Tension... Lots of Tension

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After school, I got a text from Stiles. Can you grab some snacks and clothes for Derek? The text read. I sighed to myself and drove to the burnt Hale house. The cops hadn't returned since last night and I knew it was safe. So I quickly ran inside and up the stairs. But I froze when I opened his bedroom door. I stared at the bed I had slept in for four nights – a bed that brought me comfort when I thought he was dead. My eyes flicked to the spot on the wall he had pushed me up against and had kissed me with such a passion that my heart wanted to burst. Did he regret it? Was that why he wasn't talking to me? Last night was an exception but he had been avoiding me ever since he brought Scott home the night of the full moon.

As I quickly shoved some of his clothes into a grocery bag, I replayed that scene over and over again. His body had felt so warm pressed up against mine. I realized now that when I had whimpered, it hadn't been from pain but from pleasure. I remembered him shouting at me with his shifted face and I hadn't been the least bit frightened – I had been entranced. Even with his wolf-like features during the shift, he was stunning. "Get a grip, Evie." I chastised myself before I headed out of the room and out of the house. I stopped and grabbed some snacks at the gas station before finally pulling into Stiles' driveway. With the bags of clothes and snacks in hand, I headed up to the door. Before I had a chance to knock, Sheriff Stilinski opened the door. His eyes widened in surprise. "Evelyn, what are you doing here?" Sheriff Stilinski asked me. "I'm here to study." I said, remembering I had my backpack on. "I'm the snacks girl." I added, holding up the bag of chips and candies. "Okay. Have fun." He said, holding the door open for me before exiting himself.

With a sigh, I trotted up the stairs and knocked on Stiles' bedroom door. "Who is it?" Stiles asked almost frantically. "It's me, dumbass." I called teasingly. He quickly opened the door and smiled. "You're dad just left by the way." I told him as I entered the room. My gaze flicked around the room to see Danny – another lacrosse player – sitting at Stiles' desk and Derek near Stiles' dresser. He didn't have a shirt on. "Evie, you remember my cousin, Miguel, right?" stiles asked pointedly. I tore my gaze away from Derek and forced a smile. "Right, yeah." I said before setting down the snack bag on the desk next to Danny. "Um..." I started, turning to face Derek with the bag of clothes I brought him. His eyes stared at me intently, curiosity mixing with the many emotions in his green eyes. "Here." I said, finally getting my tongue out of my throat and handing him the bag of clothes. "Thanks." He muttered, taking the bag.

I nodded before awkwardly turning towards Stiles and Danny who were digging into the snack bag. I dug through the bag and pulled out a bag of gummy worms. "Hey, you want somethi –" I started as I turned to face Derek – who was totally naked. I just caught a glimpse of perfectly toned ass as he pulled on some boxer briefs. And, god, those should have been illegal on him. His back was to us but when I abruptly stopped my words, he glanced at us over his shoulder. A fevered blush spread over my entire body as I quickly tried to avert my eyes. "Oh my god." I murmured, not sure if I should sit, turn around, or leave. I decided on the later. "I'm just gonna – yeah." I muttered before quickly exiting the room. I closed the door behind me and took a deep breath as I leaned against the door. My heart pounded in my chest and my blush deepened when I closed my eyes. All I saw was his perfectly sculpted and almost completely naked body on the inside of my eyelids. Stupid memory.

"Water." I muttered to myself when I realized how dry my throat was. I chanted that word over and over again to myself as I swiftly moved downstairs and into the kitchen. I had been in this house so many times that I could have found the cups in my sleep. I quickly grabbed a glass and filled it with tap water before guzzling it down. I set the glass down on the counter as I tried to calm my racing heart and erase that image from my mind. I was so busy with trying not to think about what I just saw that I didn't hear a door open and close or footsteps coming down the stairs. "Evie." Derek's voice called from right behind me. I gasped, spinning around as my hand came to rest over my heart. He stared at me with a slight twinkle of amusement in his eyes.

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