Kanima VS The Pack

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Chris Argent sure knew how to drive because we were at the warehouse Derek told us to meet at before he and Peter were. "I think he stopped moving." Isaac called to us from where he stared at the body bag near the back of Chris' SUV. "Where's Derek?" Chris asked as he and I leaned against the front of the red SUV. I sighed and wrapped my arms around myself. I felt some sort of tingle, like the hairs on the back of my neck were standing on end. My eyes snapped to attention in front of me and not a moment later, Derek came bounding forwards on all fours. I smirked and rolled my eyes at him as he pushed himself off the ground and landed on his feet, staring at Chis Argent hesitantly. "Someone certainly enjoys making an entrance." I heard Peter's voice even though I couldn't see him. "Show off." I called, unable to keep the smile off my lips even with the gravity of our current situation. "I'm here for Jackson. Not you." Chris called to Derek as a show of good faith. "Somehow, I don't find that very comforting." Derek said before glancing around. His eyes landed on the body bag as I heard the material shift. "Get him inside." Derek insisted. Scott and Isaac grabbed the bag, dragging it into the warehouse as I followed behind Derek.

"Where are they?" Scott asked, glancing around. "Who?" Derek asked almost as if he wasn't concerned. "Peter and Lydia." My brother replied. Derek had explained that Lydia could save Jackson because she was the only person he had a real connection with. Derek didn't answer as he unzipped the body bag and raised his hand, claws ready to strike. "Whoa, hold on a second." Scott snapped, grabbing Derek's wrist. "You said you knew how to save him." Scott insisted. "We're past that." Derek replied gravely. "What about –" Scott tried only to be cut off. "Think about it, Scott. Gerard controls him now. He's turned Jackson into his own personal guard dog. And he set all of this in motion so that Jackson could get even bigger and more powerful." Derek insisted, his eyes locked on Scott's sternly. "No." Chris started from just behind me. "No, he wouldn't do that. If Jackson's a dog, he's turning rabid, and my father wouldn't let a rabid dog live." Chris insisted.

"Of course not." Gerard's voice rang out in the warehouse. I spun, claws extended and ready as I turned to face him. "Anything that dangerous, that out of control... is better off dead." Gerard told us with an almost teasing smile. Derek tried to swipe out at Jackson only to have claws shoved into his chest. I heard his grunt of pain and turned to see Jackson with his claws in Derek's chest, his eyes wide open. Jackson hissed as he stood, climbing out of the body bag. Chris raised his gun but the rest of us stared in terrified awe just before Jackson tossed Derek into the air through some plastic strips covering the doorway to the next room. "Well done to the last, Scott." Gerard called, snatching my gaze away from where Derek disappeared.

"Like the concerned friend you are," he continued, taking deliberate steps towards us. "You brought Jackson to Derek to save him. You just didn't realize that you were also bringing Derek to me." he finished, his sickening grin widening just before the sound of an arrow whizzing through the air sounded. I ducked, noticing the wound was actually two arrows – both of which buried themselves into Isaac's shoulders. "Allison?" Scott called out to her as she disappeared around the corner while I moved over to Isaac. I quickly grabbed one of the arrows and pulled it out as he ripped out the second one with a groan. Scott rushed past me and scooped up Isaac, dragging him towards where Derek had been thrown. I hurried after them, wrapping one arm around Isaac's waist to support him. A gunshot and a shriek came from behind me and I winced against the piercing sound. More gunshot sounded as I found Derek, pushing himself up. "Are you okay?" I asked him, leaving Scott and Isaac. "Yeah, but he's not." Derek called before fully shifting. I glanced behind me to see Chris with his knife out and the kanima plowing into him.

Derek rushed past me, flipping over a large crate before landing in a crouch on the other side. The kanima hissed and I knew I needed to get in there. I shifted fully and let out a growl as I jumped over the crate and landed next to Derek. His glowing red eyes met my glowing yellow ones, concern there. I nodded, letting him know this was right. He returned the nod before we stood up straight. I glanced to my right to see Scott and Isaac fully shifted, ready for battle as well. We converged on the kanima and Derek attacked. The kanima tried to swipe but Derek blocked the attack, countering it with a swipe to the face. But the kanima was quick to strike back, catching Derek in the stomach with its claws. Scott and Isaac tried attacking but were both thrown off. I jumped forward, grabbing the kanima's wrists to keep it from catching me as I pushed it into a tall, yellow structure. The kanima hissed and wriggled as it tried to escape but I had a good grip. Derek climbed up the structure as the kanima broke my grip, the scaly hand clasping around my neck. It threw me away before Derek had a chance to pounce. I slammed into a not-so nearby wall and dropped to the cold floor with a huff and a groan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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