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I arrived at school and parked before leaning my head back against the headrest. I took deep breaths to try and calm my still rapidly beating heart. Derek just kissed me. I just kissed Derek. My stomach fluttered as I remembered how good his lips had felt on mine – how right they were. I shook my head as I tried to focus on something else – like school which I was late for thanks to my impromptu make-out session with Derek. God, all my thoughts went back to that. I shook my head again before finally getting out of my car. I hurried inside to find Scott running down the hall towards the locker rooms.

"Scott?" I called after him just before Stiles joined the party by running towards me. "What's going on?" I asked him as I quickly fell into pace with him, following my brother. "I don't know. He just ran out of the test." Stiles replied as we ran down the hall. We turned the corner and burst into the locker room to find Scoot standing in the showers without his shirt. "Stiles, I can't –" Scott called, his back to us. "What's happening? Are you changing?" Stiles asked my brother. "No. No, I can't breathe." Scott said, turning to face us. His eyes flickered over me and I saw confusion in his eyes. "Here, use this." Stiles said, pulling an inhaler from Scott's discarded jacket. "Come on, do it." I insisted as Stiles handed my brother the inhaler. Scott quickly used it before calming down. "I was having an asthma attack?" Scott asked us, confusion written on his face. He hadn't needed his inhaler since he was bitten.

"No, you were having a panic attack. But thinking you were having an asthma attack actually stopped the panic attack. Irony." Stiles said with a small smirk on his lips. "How did you know to do that?" Scott asked. "I used to get them after my mom died. Not fun, huh?" Stiles commented, nodding slightly. I remembered when his mom died. It was really hard on him and his dad. "I looked at her, and it was like someone hit me in the ribs with a hammer." Scott explained, his eyes unfocused. "Yeah, it's called heartbreak. About 2 billion songs were written about it." I said, giving him a sad smile. Allison had broken up with Scott shortly after I left, saying she didn't trust him. "I can't stop thinking about her." Scoot said, shaking his head. His words instantly reminded me of Derek. I couldn't stop thinking about him kissing me. How the hell had I gotten myself into this mess?

"Well, you could think about this: her dad's a werewolf hunter, and you're a werewolf, so it was bound to become an issue." Stiles pointed out. "That wasn't helpful." I grumbled. "Dude, I mean, yeah, you got dumped, and it's supposed to suck." Stiles amended his statement. "No, that's not it. It was like I could feel everything in the room, everyone else's emotions." Scott replied, looking extremely frazzled. "It's got to be the full moon. So we'll lock you up in your room later just like we planned. That way the alpha, who is your boss, can't get you either." Stiles told him with a slight shrug. "I think we need to do a lot more than lock me in my room." Scott insisted. "What, you mean because if you get out, you'd be caught by hunters?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. "No. because if I get out – I think I might kill someone." Scott replied gravely. Great, just great.

That night, I waited for Stiles to come over. I heard muffled voices coming from downstairs and went to investigate. "Full moon." My mother said with a small smile. "What?" I asked, coming down the stairs with wide eyes. "There's a full moon tonight. You should see how the ER gets. Brings out all the nut jobs." My mom replied, smiling at me over her shoulder. "You know, it's, um, actually where they came up with the word 'lunatic'." My mom said before heading out the door. "Good, you're here. Let's set up." I said after mom left. "Yeah." He replied before following me up the stairs, carrying his backpack with him. We marched up the stairs and into Scott's room. I jumped back when I saw him on his bed and Stiles jumped too. "Oh my god! Dude. You scared the hell out of me. Your mom said you weren't home yet." Stiles exclaimed. "I came in through the window." Scott said, sounding grumpy. I guess the moon was already affecting him. "Okay. Uh, well, let's get this set up. I want you to see what I bought." Stiles said, a hint of excitement in his voice.

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