Peter Is Back

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"Derek!" I called out, knowing he could hear me as I ran through the preserve and up to the burnt out Hale house. I dashed up the porch steps and threw open the front door only to stop in my tracks. I froze in place, the heat rushing from my body and into the floor as I stared at the familiar face of Peter Hale. "Ah! Hello, Evelyn." Peter greeted me with a cheerful smile, standing next to the staircase where Derek had been sitting. He stood now, his eyes filled with caution. But my entire being was wound like a spring, ready to snap. A rush of anger slapped into me like a tsunami as I started at the man who changed me into a werewolf. Who changed Scott. Who bit Lydia. Who almost killed me and my friends. The man who changed my life. The man who was supposed to be dead.

I think Derek noticed the rage building in my eyes – or maybe I was physically changing. I only barely registered my extended claws and fangs. "Evie, please. Just wait –" he started. But I didn't listen as I threw myself at Peter. I slammed into him, knocking him to the ground. He wheezed slightly as he hit the charred floorboards. He quickly recovered, flipping me off of him and into a nearby wall which broke under my impact. "Nice to see you too." He called out sarcastically as he jumped to his feet and I followed suit. I lunged again but was stopped by two strong arms. "Evie, stop!" Derek shouted, holding me back as I half-heartedly struggled to get Peter who was brushing off his clothes.

"Please, just calm down." Derek whispered into my ear, burying his face in my hair. Just his touch calmed me but the intimacy of his actions made me shift back. I breathed heavily as I stared at Peter with wide eyes. "You're dead." I growled at him. "Not anymore." Peter replied with a shrug and a smirk. His eyes looked me up and down, examining me. It wasn't exactly perverted, it was more in admiration. "I'm glad you didn't die. Who knows what would've happened to Derek." He said casually. "I was glad when you died too. But that was obviously short-lived." I growled at him, glaring daggers. "Evie, let me explain." Derek murmured, loosening his grip on my slightly. "Please, do." I insisted, never taking my eyes off of Peter. "Lydia brought him back. I don't know how or why." Derek added quickly. "And the reason you haven't killed him again is...?" I trailed off, waiting for Derek to fill in the blanks. "Oh, come now. I had hoped we would be friends. After all, we are basically family." Peter said tauntingly, practically begging me to rip out his throat again with his eyes. "He knows how to save Jackson. Not kill him, but really save him." Derek told me, turning me around in his arms to face him.

"And why do we believe him?" I asked Derek skeptically. "Because we're running out of options. Just trust me." he said, nodding slightly. I hesitated, reluctant to give in and be on the same side as Peter – even if only temporarily. I sighed heavily before nodding. "Okay." I replied. Derek offered me a small smile before pressing his lips to mine. I couldn't help but smile. It has been too long since he kissed me. I kissed him back, deepening it as our lips worked feverishly. I heard Peter clear his throat and I pulled one arm away from Derek to flip off the older wolf. Peter snickered and I could imagine him shaking his head. Then I felt one of Derek's hands slide down to my butt and give it a squeeze. I yelped against his lips in surprise, pulling away with wide eyes. "Whoa there." I teased, gently pushing against his chest. He brought his hand up to my lower back again. "I've missed you." he whispered to me, his voice low and sensual as he leaned his forehead against mine. "I missed you too." I told him with a surprised giggle. Peter cleared his throat again, the humor leaving his face.

"Can we leave now or are you two still busy ripped each other's clothes off?" he asked us rhetorically. I glared at him before my phone buzzed in my pocket. I quickly dug it out to see that it was Scott. "Hey," I answered it, moving out to the front porch. "What happened? Did Jackson kill anyone?" I asked my brother. "Yeah, himself." My eyes nearly popped out of my head when Scott said those words. "Himself? Why? Did anything else happen?" I asked, my concern kicking up another level. "Yeah, Stiles is missing. I don't know where he is but Isaac and I are going to track him and we could really use your help. Meet us at the school." Scott told me before hanging up. I put my phone away before turning to stare into the house at Derek and peter in disbelief. "Well, I guess that answers my next question." Peter said before heading past me, down the porch, and towards Derek's sleek black Camaro.

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