Controlling Your Anger

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"Wh – he wants you to tap into your animal side and get angry?" Stiles asked the next day as we walked through the halls. "Yeah." Scott muttered, nodding slightly. Neither me nor my brother had told Stiles everything that happened last night. We left out the fight but told him about the alpha. Apparently Derek had contacted Scott later and told him to get angry to understand the alpha. "Alright, well, correct me if I'm wrong, but every time you do that, you try to kill someone, and that's usually me or Evie." Stiles snapped, gesturing between himself and me. "I know. That's what he means when he says he doesn't know if he can teach me. I have to be able to control it." Scott insisted. This was all new to me. I hadn't expected Derek to contact Scott at all – especially not after last night.

"Okay. When are you seeing him again?" stiles asked. "He told me not to talk about it. Just act normal and get through the day." Scott said, maneuvering around the question. "When?" I asked, turning to my brother with hands on my hips. "Why? You wanna tag along?" Scott snapped before realizing what he said. "He's picking me up at the animal clinic after work." Scott added with a heavy sigh. "After work. Alright, well, that gives me to the end of the school day then." Stiles said, a smile spreading on his face. "To do what?" Scott asked hesitantly. I was a bit hesitant as well but didn't say anything. "To teach you myself." Stiles replied with a smile. "Meet us on the field at lunch." Stiles called as he and Scott continued to their class while I entered mine.

I was glad I had packed a lunch today and ran to the field as soon as the lunch bell rang. "You're late." Stiles called to me as I flopped down onto the bleachers, tossing my bag on them. "This is exactly how I wanted to spend my free period." Scott griped as I met him and Stiles on the field. Stiles had a lacrosse stick, a pile of balls on the ground at his feet. Scott stood a few yards away with his hands duct taped behind his back, some sort of monitor wrapped around his arm. "Alright. You ready?" Stiles asked, handing me another lacrosse stick. "What are we doing?" I asked. "No." Scott replied to his friend's question. "Remember, don't get angry." Stiles reminded Scott before catching a ball in the net of the lacrosse stick. "I'm starting to think this was a really bad idea." Scott called just before Stiles chucked the ball at Scott.

"Holy shit!" I called, a surprised smile on my lips as the ball hit Scott's arm. Stiles let another ball fly and it hit Scott square in the chest. "Oh, man. Okay, that one kind of hurt." Scott called. "Quiet. Remember, you're supposed to be thinking about your heart rate, alright? About staying calm." Stiles reminded my brother before turning to me. "Come on, Eve, take a shot." He encouraged, nodding to the lacrosse stick in my hands. I twirled it around, thinking for a moment before deciding to agree. I picked up a ball in the net and whipping it at Scott. "Aah!" Scott groaned in pain as the ball hit him in the crotch. "Oh shit!" I gasped, a hand over my mouth. "Son of a bitch!" Scott hissed. "Are you okay?" I asked him. He nodded and gave me a pain-filled smile.

"You know what? I think my aim is actually improving." Stiles teased. "Wonder why." Scott grumbled. "Don't get angry." Stiles reminded. "I'm not getting angry." Scott replied. After a few more shots from both me and Stiles, Scott dropped to the ground, ripping his duct tape restraints. "Shit." I hissed as me and Stiles ran towards him. "Stop. Just – can we just hold –" Scott started as his fingers dug into the grass. "Scott?" I called softly when he seemed to relax a bit. "Scott, you started to change." I said softly from where I crouched next to him. "From anger. But it was more than that. It was like, the angrier I got, the stronger I felt." Scott explained, lifting his head to look at us. "So it is anger, then. Derek's right." I muttered, nodding my head. "I can't be around Allison." Scott said, shaking his head sadly. "Just because she makes you happy?" Stiles asked. "No, because she makes me weak." Scott insisted.

We left the field and went into the locker room to return the gear we had borrowed. "Alright, you stay away from her for a few days, you can do that." Stiles tried as we put the lacrosse sticks with the rest of the teams. "But is it a few days, or is it forever?" Scott asked. He was really concerned about this and it just proved how much he cared about Allison. You know, this whole 'women make you weak' thing is a little too Spartan warrior for me. It's probably just part of the learning process." I tried. But in truth, I was kind of offended by that. Women could be a strength too – just like having a loving mom made you a better person. "Yeah, but you've seen Derek. I mean, the guy's totally alone. What if I can, like, never be around her again?" Scott asked, leaning back against the wall.

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