Torture Me, Love

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The man interrogated us for hours, punching and electrocuting both of us without mercy. He eventually left for a break I guess and Derek and I were left alone. My chest rose and fell heavily as my body ached. My brain was also kind of fried from all this – I hope there wasn't any lasting effects. "Evie, I'm sorry." Derek called, his voice hoarse from the electrocutions. "Why?" I asked, glancing over at him. My face felt stiff with dried sweat and tears and I wondered why I hadn't started bleeding again. With how violently I had been thrashing during the electrocutions, I was surprised the stitches I had received hadn't ripped open. "This never would have happened if we hadn't met." He grumbled as he looked away from me. I saw the war raging one his face and knew he was beating himself up over this. "Scott was right. You should've stayed away from me." he continued, hanging his head low.

"No, Derek," I started, my voice strong but still rough. "None of this is your fault. It's the alpha's. All of this happened when he bit Scott. You had nothing to do with that. In fact, you've been helping us and I couldn't thank you enough for that." I told him, offering a small smile. I sighed, leaning back on the gate I was chained to. Silence surrounded us as I waited. I didn't know what else to say so I blurted the first thing that came to mind. "I guess Kate got what she wanted." I muttered, laughing bitterly. "What?" he asked, looking up at me in confusion. "Remember when she and her pals busted into your house and shot it up?" I asked him. He nodded in reply. "And she said she didn't know whether to kill you of lick you?" I continued, earning another nod. "Well, she got her wish – she licked you." I said, smirking as I realized there was jealousy brewing in my gut. Derek laughed, shaking his head. "We're being tortured and the first thing you can say is that some bitch licked me?" he asked, sounding completely astounded. I shrugged as best as I could before looking away.

His laughter faded before the silence surrounded us again. It was too calm – a nice break from torture – but it still felt like something was off. "How long have we been down here?" I asked him, knowing he had a better sense of time than I did. "About a day and a half." He replied. I groaned, fear jabbing at my heart. Where was Scott? Was he okay? Was he looking for us? "Did you mean it?" Derek asked me suddenly. My gaze snapped to his, my eyebrows knitting together in confusion. "What?" I asked. There was no more humor on our faces or in our eyes. It was gone and all that was in his eyes was a question. He didn't need to elaborate on what I said as a sort of fear gripped my chest. "Oh." I muttered, looking away with a breathy laugh as I blushed. "I-it was stupid." I muttered, shaking my head. "But did you mean it?" he asked me. I glanced up and met his gaze. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the hope in his eyes. Was it hope that I meant it? Or was he hoping it was a lie?

"I –" I broke off abruptly when the heavy door opened. Kate came strolling in, looking slightly annoyed. "Unfortunately, Derek, if you're not gonna talk – I'm gonna have to kill you and your friend. so say hi to your sister for me. You did tell her about me, didn't you?" Kate asked, her usual sadistic smirk on her lips. "The truth about the fire? Or did you? Did you tell anybody?" she asked him, realization dawning on her face. What truth about the fire? "Oh, sweetie – that's a lot of guilt to keep buried. It's not all your fault. You got tricked by a pretty face." She said with a shrug before glancing over at me. "It happens." She muttered before her eyes went back to him. "Handsome young werewolf mistakenly falls in love with a super-hot girl who comes from a family that kills werewolves. Is that ironic? Is it ironic – that you're inadvertently helping me track down the rest of the pack – again? Or just a little bit of history repeating." She mused before realization crossed her face.

"History repeating. It's not Jackson, is it? Oh, no, no, no, he's got a little scratch on the back of his neck, but – he's not in love with Allison. Not like Scott." She said with a large smile as she finally figured it out. "Don't touch him." I snarled at her as I struggled against my restraints and fought through the pain in my body. She looked over at me with surprised amusement. "I thought you looked familiar." She smirked. "I guess it was just family resemblance, huh? Is he your brother? Is he the one who did this to you?" she asked as she walked over to me and gestured to my scars. "Leave. Him. Alone. Or I'll kill you." I hissed through clenched teeth. She laughed at me, taking true amusement in my feeble threats. "Oh, I like her, Derek. She's got..." she trailed off as she tried to think of the word. She roughed grabbed my chin, making me look down at her. I didn't fight it because I wanted her to see the hatred in my eyes. "Fire." She finally mumbled before patting my cheek. "Yeah? Unchain me and I'll show you my fire. I growled at her. She laughed at me again before exiting the room.

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