Full Moon Party

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School was over and done with the next day and I sat on the bleachers again. Allison sat down next to me but I didn't really notice her at first. I was too caught up in my dreams from last night. I had woken up this morning, covered in sweat and tangled in my sheets. Thank god for my alarm because it woke me up before anything really awful happened. But I still had that feeling that even though nothing had happened, it would have if I had just kept sleeping. "Evie?" Allison called, pulling me out of my thoughts. "What? Hey." I greeted her, pushing my dreams away from my mind. "Are you okay? You look kind of out of it." She observed, a frown on her face. "No. No, I'm fine. Nothing wrong here." I told her, forcing a small laugh. She nodded skeptically but left it alone.

"Scott asked me to this party Friday." She said, a small smile on her lips. "Really? Go, Scott!" I called, smiling widely. She blushed but laughed with me. "Are you going?" she asked me. I shrugged, leaning against the cool, metal bars of the back of the bleachers. "Probably. Why? Need some help with the dork?" I asked her, pointing at Scott. "No. no, I was just wondering. You're just pretty cool and I thought a party would be your thing." She told me with a shrug. "I'll be there. And if you need any tips on how to make him crazy, I'm your girl." I told her. She laughed and nodded. "You made first line." I heard the coach say. I glanced up to see Scott standing next to him, a huge smile on his lips. I jumped up and smiled, hopping down the bleachers and slamming into my brother. "Congrats, baby bro!" I cheered as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Evelyn McCall!" Coach shouted as Scott groaned. "Sorry, coach!" I called before dashing back into the bleachers and back to Allison.

"Get in." Stiles said, opening his bedroom door and pulling me and Scott inside. "You have to see this. I've been up all night, reading websites, book, all those things..." Stiles trailed off as he sat down at his laptop. "How much Adderall did you have today?" I asked him as I plopped down on his bed. "A lot. Does it matter? Just listen." He said. It was Friday and Stiles had sent me and my brother texts that said to get our asses over to his place. "Is it about the body? Did you find out who it is?" Scott asked, sitting down next to me. "No, they're still questioning people. Even Derek Hale." Stiles said, turning to face us. "Oh, the guy in the woods." Scott replied as I sat up. "Yeah, but that's not it, okay?" Stiles said. "What then?" I asked, intrigued. "Remember the joke the other day? It's not a joke anymore." Stiles said. Scott and I exchanged confused glances before looking at Stiles again.

"The wolf, the bite in the woods! Do you know why wolves howl?" Stiles snapped, eyes wide. "Should I?" Scott asked. "It's a signal! Okay? When a wolf is alone and howls, he signals his location to the rest of the pack! So it you heard it, maybe you're not the only one, maybe there's a pack of wolves." Stiles insisted. He totally looked like he was kind of crazy. "A pack of wolves?" I asked, crossing my arms skeptically. "No, werewolves." Stiles corrected me. "Are you seriously wasting our time with this? You know I'm picking up Allison in an hour." Scott grumbled. "I saw you on the field, Scott! What you did wasn't just amazing, alright? It was impossible!" Stiles snapped.

"I just made a good shot." Scott shrugged. "No, you made an incredible shot! I mean, the way you moved, the speed, the reflexes? People can't just do that overnight! And there's the vision and the senses and you don't use your inhaler anymore." Stiles pointed out. "Hey! I can't think about this right now, we'll talk tomorrow." Scott insisted, getting to his feet. "No! What? No! The full moon is tonight!" Stiles insisted. "Don't you get it? What are you trying to do? I made first line, I have a date with a girl who I can't believe wants to go out with me. Everything in my life is somehow perfect, why are you trying to ruin is?" Scott snapped, glaring at Stiles. "I'm trying to help! You're cursed, Scott. The full moon won't only take physical change, it's also gonna give you blood craving." Stiles pointed out. "Blood?" Scott asked. "Yeah, you're gonna want to kill." Stiles replied gravely.

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