend, thats why I steal them form you, shitface. Of course Minho interrupted the kiss. „We can't do this! I don't want to cheat on Chan." Felix deepened his mood. „I know.....but I can't help it. I just love you, Minho." And Felix knew he would weaken Minho with those three little words. He would feel terrible because Minho was too nice and innocent for this world.

It was time to show him how he truly felt about him. Felix will show him, what  'Nightynight' really means.

Yes yes, Minlix in the house but it's faAkE :'))) Well, played, Mister Felix. Nah. Who is excited for the real meaning behind his little game? Yeah I didn't know again how I created the name Nightynight :')) AYEE THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100 VOTES! <3333 You're the best :)) I hope you enjoy the story so far :> 

Note: the next chapter contains a lot of violence, so yeah be careful, kiddos

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