Pool Time

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By the time we had arrived at the pool, Erica was leading Stiles by his ear. "Ah! Ah! Ah!" he cried out in pain as we stopped in front of Derek who had a basketball in his hands. "Oh." Stiles muttered when she let him go. I stayed standing next to Stiles, keeping my eyes on anything other than Derek. "Stiles." Derek greeted him. "Derek." Stiles grumbled in annoyance. "Evie." Derek greeted, his voice softening slightly. "Asshole." I growled in reply, meeting his gaze for a moment only to glare at him. He sighed before turning his attention back onto Stiles. "What did you see at the mechanics garage?" he asked Stiles, his voice harder than before. "Uh, several alarming EPA violations that I'm seriously considering reporting." Stiles told him with a nervous laugh. Derek's jaw clenched as he popped the basketball in his hands easily with his claws. "Holy god." Stiles groaned, his eyes wide. "Let's try that again." Derek growled threateningly.

"Derek." I growled at him in a warning. "Oh, she knows my name." he taunted, his eyes hard before he returned them to Stiles. "Alright, the thing was pretty slick looking. Um, skin was dark. Kind of patterned. Uh, I think I actually saw scales. Is that enough?" Stiles asked. I sighed internally. He was giving them exactly what they wanted. Derek didn't reply, just crossed his arms over his chest after dropping the deflated basketball. "Okay, because I've got somebody I really need to talk to... err. Alright, fine, eyes." Stiles started as he pulled images of the creature from his mind. "Eyes are, um, yellowish. And slitted. Um, has a lot of teeth. Oh, and it's got a tail, too." Stiles said as I heard a faint slithering noise from above us. I froze eyes wide as Derek and Erica looked passed Stiles and I at the balcony above us. "Are we good? What?" Stiles asked, barely noticing our expressions. "Wait, have you seen it? You have this look on your faces like you know exactly what I am talking about." Stiles said as I finally took the chance and looked up. Above me, hanging over the edge of the balcony, was a giant lizard man.

"Run!" Derek called as it shot down towards us. I grabbed Stiles and pulled him out of the way as I ran with Derek. The creature paid no attention to Erica as it simply swatted her away like a fly. She slammed into the wall, a mirror shattering as she hit it. She dropped to the ground, unconscious before the lizard creature slashed out at Derek. "Derek, your neck!" Stiles called out as the creature seemed to disappear and Derek stumbled to the ground. "Hey, come on." I groaned as I caught his arm and pulled him up right. "Where is it? Can you see it?" Stiles asked as he and I dragged Derek. "I can smell it. Please hurry. Call Scott!" he insisted. I pulled out my phone before the creatures tail came out of nowhere and slapped it out of my hand. I jumped away from the creature before falling into the pool, pulling Stiles and Derek with me.

A yelp escaped my lips as I hit the water. Some of it managed to get into my mouth before I closed it. I quickly looked around under the water to see Derek sinking to the ground and Stiles pulling him towards the surface. I swam down towards them and grabbed Derek's arm, pulling it over my shoulder before frantically kicking towards the surface. Once I breached the surface, I spit out the water in my mouth and started to cough. "Where did it go? Do you see it?" Stiles asked. "No." Derek replied as we looked around. "Okay, maybe it took off." Stiles replied hopefully. "Maybe not." I grumbled when I was the creature circling the pool.

"You get me out of here before I drown." Derek growled at us. "You're worried about drowning? Did you notice the thing out there with multiple rows of razor sharp teeth?" I snapped at him, glaring hard. "Did you notice I'm paralyzed from the neck down in eight feet of water?" Derek growled at me. "Okay." Stiles called, breaking up our argument. "I don't see it." He said before he slowly started towards the edge. "Wait, wait, wait." I muttered as Derek told Stiles to stop. On the edge of the pool stood the creature. "What's it waiting for?" I asked in confusion. It seemed to freeze at the water's edge, like it hated the water. It reached towards the water with one hand before quickly retracting it. "Wait, did you see that?" Stiles asked, pointing at it. "I don't think it can swim." I added, nodding slightly.

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