Study Group Defense

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"If we're doing a study group, why didn't we just stay in the library?" Lydia asked as Stiles drove the three of us back to my house. Thank god mom had a long night shift. She wouldn't be here for any of the action – which I was sure to come. "Because we're meeting up with somebody else." Stiles told her simply as we continued on down the road. "Hmm, well, why don't they just meet us in the library?" she asked him, pursing her lips in slight annoyance. "Oh, that would've been a great idea. Too late." I called from the back seat, leaning forward to be included in their conversation. We pulled up in front of my house to find Jackson and Allison waiting for us on my porch. "Okay, hold on." Lydia started as she climbed out of Stiles' Jeep. Jackson had dumped her a while ago. "Lydia, shut up and walk." Jackson snapped at her as he stood by the door. "What is he doing here?" I hissed to Allison as I quickly unlocked my front door. "He wanted to come help." she whispered in reply before the five of us filed into my house.

"If we're studying at Scott's house, then where's Scott?" Lydia asked. "I live here too." I told her. She nodded and shrugged it off. "Meeting us here, I think. I hope." Stiles muttered under his breath. "Thanks." I heard Allison mutter to Jackson. "I needed to talk to her anyway." He murmured in reply as Stiles came down from Scott's room with my brother's baseball bat, earning a confused look from Lydia. "Uh, there's been a few break-ins around the neighborhood." Stiles told her. "And a murder." I added for effect. "Yeah, it was bad." Stiles agreed, nodding slightly. "Lydia, follow me." Jackson told her as he headed towards the stairs. "I need to talk to you for a minute." He added. "You can use my room. Third door on the right." I called to them absentmindedly. "Seriously? What is going on with everyone?" Lydia asked as she followed Jackson up the stairs.

I glanced out the window, waiting for Scott to get here when I glanced outside. My eyes widened when I saw four werewolves standing in the middle of the street, in front of my house. "They're here." I called to the others, getting ready. I forced my claws out, my eyes changing with them. Allison quickly called Scott before turning to me. "Oh, jeez. What are you doing?" Stiles asked her when she pushed her hair back nervously. "I think – I think I have to call my dad." She told us, shaking her head slightly. "No, but if he finds you here – you and Scott –" I started protesting but she cut me off. 'I know. But what are we supposed to do? They're not here to scare us, okay? They're here to kill Lydia." She insisted.

"No." I growled, taking her phone and putting it in my pocket. "Hey!" she snapped, trying to get it back. "He will kill them. That's what he does. He's allowing Scott to live and I don't think he knows about me. But you heard him the other night – one exception is all he can take. He will kill them. If it comes to that, we'll do it. I won't have them dying just because of what they are." I growled at her. She stayed where she was, searching my golden eyes. She finally nodded. "Okay. Your way it is." She replied. I returned her nod before hesitantly handing her phone back. She took it and slipped it into her back pocket before sighing heavily.

"I got an idea." Stiles spoke up suddenly as Allison pulled her mini crossbow out of her bag. "Just shoot one of them." He told her. "Are you serious?" she asked him in disbelief. "We told Scott we could protect ourselves, so let's do it. Or at least give it a shot, right?" Stiles suggested. I groaned and shook my head. "Okay." Allison muttered in reply. "Look, they don't think we're gonna fight, so if one of them gets hit, I guarantee they'll take off. So just shoot one of them." Stiles continued with his speech. "Which one?" Allison asked him. "Uh – Derek. Yeah, shot him, preferably in the head." Stiles told her, nodding. "Stiles!" I snapped at him. "If Scott was able to catch an arrow, Derek definitely can." Allison rebuttled. "Okay, uh, just shoot one of the other three then." Stiles replied. "You mean two." Allison said as she looked out the window. "No, I mean three." Stiles replied as he and I both looked through the curtains. "Where the hell is Isaac?" I growled, concern filling me as well as a little panic.

I heard footsteps and the sound of my door busting open. I spun around just in time to get Isaac's foot in my face. I groaned and fell to the ground, spitting out some blood. "Son of a bitch!" I snapped, glaring up at him. "You said to go around back. Thanks for the tip, coach." He taunted me as he stood over me. I saw an opening and I took it. I kicked out, my foot connecting with his groin. He grunted in pain before slumping over. I quickly got to my feet and grabbed the back of his head before repeatedly slamming my knee into his gut. When I stopped, he was breathing heavily, lying on my carpet with his hands gripping his stomach. "Don't touch me again." I growled at him. He swiped up at me with the last of his energy, his claws raking along my thigh. I cried out in pain and fell down next to him. He smirked at me as he tried to push himself up. But I shot my foot out in anger and it connected with his jaw. He head snapped to the side so fast that I thought I might have broken his neck. But when he collapsed, I heard his heart beating. He was just knocked out.

A thump on my roof made me look up. "Allison!" I called out to her. I quickly and frantically pulled myself to my feet, waiting for my wounded thigh to heal. I hobbled over to the bottom of the stairs to see Allison dragging Erica down the stairs. Erica was unconscious. Allison's brown eyes held rage and satisfaction all at once. "What did she do to you?" I asked her teasingly. "She tried to steal my boyfriend." Allison replied just as another figure came running into the dining room through the back door. I turned, fangs barred and claws ready. "Whoa!" my brother called out, jumping back. I relaxed and smiled slightly. "What did I miss?" he asked, looking between Erica and Isaac. "Oh, nothing much." I replied with a shrug.

He gave me a confused and approving smirk before taking Erica and Isaac and heading to the front door. I limped, following him out with Allison and Stiles behind me. Scott threw both of them at Derek who stood there calmly. "I think I'm finally getting why you keep refusing me, Scott. You're not an omega, you're already an Alpha of your won pack. But you know you can't beat me." Derek said with an approving smirk. "I can hold you off until the cops get here." My brother shot back at him. I heard the faint wailing of police sirens and figured Stiles or Lydia had called the cops. "Get them out of here." Derek told Boyd as Isaac shook his head and came back to consciousness. He pushed himself to his feet and turned, glaring at me.

"You bitch!" he growled, heading back towards the porch. Derek's arm snapped out and caught the beta's arm. "I told you not to touch her!" Derek shouted at him, his eyes flickering from my thigh to Isaac who glared but shrunk back at his alpha's words. Isaac took a few steps back before helping Boyd with Erica who had also woken up. But she was paralyzed. A screech filled the air and I winced, covering my ears. We all moved off of my front porch and into the grass. Stiles helped me down the front steps and we turned to see the kanima on my roof, glaring at all of us before disappearing off my house and into the woods. Then the sound of heels came out onto my porch. We all turned to see Lydia standing there with wide, scared eyes. "Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on?" she asked all of us. I glanced around, looking for the one missing person before meeting my brother's gaze. "It's Jackson." Scott said gravely. I nodded before looking back at the woods.

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