Poisonous Party

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The next day, Derek called me over for some training and prep for the full moon tonight. But really I think that might have just been an excuse to get me over there. Not that I really needed one anymore. "What is that?" Isaac asked, arms crossed over his chest as Derek pulled out a heavy trunk. The trunk looked old and was made of wood with Derek's tattoo on the lid. Isaac, Erica, and Boyd were here with me and Derek. It would be their first full moon and we needed to keep them contained for everyone's sake. "It's a triskele. The spirals mean different things." Boyd started. "Past, present, future. Mother, father, child." He explained to the others – including me. I had always wondered what the tattoo had meant and now I knew. "You know what it means to me?" Derek asked Boyd from where he crouched in front of the trunk. "Alpha, beta, omega?" Boyd asked, sounding slightly unsure of himself. "That's right." Derek told him, offering a small nod.

"It's a spiral. Reminds us that we can all rise to one and fall to another. Betas can become alphas, but alphas can also fall to betas or even omegas." Derek said as he ran a hand over the lid of the trunk. "Like Scott and Evie?" Isaac asked, his eyes on me and full of uncertainty. "Evie and Scott are with us." Derek snapped at him. "Really? Then where is Scott now?" Isaac asked. "He's looking for Jackson." Derek growled, getting to his feet. "Don't worry, he's not gonna have it easy tonight either. None of us will. There's a price to pay for this kind of power. You get the ability to heal, but tonight you're gonna want to kill anything you can find." Derek told them, his eyes wandering over everyone. "Good thing I had my period last week, then." Erica grumbled sarcastically. "Well, this one's for you." Derek told her as he opened the trunk and pulled out a headband with screws going through the thick leather straps.

Derek pulled me aside after having showed the others the odd torture devices that would restrain them tonight. He pulled me close, hiding us behind one of the many support columns on the main floor of the warehouse. I couldn't help the smile on my face as his forehead rested against mine. "Tonight's going to be rough. Are you sure you can handle it?" he asked me. I had told him that I wasn't going to be here with him tonight. I was going to Lydia's birthday party tonight. I knew it was the full moon but, I thought that knowing Scott and Stiles would be there would keep me from losing control. "I'm sure. And if I feel like I'm losing control, I'll come straight here and you can chain me up like the others." I told him, my smile still firmly in place. He nodded, satisfied with my answer. His lips met mine in a much tamer passion. I couldn't help the small giggle that left my lips as his fingers hooked my thighs and lifted me up, my back against the column. My thighs gripped his hips as he continued to kiss me and I kissed him back.

"Oh." A surprised voice gasped, causing me to pull away from Derek slightly. Not that I had much room to move. My feet went back to the ground as I turned my gaze on Erica's wide eyes, Isaac and Boyd right behind her. "Oh, wow." I muttered under my breath as I bit my lip, a blush coursing over my face. I pulled my hands away from Derek's neck and rested them against his chest, giving him a small push to add some space between me and him. When I looked back at the others, Isaac almost looked upset while Erica looked shocked and Boyd just smirked knowingly. "Um, I should go." I muttered, turning my gaze on Derek. My cheeks felt like they were on fire. "Don't mind us." Boyd taunted, crossing his arms over his chest. "We'll get some training time in later." Derek muttered, nodding slightly to me. "Yeah, training time." Erica said, joining in Boyd in teasing. But Derek shot them all a glare and the smug looks fell off their faces. I smirked at that before turning my attention back onto Derek. "Try not to go too hard on them." I told him, taking his chin in my hand and turning him to face me. His hard features softened slightly and I pecked his lips. "I'll see you later." I told him before I quickly left.

I arrived at Lydia's house later that night to find it practically deserted. Only Lydia stood on the other side of the pool with a tray of punch in her hands while Scott and Stiles were on the other side. "Have you seen Jackson anywhere?" I heard Stiles ask my brother as I walked over to them "No. Seen Allison?" Scott asked as I came up next to them. "No, but we should probably tell her what we found out." Stiles insisted. "What did we find out?" I asked them, hands on my hips. "I figured out it has something to do with water. You know, the fact that all the victims were on the swim team, the way the kanima reacted around the pool." Stiles said. All the victims were on the swim team? God, I missed a lot. "So whoever's controlling the kanima really hates the swim team?" I asked, confusion clear in my voice. "Hated the swim team. Specifically, the 2006 swim team." Stiles informed before continuing. "So it could be another teacher. Maybe like a student from back then. I mean, who are we missing though? What haven't we thought of?" Stiles asked, sounding a bit frustrated just as Allison showed up next to us.

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