Locked In

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Scott had dragged me through the school, into a classroom. Everything was too numb for me to remember everything that happened. "It's your boss." Stiles insisted as he and Scott tried to figure out how to keep us safe. "What?" Scott asked in shock. "Deaton, the alpha? Your boss." Stiles explained. "No." Scott protested. "Yes, murdering psycho werewolf." Stiles snapped in reply. "That can't be." Scott replied, seemingly in denial. "Oh, come on. He disappears, and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek 20 feet through the air? That's not convenient timing?" Stiles snapped. "It's not him." Scott insisted, shaking his head. "He killed Derek." Stile snapped.

"No, Derek's not dead. He can't be dead." I murmured, my arms wrapped around me protectively. "Blood spurting out of his mouth, okay? That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead, and we're next." Stiles snapped at me before turning to Scott. "Eve, listen to me." Scott murmured, gently taking my face to make me look at him. My brown eyes pleaded with him not to continue. "I know you and Derek were kind of friends. I understand. But Stiles is right – something like that, no one would come back from." Scott tried, his voice soft. "But he's a werewolf, like you. He could heal. He's not dead." I replied, shaking my head. Talk about denial.

"Okay, just –" Scott started before turning to Stiles. "What do we do?" he asked his friend. "WE get to my jeep, we get out of here, you seriously think about quitting your job, good?" Stiles suggested before heading to the windows. "They don't open." I called softly from where I sat on one of the desks. "The school's climate-controlled." I explained when I saw their confused glanced. "Then we break it." Scott suggested. "Which will make a lot of noise." Stiles pointed out. "Then, uh, then we run really fast. Really fast." Scott said before pausing.

"Stiles, what's wrong with the hood of your Jeep?" Scott asked. "What do you mean? Nothing's wrong." Stiles replied. "It's bent." Scott insisted. "What, like, dented?" Stiles asked as he peered out the window. "No, I mean bent." Scott replied as I got to my feet and peered out the window. "What the hell –" Stiles was interrupted when something flew right at our window. A yelp escaped my lips as Scott pulled me to the ground and Stiles joined us. Glass shattered and rained down around us. "That's my battery." Stiles muttered. I looked up to see that his car battery was indeed lying on the floor a few yards from us. "What about your car, Eve?" Stiles asked, turning his attention on me. "Yeah." I muttered, a small glimmer of hope willing my chest. But when I checked my pockets, that glimmer was murdered by the alpha. "My keys are gone. I must have dropped them outside when I fell." I told them, my eyes apologetic.

"Don't." Scott warned when Stiles started to crawl towards his battery. "We have to move." I insisted, my voice shaking. "He could be right outside." Scott insisted, his voice low. "He is right outside!" Stiles snapped at him. "Just let me take a look." Scott insisted before peering out the window. "Nothing?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper. "No." Scott replied. "Move now?" Stiles asked. "Move now." Scott confirmed before we dashed out of the room and into the halls. "This way." Scott insisted. "No, no, no, no." Stiles replied, shaking his head. "What?" Scott snapped, confusion in his eyes. "Somewhere without windows." Stiles suggested. "Every single room in this building has windows." I pointed out, an edge of agitation in my voice. "Or somewhere with less windows." Stiles suggested. "The locker room." Scott replied, the idea dawning on him. "Yeah." Stiles nodded. "Okay." I replied as they started to drag me away.

"Call your dad." Scott suggested as the three of us stood in the locker room. "And tell him what?" Stiles snapped. "I don't know, anything. Gas leak, a fire, whatever. If that thing sees the parking lot filled with cops, it'll take off." Scott suggested. It was a good idea and I figured the same. But I had to play devil's advocate. "What if it doesn't? What if it goes completely Terminator and kills every cop in sight, including his dad?" I asked, arms still wrapped around me. I don't think I had felt as terrified as I was then ever since my dad left. He had threatened to take me and Scott away even after my mom won sole custody. "They have guns, Eve." Scott tried. "Yeah, and Derek had to be shot with a wolfsbane-laced bullet to even slow him down, you remember that?" Stiles snapped.

I remembered. I thought about just before Scott had saved the day. I remembered holding onto Derek so tightly as I waited for Stiles to cut off his arm. Even in that horrible situation, it had felt almost right to be holding Derek. Like, having my arms around him was supposed to happen a lot more often. "Then we – we have to – we have to find a way out and just run for it." Scott insisted, trying to keep calm for me and Stiles. "There's nothing near the school for at least a mile." Stiles pointed out. "What about Derek's car?" Scott suggested. "That could work. We go outside, we get the keys off his body, and then we take his car." Stiles insisted. "And him." I added adamantly. "Fine. Whatever." Stiles replied, waving it off as he headed for the locker room door. Scott stopped him before he could open the door.

"What?" Stiles asked in confusion as Scott's eyes glazed over in thought. "I think I heard something." Scott told us. "Like what?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. Scott shushed me before listening intently. "Hide." Scott insisted, pulling me back from the door. "No, no, Stiles." He called as he pushed me behind him. Stiles pulled open the door to reveal a middle aged man standing on the other side. "Son of a bitch!" the man gasped, jumping in shock at seeing the three of us here. With his equipment, he looked like the janitor. "Quiet!" Stiles hissed at him. "Quiet my ass. What the hell are you trying to do, kill me? All of you get out." he snapped at us. "Will you just listen for half a second, okay?" Stiles snapped, keeping his voice low. "Not okay. Get the hell out right now." the janitor insisted. "God, just one second to explain." Stiles tried. "Just shut up and go." The janitor insisted, gesturing over his shoulder at the open door.

Suddenly a looming form jumped out of nowhere, attacking the janitor. "Go! Go!" Scott shouted as the alpha distracted himself with the janitor whose screams filled my ears. We ran down the hall and found one of the back doors. The three of us slammed against it, pushing. But it was stuck and only opened a few inches – not even enough for me to get out. "What the hell?" I asked, fear making my voice jump up a pitch. "It's a dumpster." Scott replied as he peered through the crack. "He pushed it in front of the door to block us in. come on, help me." Stiles insisted as he pushed at the doors, trying to shove the dumpster away by default.

"Stop!" Scott insisted, pulling us away from the door. "I'm no dying in here. I'm not dying at school." Stiles snapped defiantly before he went back to pushing at the doors. "We're not gonna die." Scott insisted, grabbing our attention. "God, what is he doing? What does he want?" I asked, my voice cracking with terror. "Me. Derek says it's stronger with a pack." Scott told us, making my eyes go wide. "Oh, great. A psychotic werewolf who's into teen work. That's – that's beautiful." Stiles snapped, his sass making me giggle against my will. I smiled sadly as I wrapped my arms around his torso. "If we die, you'll at least go out with your sass." I told him as he hugged me back. "Well, I am the Sass Master after all." He said with a small smile before we turned and started looking for another way out of the school.

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