Chasing Lydia

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Everything has changed. I haven't seen much of Derek since then. I mean, he helped Scott deal with me during my first full moon – which had been the night after I was bitten. They had taken me back to the basement of the Hale house and chained me up. That didn't exactly help with keeping me calm but I didn't kill anyone. So I guess that's a plus. But now... I don't know. Things just felt so different. I felt on edge a lot more than I had and I was extra snippy. It was like constant PMS. Stiles told me that Peter had bitten Lydia but she hadn't healed like I had. But she wasn't dead either. The bite didn't affect her at all. It was the strangest thing. But Stiles ended up staying the whole weekend at the hospital.

I sighed to myself as I laid on my bed. Scott was over at Allison's – even though Mr. Argent had basically threatened to kill him if he ever went near Allison again. But he loved her and I guess it was wrong for anyone to try and keep them apart. But a part of me resented them. Maybe it was because I had told Derek I loved him and he hadn't said anything. We've barely spoken about what I said that day. If we ever talked about it, it was more werewolf related. He would text me every now and again to see how I was adjusting – but I wanted him here. I wanted to see him. I sighed heavily again before rolling onto my stomach, holding my pillow close as I tried to sleep. But my dreams brought no real comfort, only questions and more concern.

My breaths came shallow and quick as his lips caressed my neck. His fingers dug into my thighs which were wrapped around his hips. My fingers tangled with his black hair as he pulled away from my neck and met my gaze with love and passion. Those gorgeous green eyes burned into my soul. He flashed a smirk before his lips were on mine. I kissed him back with as much passion as I was receiving. Suddenly, we were moving away from the wall I was pressed against. I never broke the kiss and neither did he until I felt soft fabric underneath me. He left a trail of kisses across my jaw and down my neck before he started sucking at the sensitive skin. A soft moan escaped my lips as his fingers pushed my shirt up. He broke the kiss just long enough to strip me of my shirt. His lips met mine as I raked my nails down his back, earning a sensual groan. "I love you." I whispered as he kissed my collarbone.

A scream jostled me out of my sleep and I sprang up, covering my ears. The sound seemed too loud but so far away. Stupid wolf hearing. But I recognized that scream. "Lydia?" I muttered to myself. What would she be screaming about? She was at the hospital, right? A few moments later, I got a text from Stiles to meet him at the hospital. I groaned, wishing I could go back to my dream. Well, I wished my dream had been real. That would have been much better than just a dream. But I got up and put on a hoodie before heading out to my car. I quickly drove to the hospital to find Stiles and Scott waiting for me. I parked and hopped out, shoving my hands in my pockets. I was not in the mood for this kind of bullshit. But, then again, I never was anymore.

"What's going on?" I asked them as I approached. "Lydia ran off." Scott muttered as Stiles gave me a small, concerned smile. "How you feeling, Eve?" he asked me, his voice soft and gentle. "Peachy." I replied curtly. Stiles and Scott had tried to be there for me through my transition. They really had tried, but a part of me kept pushing them away. Maybe it was something that had to do with the new me. But I had no idea what it was. Stiles had tried to be there more than Scott had – mostly because Scott had Allison and figured Stiles would take care of me. But no one really could anymore because none of them knew that much more than me – except for Derek.

I noticed something in Scott's hands and knitted my eyebrows together in confusion as the scent of dried blood hit my nose. "What are you holding?" I asked him, nodding towards his hands. "Lydia's hospital gown." Scott muttered, blushing slightly. "Wait, did she leave naked?" I asked them. Stiles nodded slightly. Well, this suddenly got a little more interesting. "I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her. Not again." Scott told both me and Stiles. "Alright, just shove the thing in your face and let's find her." Stiles mumbled, concern for Lydia clear in his brown eyes. Scott took a big wiff before handing me the hospital gown. I took it hesitantly, shooting a questioning look at my brother. "You're a werewolf now. You can help us." he told me, offering an encouraging smile and nod. I reluctantly took a big wiff of the hospital gown and instantly caught the scent. Lydia smelled like lavender soap and mango perfume.

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