Late Night Gas Trips

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Stiles, Scott, and I arrived at the evidence lot at the police station where the bloody bus was being stored. We hopped out of Stiles' Jeep and headed towards the fence. "No, just me. someone needs to keep watch." Scott insisted once we reached the chain-link fence. "Why are we always the ones who keep watch?" Stiles asked, his voice a hushed yell. "Because there's only three of us!" Scott snapped in a whispered yell. "Okay, why am I starting to feel like you're Batman, Evie is Catwoman, and I'm Robin? I do not want to be Robin all the time!" Stiles snapped, his voice growing. "Nobody's Batman or Robin or Catwoman any of the time!" Scott replied. "Not even some of the time?" Stiles asked. "Just stay here." Scott replied, shaking his head as he started climbing. "Oh my god!" Stiles groaned before he and I went back to his Jeep.

"So, how was your talk with Derek? He gonna help Scott?" Stiles asked me as we watched my brother jump down from the fence and head towards the bus. "Yeah, he's helping. But he is the weirdest guy I've ever met." I muttered, shaking my head as I remembered earlier. He knew why I was there when I showed up but never said anything. He just asked me if I was scared of him. "What do you mean? I mean, yeah, of course he's weird, but in what way?" Stiles asked me. I watched Scott climb into the back of the bus and wander around. "He just says weird things." I muttered as I saw the distinctive glow of a flashlight. "Shit, honk!" I snapped at Stiles. "What?" he asked, glancing around. As he finally spotted the guard, I leaned over and honked the horn a few times. Scott suddenly dashed out of the bus and jumped over the fence. I dove into the back seat and groaned as I hit my back hard. "Go!" Scott snapped as he hopped into the passenger seat.

"Did it work? Did you remember?" Stiles asked after flipping the car around and speeding away. "Yeah, I was there last night. And the blood, most of it was mine." Scott revealed, his expression somber. "So you saw who attacked him?" I asked, leaning forward between the seats. "No. I saw red eyes in the bus. It wasn't me, it was Derek." Scott insisted. "What about the driver?" Stiles asked before I could protest. "I was trying to protect him." Scott told us, sounding relieved. At least he hadn't tried to eat the driver. "Wait, why would Derek help you remember that he attacked the driver?" I asked, trying to poke holes in their accusations. "That's what I don't get." Scott replied, scrunching his face in thought. "This had got to be a pack thing." Stiles suggested as we drove down the dark road. "What do you mean?" I asked, not really wanting the answer. "Like an initiation. You've got to kill together." Stiles explained as if it was fact.

"Because ripping someone's throat out is a real bonding experience." I snapped, slapping the back of his head lightly. "The point is you didn't do it! Which means you're not the killer! And it also means that..." Stiles trailed off. "That I can go out with Allison." Scoot said with a smile. "I think he was going to say that is mean you won't kill us." I replied, looking at my brother with annoyance. He really only thought about Allison anymore – the hunter's daughter. God, his love life was starting to sound like some Romeo and Juliet bullshit I learned in freshmen year. "Oh, yeah... that too." Scott replied, nodding slightly.

Stiles dropped Scott off at home and I ran inside. I quickly changed before coming back down and getting back in Stiles' Jeep. "Are you sure you want to go running this late?" he asked me as he drove us to the preserve. "Yeah. And besides, I need to get back into shape for track." I told him as I tied my hair in a messy ponytail. He pulled up to the preserve and stopped the car. "Just be careful, okay? Especially around Derek's place. Scott thinks he attacked the driver." Stiles pointed out making me roll my eyes. "Will do." I called before hopping out and taking off through the woods.

I ran and ran, my legs pumping beneath me. The temperature started to drop but I didn't pay any attention to that as my music blasted through my headphones. After running forever, I stopped and took a breather, taking out my headphones. The forest was silent – too silent to not remind me of a horror movie. A twig snapped to my right and I gasped, my eyes snapping in that direction. I scanned the trees, looking for anything. But it was almost too dark for me to see. Not my best idea. "Time to go." I mumbled to myself before I took off again. Another twig snapped and my heart pounded faster in my chest as fear and adrenaline flowed into my blood. I was going at a full sprint now. Derek's house. Get to Derek's I thought to myself. Another twig snapped and I looked back over my shoulder just before running into something hard. I yelped and faced forward again to see Derek standing in front of me. I glanced behind him to see that I had arrived at his house.

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