Not Ready

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I unfortunately was behind on everything. Stiles had found only one thing on the internet called a kanima – some sort of were-jaguar from South America. Isaac and Erica tested Lydia to see if she was the kanima for some reason and decided it was her. And now Derek was going to kill her. Did I miss anything? Oh, yeah, and Gerard knows that Scott is a werewolf. He never mentioned me when he stabbed my brother but Scott thought he had to know if he knew what Scott was. Great.

I learned all of this when I met up with Scott, Stiles, and Allison after their chemistry class. "Derek's outside waiting for Lydia." Scott told us. "Waiting to kill her?" I asked, still a little confused. "If he thinks she's the kanima, then yes, especially after what happened at the pool." Scott explained as we stood in the library. Allison was on one side of the shelves while Stiles, Scott, and I were on the other side. "It's not her." Stiles insisted. "Stiles, she didn't pass the test, man. Nothing happened." Scott pointed out. "No, it can't be her." Stiles continued, being stubborn. "It doesn't matter because Derek thinks it's her. So either we can convince him that he's wrong, or we've got to figure out a way to protect her." I told them. The three suddenly exchanged a look of understanding and agreement before turning their eyes on me. I just stood there, confused as hell. "What?" I asked, my eyes flickering between all three of them.

"You said we could try and convince him that he's wrong. Who else is better at convincing him than you?" Allison suggested. My eyes went wide as I stared at Stiles and Scott. "What? No. No way!" I told them, shaking my head rapidly. "Does she even know what's happening with me and Derek?" I asked them, feeling a little panicked as well as nervous. Did I really want Allison to know? "What's going on?" she asked me hesitantly. Scott and Stiles both took a discrete step back as if to say all-yours. I sighed heavily as I prepared myself. "I told Derek I love him but he hasn't said anything to me back. Not even a hint of romantic feelings. He's been using what I said against me in a way and I got sick and tired of it. So I told him he had to make a decision and quick or I was just going to drop him like a hot tamale." I told her, speaking quickly before letting out a heavy breath. Even Scott and Stiles stared at me with surprise. Oh, yeah. I forgot I hadn't told them that last bit.

"So, I've kind of been avoiding him because of tension." I added, my hands fidgeting nervously. "Well, great. Is there anything else you'd like to share?" Stiles asked me. "Also, I kind of made out with him." I added. I swear, Scott's eyes popped out of his head. "You what?!" he shouted, his voice going a little shrill. I winced at his volume. "Twice." I finished, biting my lips. Stiles just threw his hands in the air and turned away, shaking his head. Scott stared with wide, disbelieving eyes. But Allison shocked me the most. Her expression was sympathetic and understanding. "I get why you don't want to see him." she started. I sighed heavily and nodded as her hand rested on my shoulder. "But this is Lydia we're talking about. I have to help her – even if that means a conversation alone with Derek." I mumbled nervously. "Okay, just..." Scott trailed off, unable to think of anything. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I know – be careful." I supplied for him. He nodded just before I started walking away. "And no making out this time!" he called after me, earning a giggle. "Okay, mom." I teased him, tossing a smirk over my shoulder. He shook his head while Stiles held his face in his hands and Allison gave me a reassuring smile.

I continued out to the parking lot and spotted Derek not too far away. I froze when my brown eyes met his green ones. They had already been on me. I took a deep breath and built up my courage before it was snuffed out like a candle. I held my head high as I walked over towards him, trying to exude an air of confidence. I wasn't sure if it was working but I kept up the act. My eyes never left his as I walked towards him. I kept my eyes on his even as I walked passed him. Then, my eyes snapped to the forest that surrounded the school. I kept walking into the trees and I heard his footsteps following me. We walked a good fifteen minutes into the woods before I finally stopped. I froze where I stood and his footsteps stopped as well. I took a deep breath and readied myself. "Were you expecting someone else?" I asked him as I turned around. I gasped slightly at how close he was. "Are you ready for that talk now?" he asked me. He stood less than a foot from me and I felt his body heat radiating out towards me, warming my core. "No, not yet. I'm here to talk about Lydia." I replied, taking a small step back.

"Lydia. What about her?" he asked me with a heavy sigh of disappointment. "Are you really going to kill her?" I asked him, glad that I had put a tiny bit of distance between us. "She failed the test." He started. I raised a questioning eyebrow. Scott hadn't exactly told me what the test had been. "We had some of the kanima's venom from when it attacked us at the pool. The kanima is like a snake and snakes aren't effected by their own venom. Lydia wasn't effected which means she's the kanima." I told me. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "Can you at least give me a chance to find another explanation? I mean, you'd be killing my friend." I told him, trying to go for the sympathy vote. "I'll think about it. But I will do whatever I have to do to protect the people I care about." He insisted, his voice low as he reached out and held my cheek in his hand. I let out a slow breath and turned my gaze away from his as he pulled me a little closer to him.

"Now, are you ready for that talk you promised me?" he asked, his tone light but weighted at the same time. I met his gaze again and there was a small smile on his lips. "I... I don't know." I whispered, my voice catching in my throat as my heart raced. "Trust me." he murmured back soothingly. I took a deep breath and nodded. "I –" My words were cut off when I heard my brother call my name. "Evie!" his voice rang out through the tree. Derek's hand dropped from my face and back to his side as we both looked towards where my brother's voice had come from. I heard Derek sigh as I stared at the trees. I turned back to face him and offered a small, apologetic smile. "I have to go." I told him softly.

He nodded and with that, I turned to leave. But his hand took mine and I froze. It felt so right to hold his hand. The warmth of it was meant for me. I turned back to face him, confused by him stopping me. "I made my decision. Let me know when you're ready to hear it." He told me. I just stared at his green eyes, trying to figure out his decision. But he gave away nothing. "Evie!" Scott called again. He was getting closer. I nodded curtly, wondering if I would ever be ready. The sting of rejection from Derek would hurt too much – but I had to know. Derek gave my hand a small squeeze before hesitantly letting me go. I took a deep breath before leaving him in the woods. I moved quickly towards the sound of Scott's voice as he continued to call out for me.

"Evi–" He stopped when he saw me, concern in his eyes. I only wondered what kind of emotions were playing on my face. "What did he say?" my brother asked me. I sighed to myself. I should have known he wouldn't ask me about it. I wondered if he even noticed. "He said he'd think about it but I doubt he won't do it. He said he'd do anything to protect the people he cares about." I told him. He nodded simply before turning back around. I followed close behind him. "Okay," he started, barely whispering so that if anyone was eavesdropping, it would be hard for them to hear without us seeing them. "You and Stiles are going to take Lydia back home and keep her there. We have to keep her away from Derek and his pack. We can't let him kill her." Scott insisted. I nodded, waiting for him to continue. "Allison will meet you there and you'll keep her safe. I'll try to get back as soon as I can but keep an eye out." Scott explained as we came out of the woods and into the parking lot. Stiles' Jeep pulled up in front of us with Lydia riding shotgun. "Hey, stranger." She greeted me with a smile. "You left your bag in your locker so we grabbed it." Stiles said, leaning over her slightly. "Great." I told them before turning to Scott. "Be careful." I murmured to him. He nodded and started walking away as I pulled myself into the back seat.

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