Parent-Teacher Conferences

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A knock at my door jostled me out of my sleep. I groaned, opening my eyes and rubbing the sleep from them. A soft blanket shifted on top of me and I felt no one next to me. I glanced over to see Derek gone, a small piece of paper lying on the pillow next to my head. The knock came again along with my mother's voice. "Eve? Honey, are you in there?" she called out to me from the other side of the closed door. "Yeah, mom. Just give me a second." I called, pushing the warm blanket away and grabbing one of my sweatshirts. I opened the door and scratched my head, my surprisingly messy hair tangling around my fingers. "Yeah?" I asked her as I leaned against the doorframe.

"You look like crap, honey. Are you alright?" she asked me, concern in her eyes. "Yeah, I just wasn't feeling well earlier. I think I ate some bad eggs or something." I said, remembering I had actually cooked breakfast this morning. "Oh, please tell me you're not getting salmonella." She pleaded. I laughed sleepily at her and shook my head. "No, just a stomach ache." I told her, smiling softly. "Why didn't you tell me you checked yourself out?" she asked, annoyance mixing with her confusion. "I felt so horrible – I threw up for, like, five minutes. And then I was just so tired that I passed out." I told her, lying slightly. After the ordeal at Derek's house, I had been really tired and I had felt like I would throw up – but I hadn't.

She nodded, her eyes full of sympathy. "Well, I have to go to the teacher conferences. Do you want to go?" she asked me. I yawned and nodded before heading back into my room. I slipped on my flip-flops and snatched up the note, shoving it in my pocket before following mom down to her car. "You must be hungry too. We'll pick something up on the way home." She promised me as I slid into the passenger seat and buckled up. "I'd like that." I told her with a smile.

The conferences ended and mom was angrily calling Scott – but she only got his voicemail. "Scott, you need to call me right now." she growled into her phone before hanging up. She was pissed the Scott's grades were crappy and he skipped today. I was old enough to sign myself out whereas he just straight up ditched. Seeing my chance to read the note without her noticing, I took it. I pulled out the folded piece of paper and read the note.

Maybe Scott was right. Maybe you should stay away. But I know you better than that. I'll see you soon.

– D

I smiled to myself before folding the paper back up and returning it to my pocket. "Excuse me," I heard my mother say. I looked up to see her talking to Allison's mother and father. "You're not Allison's parents, are you?" she asked them almost nervously. "I'm Scott's mom, and I hate to say it, but he's not answering his phone either." My mom told them. "Maybe it just died." I said, jumping in to try and save him even though I knew it wouldn't work. "You're his mother?" Allison's father asked in a disapproving tone. "Funny how you say that like it's an accusation." My mom said, her smile faltering. "Well, I wouldn't claim it as a source of pride since he basically kidnapped my daughter today." Mr. Argent snapped at my mother. "Whoa, let's just calm down." I suggested but neither of them listened to me.

"How do we know skipping school wasn't your daughter's idea?" mom asked, pointing at Mr. Argent. If only she knew how dangerous he really was. "My daughter –" Mr. Argent paused, his gaze moving passed my mother to Allison and Scott walking towards us, guilt and shame written on their faces. "Is right there. Let's go." Mr. Argent snapped as he pointed Allison away from Scott. "Where exactly have you been?" my mother snapped at Scott, her hands on her hips. "Nowhere, mom." He replied, his voice nervous and small. "Nowhere meaning not a school." She accused. "Kinda." My brother replied with a shrug. "It's not his fault. It's my birthday, and we were –" Allison tried but was cut off by her father. "Allison. In the car." he barked at her. She jumped slightly before following her parents.

Suddenly a scream split the air and Scott's arm held me behind him reflexively. Other people screamed as people ran to their cars. "It's here." I muttered so only Scott could hear me. He nodded as Allison stumbled into the parking lot. "Allison!" Scott shouted as a car raced towards her. He ran out and grabbed her, lifting her up and moving her onto the sidewalk. "Are you okay?" he asked her, his eyes wide. She nodded in reply. I glanced around, my mind frantic. Why was it here? "Move! Move!" I heard Sheriff Stilinski call. I ran towards the screams (because I must be insane) as my mother called after me.

I froze in my spot, suddenly faced with a mountain lion. But this one wasn't like the fake one that attacked me in the boys' locker room – this one was real. My eyes widened as it stared me down, preparing itself to lung at me. It leapt and I held my arms above my head defensively. A gunshot rang through the air and I jumped. Lying at my feet was the mountain lion, scarlet blood trickling down its side and staining its fur. I looked up to see Mr. Argent with a very large pistol still pointed at the beast in case it decided to get back up. But it was definitely dead.

"Evie!" Scott called, pulling me back slightly before checking for any injuries. "Evelyn Mae McCall! What the hell were you thinking?!" my mom snapped, turning me to face her. I stood, frozen in front of her, my eyes wide. She saw the fear and her features softened before she pulled me into a hug. I turned my head, letting it rest on her shoulder as she stroked my hair. I stared at the dead animal before my gaze flicked to Mr. Argent who stared at me with grave eyes. "Thank you." I muttered softly, my voice shaking slightly. He nodded before turning back to Allison and leading his shocked daughter back to their car.

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