Isaac Lahey

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He led me through the woods and out to his parked car. He helped me into the passenger seat before going to the trunk. When he came back to the driver's side, he had on a new shirt and his leather jacket. He quickly pulled out his sunglasses before pulling away and driving back towards the school. "Why are we going there?" I asked, my voice shaking slightly. I didn't want to go back – not with what just happened. "Gotta pick someone up." he grumbled. "Isaac?" I asked him. He glanced over at me, almost surprised that I knew about Isaac. But then he shrugged it off, like he should have known. "No, not Isaac. There sheriff took him." Derek told me. I remembered out on the lacrosse field earlier that the sheriff talked with Isaac but I hadn't known he'd been detained yet. "Then who?" I asked as we pulled up in front of the school. Derek rolled down the window and leaned towards me to look out at my brother. I turned my gaze away from Scott, too scared to see his anger at me for just happening to be with Derek right now. This actually happened to be an accidental meeting so, yeah.

"Get in." Derek called to Scott who I knew was glaring. "Are you serious? You did that. That's your fault." Scott snapped at him. I wasn't sure if he was talking about me or Isaac or both. But I knew I must have looked horrible with tear-stained cheeks and leaves in my hair. "I know that. Now get in the car and help me." Derek ordered. "No, I've got a better idea. I'm gonna call a lawyer. Because a lawyer might actually have a chance at getting him out before the moon goes up." Scott snapped. "Not when they do a real search of the house." Derek insisted. "What do you mean?" Scott asked, almost sounding interested. "Whatever Jackson said to the cops, what's in the house is worse. A lot worse." Derek insisted. Scott reluctantly climbed into the back seat and the car instantly filled with tension. There was tension between me and Scott, Scott and Derek, and Derek and me. This was a lot for one girl. I was going on sensory overload. I wondered what Stiles thought. God, I bet he hated me now.

"If Isaac didn't kill his father, who did?" Scott asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. "I don't know yet." Derek mumbled as we drove down the road. "Then how do you know he's telling the truth?" Scott rebuttled. "Because I trust my senses. And it's a combination of them. Not just your sense of smell." Derek said, jabbing at Scott's earlier lacrosse practice. "You saw the lacrosse thing today." I muttered, a small smile spreading on my lips. "Yeah." Derek replied, nodding slightly as a ghost of a smile returned mine. "Did it look that bad?" Scott asked, suddenly self-conscious. "Yeah. Not as bad as your sister though." Derek said, his voice turning dark. My eyes widened and I shot him a betrayed glance. Scott's eyes widened as he looked at me. I met his gaze for the first time since he got in the car and immediately turned away.

"What happened?" Derek asked us, his eyes flickering between me, the rearview mirror, and the road. "Nothing." I grumbled as I turned my face towards the window. Trees flew passed us. "We got into a fight." Scott grumbled. I glanced into the side mirror and saw him with his arms crossed over his chest. "What about?" Derek asked, sounding like our therapist. "Nothing." Scott grumbled. I decided I wanted to piss Scott off for some reason – probably because he told Derek we had a fight in the first place. "We were talking about why Peter bit me when he really didn't have to and Scott said it was because you and I were having sex." I told him.

The car swerved in shock as Scott shouted my name. "What?" Derek asked after he regained control of the car. "Yeah. And I said we weren't." I replied as Derek's green eyes stared at me with shock. "You said you were in love with him!" Scott pointed out, his voice raised to almost a shout. "That doesn't mean anything." I muttered as I leaned back into the seat and crossed my arms over my chest before staring out the window again. "I still don't get how this became about your sex life." Derek muttered. "Join the club." I grumbled.

"And then you decided to blame me for why you've changed into a bitch!" Scott shouted. I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth as my fists curled into my sides. "You don't get it, Scott. This has all affected me differently than it has you." I ground out through clenched teeth. "Okay, I think we're done with this conversation. I'd rather not have an angry she-wolf tear up my shirt and my car." Derek snapped at us. The car filled with tension again but stayed silent. I took deep breaths as I calmed myself down. When I finally was calm enough, I just felt terrible. Scott hated me. Stiles probably hated me. I was being an overall horrible person. And then add the fact that I was stuck in the friend-zone.

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