A Werewolf Pissing Contest

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A scream woke me up not half an hour after falling asleep. I jerked up, a dull pain shooting through my wounds as I tossed the bedspread aside and ran to Scott's room where the screams had come from. I ran into the room and jerked to a stop when my mom and Stiles both screamed, a baseball bat in my mother's hands. "Crap, mom!" I gasped as she put the bat down. "Stiles, what the hell are you doing?" she asked, turning her attention to my friend who was standing on Scott's bed. "What am I doing? God, do you even know how to play baseball?" Stiles asked, using his favorite tactic of cracking jokes. "You don't need to know how to play to be able to use a bat." I pointed out.

Footsteps pounded up the stairs and a moment later, Scott stood beside me. "Can you please tell your friend to use the front door?" my mother snapped at Scott. "You locked the front door. He wouldn't be able to get in." Scott pointed out. "Yeah, exactly! And by the way, do any of you care about the police enforced curfew?" she asked all three of us. "No." the boys replied together. "Since when have I ever cared about a curfew?" I pointed out to her. She nodded as if to say 'good point'. "Alright them, you know what? That's enough parenting for me for one night." mom said before setting down the baseball bat and leaving. "Good night!" she called as she disappeared into her room down the hall. "Good night." Scott and I called after her before turning to Stiles.

"What?" Scott snapped at him. "My dad left for the hospital fifteen minutes ago. It's the bus driver – he said he succumbed to his wounds." Stiles informed us. "Succumbed?" my brother asked, confused by the vocabulary word. "Scott... he's dead." I muttered softly. Scott's eyes flashed with anger as he pulled me by the arm down stairs. "Where are we going?" I asked as Scott grabbed my keys and pulled me outside, towards my car. "I'm gonna kick his ass." Scott growled before hopping in the car. I had no choice but to follow and Stiles ran after us. "Wait!" he called but Scott pulled out of the drive way and we tore down the road, leaving a confused Stiles behind.

We pulled up in front of Derek's house and Scott got out after quickly turning off the car. 'Scoot, wait!" I called after my brother, moving at a much slower pace. "Derek!" Scott called, anger clear in his voice as he pushed open the front door and went inside. "I know you're here! I know what you did!" Scott shouted, his eyes flickering around the house. "I didn't do anything." Derek's disembodied voice came, echoing through the house. "You killed him!" Scott shouted as he moved up the stairs. "He died." Derek's voice floated to us as Scott made it up the stairs and glanced around. "Scott, don't." I whispered, knowing he could hear me.

"Like your sister died?" Scott called, throwing a low blow. "My sister was missing. I came here to look for her!" Derek snapped, his voice echoing through the house as Scott came back down the stairs. "You found her." he called back just as he reached the bottom of the steps. "I found her in pieces! Being used as bait to catch me!" Derek shouted, seeming to appear at the top of the stairs from thin air. "I think you killed them both. I'm going to tell everyone. Starting with the sheriff." Scott threatened as I backed slowly into the front door. This was going to get real ugly, real fast.

Scott growled and suddenly his face shifted. His ears were pointed and his eyes burned a bright gold as his teeth became fangs and nails became claws. Derek jumped down the full length of the staircase and landed in front of Scott who grabbing him and threw him through a wall. A scream escaped my lips as my hands tried to muffle it. Derek got up, in the dining room, and took off his jacket. "That was cute." He muttered before shifting. God, how did he manage to look amazing and terrifying at the same time? I huddled closer to the door as he flew past me and right at Scott. I dropped to the ground and hid my face as they fought. "Stop it! STOP!" I shouted over the sound of things breaking as I pushed back on the tears welling up in my eyes. I wasn't scared of either of the werewolves, just what they might do to each other.

"I didn't kill him! Neither of us did!" Derek shouted. I looked over my hands to see Scott on the floor and Derek hovering over him. Both had shifted back to their human forms. "It's not your fault and it's not mine!" Derek snapped at my brother. "This? This is all your fault! You ruined my life!" Scott shouted as he pulled himself to his feet. "Oh so I attacked your sister?!" Derek snapped, throwing a low ball as he gestured to where I was huddled against the floor and the front door. "You're the one who bit me, so yeah!" Scott snapped, glaring hard. "No, I'm not!" Derek replied, his voice lowering slightly.

"What?" Scott asked, eyes wide with shock. "I'm not the one that bit you." Derek replied, his voice almost back to normal. "There's another..." Scott muttered. "It's called an alpha. It's the most dangerous of our kind. You and I, we're betas. This thing I more powerful, more animal than either of us. My sister came here looking for it, and now I'm trying to find him. I don't think I can do that without you." Derek told my brother. I stared, watching there exchange as my body shook. Why was I shaking so much? "Why me?" Scott asked, confusion clear in his voice. "Because he's the one that bit you. You're in his pack, Scott. You're the one he wants." Derek revealed.

My eyes flashed wide as I shook my head. "No." I snapped, my voice surprisingly strong. They both looked at me as if they had forgotten I was there or had never imagined I would speak. "What?" Derek asked, almost sounding offended. "I said 'no'." I snapped, my voice even stronger as I pushed myself up on shaky legs. "I'm not letting you take my brother and use him as bait." I growled as I came to stand between the two werewolves, my back to Scott as I glared at Derek. "I'm sorry about your sister – I really am – but I will not let Scott meet the same fate. He's only sixteen!" I snapped, a sudden rush of anger filling me. "And my sister was twenty-four!" Derek shouted, glaring down at me. It was definitely intimidating but I was so full of anger and protectiveness for my brother that I didn't really notice. "I understand Derek but I'm not letting this happen!" I shouted in return.

"Fine! Do you want to get bit and help me then?! Cause I'm sure we can find him and offer you up!" he snapped, his fists clenching at his sides. My heart clenched at his words as shock radiated through me. My eyes turned sad and I knew he saw it because his eyes softened as if realizing what he just suggested. I stiffened my shaky lower lip before spinning around and grabbing Scott's arm. "We're leaving." I grumbled as I pulled my brother along. "Fine!" Derek shouted after us as I marched my brother down the stairs and over to my car. I grabbed my car keys out of Scott's coat pocket before getting in the car. I sat inside and Scott joined me, a concerned look in his eyes. I looked a deep breath before sighing and resting my forehead against the steering wheel.

"Eve..." Scott started, his voice soft. I sighed heavily before sitting up again. "I know." I muttered before turning the key in the ignition and driving away. The car was filled with a tense silence as I drove us back home. Something about fighting with Derek left a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. I pulled into the driveway and got out of the car before heading up to the front porch. Scott followed me silently all the way upstairs until I stopped in front of his room. I sighed again and turned to face him. "I know I can't stop you if you really want to do this." I started. His brown eyes stared into mine with concern. "But, please, for the love of God, be careful." I begged him. He offered me a small smile and nodded. "I will." He replied before pulling me in for a tight hug. After that, I went to bed.

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