-xXChapter 1Xx-

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Another day walked by. Another day without the fluffy, cozy feeling of love inside his chest. If he could write it down how many times he tried to feel it, it would turned out into a book. A book full of disappointements. Chan watched tiredly over to his teacher, while Jisung secretly texted his boyfriend Changbin. Even without looking at him Chan knew Jisung would smile deeply. The silent tipping noices of Jisung caused of the fast pace of his fingers got mixed with the deep voice of his teacher. Jisung stopped writing to Changbin and peeked over to his teacher. Good, he still doesn't notice him doing something else than paying attention to the class. Another smile crossed his lips. Chan asked himself, why the teacher didn't notice Jisung yet. He is always texting to Changbin, when he is bored during class. Would he also be like this, when he would be in love? Would he also send cute little messages to his loved one and answer them, when there is noting to do during class?

Chan checked at Jisung and he knew, that his friend ended his little textingsession with Changbin. Still smiling brightly. Looks like Changbin made him very happy. Chan didn't see his friend smiling that much like some kind of idiot. As if everyhing that Changbin does, could glow Jisung from the inside. A feeling of envy. It appeared out of nowhere. Chan stopped watching at friend to not feel this awkward feeling of envy any longer. Jisung is a lucky dude. He had somebody, who loves him from the deepness indside his heart. Chan took a deep breath. Actually he should feel happy for Jisungs love. It's something a friend usual does. Jisung is his best friend. Why does Chan still feel thorns of eny inside of him? Why do they want to tear him with their sharp ends apart? Because he secretly wants to have something like Jisung has. A relationship wich is based on affection and warm love? Humans always want to have what they can't have. 

The hour finally ended. Chan saw, how his classmate closed their books, even though the teacher didn't finish the class. Who would acually do this, if you know it's just five minutes left for breaktime? Nobody spend attention anymore. Jisung the most. „Chan? Can I copy your writings during break?" Chan knew, that his friend got distracted by his boyfriend, that he forgets to write down the exercises again. It happens a lot lately. Chan gave him his sheet.„Thanks you're the best". „I know". Jisung let the sheets slide in his back. Chan wouldntsee it until tomorrow. He stood up and walked outside the classroom. Now they had P.E. A subject wich he really likes, because he can calm down then. Calming down because of this stupid frustration made by the fact, that he can't have this one single thing, he so badly wished for. Chan was not only jealous of Jisung, he looked up for him. Jisung got brave enough to approach the lonely Changbin and confessed his feelings to him. After that they went on a date. Why can't it be this easily for him, too?

„Why do we have P.E now?", Jisung said after grabbing his bag. P.E was something Han Jisung hated. He always hated it. Jisung rather sat on the beach and watching his classmates than jumping and running. „Because they want to see you suffer", Chan said while grinning. „Then they're succsessfull with it" The both boys left the class room to go to the gym, wich was near the main building. Chan and Jisung always had P.E after the longer break to have enough time to go to the gym. However it didn't just mean they have P.E now. Longer breaks mean also Binsung. The name for Jisung and Changbin. Chan loved to tease Jisung with thename but he knew that Jisung secretly liked the name. His friend was on his phone again and texted Changbin. Soon he will be here, too. „Hey Chan", a boy with dark haired said to Chan, while walking by. It was Taewoong , one of Chans friend of the other class. Next to him was Hansol, Taewoongs friend. He haven't been that long his friend but Chan liked him.

„Oh, what do we have here? A texting Jisung? What a surprise", Taewoong mentioned ironically. „Since the beginng of this school say. You can't tear them apart. They're glued together." Chan smiled wich made Hansol smile as well. Chan was such a funny boy. „Speaking of Binsung. Here comes the other half of it", Taewoong said. Jisung raised his head and tried to look for his boyfriend. After seeing Changbin in the crowd, he started to smile brightly. „Hey Sungie". Jisung hugged Changbin tightly. „I have missed you", he said, while resting his head against Changbins chest. „We text like like every second. Do you miss me so much, you little squirrel?" „I always miss you, when I am not with you".

First chapter and I feel like the grammar is already a mess :'D Btw, the first six chapters are going to be slow posts (is this even a word? :')) because I've written them in german (I write usually in german) and I need to translate them first, wich takes a bit time 0:

Felixity (Chanlix FF, english)Where stories live. Discover now