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3rd Person POV

Stiles ran into the back room to see Evie on the floor, unconscious with IV stands surrounding her, and Derek and Peter gone. "Evie." Stiles called as he dropped to the floor next to her and moved some of the IV stands off of her. "Evie, wake up." he called softly, gently slapping her cheek. "Oh god." He muttered when she wouldn't wake up. He put his ear to her mouth and sighed in relief when he heard her breathing faintly. "It's okay, Evie." He told her as he lifted her unconscious body and carried her out of the hospital. He swiftly fumbled with opening the passenger door of his Jeep and then set her on the seat. He even buckled her up before closing the door and running around the hood. He dove into the driver's seat before turning over the engine and tearing out of the parking lot. "Come on. Come on." he muttered to himself as he tried to call Scott. But it went to voicemail after many rings. But Stiles knew exactly where Scott would be – so he drove to the school.

He parked and swiftly got out of the car before running through the parking lot. He fumbled with the door to get in before sprinting down the halls towards the locker room. Evie hadn't made a single sound or moved an inch since he had found her. He hoped with all his heart that she was alright. She was like the big sister he never had and loved dearly. He burst into the locker room to find Scott sitting on one of the benches, a slightly distressed look on his face. "Dude, we have a huge problem." Stiles said as he came to a halt, breathing heavily. "Trust me, I know." Scott grumbled. "About Evie?" Stiles asked, pointing at the entrance to the locker room over his shoulder. "What about Evie?" Scott asked, hopping to his feet. "Dude, get dressed." Stiles insisted when he realized Scott only had a towel around his waist. Scott nodded before swiftly dressing. He and Stiles bolted out of the locker room and Scott tugged his shirt over his head. "What happened to her?" Scott asked Stiles as they ran down the hall. "I don't know." Stiles replied frantically before they burst out of the building. Stiles ran to his Jeep with Scott right beside him as the passenger door opened.

Evie's POV

I groaned, my head pounding and my body aching as I opened my eyes. The darkness of night surrounded me as I recognized the interior of Stiles' Jeep. "What?" I whispered, wondering how I got here. The last thing I remembered was Peter choking me – and Derek doing nothing. I groaned again as I sat up slowly. I pushed open the passenger door and glanced around, recognizing the school. I let my legs hand out of the car as I closed my eyes and rubbed my head. Why did it hurt so much? "Evie!" I heard my brother's voice fill my ears as hands gripped the sides of my head. I winced and hissed in pain as I opened my eyes to fid Scott looking absolutely terrified. "Are you okay? What happened?" Scott asked. I groaned and slid out of the passenger seat. My feet hit the ground but my legs weren't ready for the impact. My knees buckled and Scott caught me. "Careful. You don't look so good." Stiles muttered as Scott helped me lean against the side of Stiles' Jeep.

"My head." I whimpered as I closed my eyes and held my head in my hands. "You have a pretty nasty bump." Stiles murmured from beside me as Scott held onto my arm. "What happened?" Scott asked me, his voice softer than before. "Peter – Derek's uncle – he's the alpha." I muttered as I forced myself to keep my eyes open. "I know. But what happened to you? Why do you look like you've been tossed through a wood chipper?" my brother asked. "I got thrown around by an alpha douchebag, crawled on some glass, and choked into unconsciousness." I grumbled, leaning my head back against the car as I stared up at the stars. "Where was Derek?" Stiles asked, his voice grave. "He was with me. He – he couldn't do anything." I insisted, my voice still a bit weak. "Bullshit." Stiles grumbled. "Peter had his hand around my throat. He could have crushed my windpipe or ripped it out before Derek could have gotten to me. He saved my life by doing nothing." I defended him. I saw anger in Scott's eyes but he didn't fight my words because I saw that he understood them.

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