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I decided to skip school. I know, I'm a bad child and a bad influence. But as I crossed the parking lot of the high school, I spotted Scott and Allison dashing to her car, giggling with guilty looks in their eyes. I dropped down behind one of the parked cars as Allison's car sped out of the parking lot. With a devilish smirk to myself, I ran to my car and drove off. I parked at the entrance to the preserve and glanced around. No other car was here so I figured no one else would be out here. "Perfect." I muttered to myself before making my way through the preserve towards Derek's house. After the other day, I wanted to check on him. But I also had this need to be around him just to piss off Scott.

I arrived at the Hale house and climbed up the steps, pushing the door open without knocking. I stepped inside and closed the door only to be met with a shirtless Derek, his back to me as he did some pull-ups on his workout bar. "You should knock." He said as he continued to exercise. I was basically frozen. The tattoo I saw the other night was now in full view. The black in formed three spirals that met almost like a triangle. The tattoo moved with the muscles in Derek's back as he continued to exercise. He dropped down onto the ground and started doing push-ups. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?" he asked. I was totally distracted by the sweat glistening down his back. "Uh, yeah. I, um, skipped." I muttered, shaking my head. "I figured." He replied as he went to one-armed push-ups.

"Wow. Okay, can – can you just stop for a minute?" I asked him. A blush passed over my cheeks as he stood and turned to face me. "What? I thought Scott didn't want you anywhere near me." he muttered, breathing a little heavier than normal as he faced me. "Scott doesn't control me. I'm older than him." I snapped, annoyed that he thought my little brother dictated my life. "Good." Derek replied simply. "Still doesn't tell me what you're doing here." He pointed out. God, he looked amazing. "Uh, I wanted to check on you – after the other day, you know. I haven't been able to ask you how you were doing." I told him. He smirked and shook his head. "You came to piss off Scott." Derek guessed. I nodded, smiling at the fact that he knew me better.

He froze suddenly, listening intently. Suddenly he rushed at me, lifting me off my feet and carrying me away. My back hit a wall and his hand covered my mouth. What the hell? He held up a finger to his lips in a signal to stay quiet. I nodded and he removed his hand before listening. I glanced around and realized we had ended up in the kitchen. My back was pressed up against a wall, a corner to my left and a short hall that led to the living room just passed that. But most of my attention was focused on the fact that Derek was pressed very close to me. I wondered if he noticed our proximity.

A crash signaled that the front door was kicked in and I jumped, turning my head away from the corner as I gripped Derek's shoulders reflexively. His eyes snapped to me, his arms caging my body as footsteps sounded in the house "No one's home." A masculine voice called. "Oh, he's here. He's just not feeling particularly hospitable." A woman's voice replied, a certain slyness in her voice that made me unease. "Maybe he's out burying a bone in the backyard." The first voice replied. "Really?" I mouthed to Derek who rolled his eyes.

"Really? A dog joke?" the woman snapped, echoing my thoughts. "We're going there, and that's the best you got? If you wanna provoke him, say something like," she paused, her voice malicious and taunting. "Too bad your sister bit it before she had her first litter." She called. My eyes snapped to Derek's. They glowed a bright blue and I knew that his claws were out too. I shook my head and he closed his eyes, leaning his head towards my shoulder. "Too bad she howled like a bitch when we cut her in half!" the woman shouted, a dark eagerness in her voice.

Derek's eyes flashed open as he shifted completely. He growled, jumping around the corner next to me. Gunfire sounded, covering my yelp as a bullet grazed my arm closest to the corner. I gripped my arm, deep scarlet instantly staining my fingers. The sounds of a fight filled my ears and soon enough I peeked around the corner. A man lay on the floor but Derek fought another. I jumped into the small hallway that connected the kitchen to the living room as the fighting continued. I ran into the living room, desperate to get out of here when I froze. A woman with curly blonde hair hit Derek with a stick, sparks of electricity flying off of it. A taser baton. Derek jerked before falling to the ground.

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