Training Day

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I was sleeping not-so soundly when I got a text waking me up. I groaned and flipped over, grabbing my phone and checking it. Stiles needed me to pick him up from the mechanic shop and he needed me to bring Scott too. I groaned again before pulling on a hoodie and slipping my feet into my flip flops. I grabbed my keys and shuffled down the hall to Scott's room. I gently knocked on the door. He pulled it open and nodded. I knew he had gotten the same text I had. We quickly headed to the mechanic's shop to find cops surrounding it. I was about to park when Stiles climbed in the back seat of my car. "You okay?" I asked him. "Yeah. You were right, it's not like you two." Stiles told us. I thought back to the other night when a creature had attacked Allison in Isaac's house. It hadn't seemed like any kind of werewolf I had seen – and I had seen a few.

"I mean, its eyes were almost like, reptilian. But there was something about them." Stiles said, shaking his head slightly as he thought. I pulled away from the crime scene and started driving us towards Stiles house. "What do you mean?" Scott asked him. "You know when you see, like, a friend, in a Halloween mask, but all you can actually see are their eyes and you feel like you know them but you just can't figure out who it is?" Stiles asked us. I knew that feeling even without masks. You never really know who people truly are. "Are you saying you know who it is?" I asked him. "No, but I think it knew me." Stiles replied, his voice grave.

We had decided to talk about this some more the next day but I got a text from Derek saying to meet him at the Iron Works with the word 'urgent' in all caps. I groaned to myself before reluctantly grabbing my gym bag full of my regular clothes. I told my gym teacher I had an appointment to get to and she let me leave without another question. I drove down to the Iron Works, covered in dry sweat. I parked in front of a building and listened. I heard the sounds of rushing movements in the building next to me and headed inside, leaving my gym bag in the back seat. Erica hopped over a table before jumping onto a support column and launching at Derek. He simply put his arm out, his palm slamming into her chest. She fell to the ground with a groan, landing flat on her ass.

I didn't think anyone had noticed me as Derek turned to face his pack. "Does anyone wanna try not being completely predictable?" Derek asked them, sounding annoyed and disappointed. Erica suddenly jumped on him, wrapping her legs around his hips as she kissed him fiercely. I felt my heart clench and darkness well up in my stomach at the sight. Derek shoved her back to the ground and she stared up at him in anger and shock. "That's the last time you do that." He growled, pointing at her. "Why? Because I'm a beta?" Erica snapped at him. "No, because I have someone else in mind for you." Derek said before turning his gaze on everyone else. "Are we done? I got a hundred bones that need a few hours to heal." Isaac complained.

Then Derek reached out and grabbed his wrist before bending it at an unnatural angle. "A hundred and one." Derek growled as Isaac hissed in pain. "You think I'm teaching you how to fight? Huh? Look at me!" Derek shouted when Isaac didn't meet his gaze. "I'm teaching you how to survive!" he snapped. "If they wanted us dead why aren't they coming for us now? What are they waiting for?" Isaac asked his alpha. "I don't know. But they're planning something. And you, especially, know that's not our only problem. Whatever that thing is that killed Isaac's father, I think it killed someone else last night. Until I find out what it is, you all need to learn everything that I know. As fast as I can teach you." Derek growled.

I sighed heavily as I leaned up against one of the support columns next to the entrance to the warehouse. I looked at my nails like I didn't care, examining the fresh polish. "This is why you brought me here? I thought you said this was urgent." I called out to them, pretending to be bored. "You wouldn't have come otherwise. Besides, this is urgent." He insisted as he walked over to me. "How?" I asked simply as I crossed my arms over my chest and stood up straight, jutting my hip out. "Because you need to learn too. Whatever this thing is, it's out there and that means you're in danger – we all are." He told me, trying to use logic to convince me. "So... What? You want me to help you teach your betas? Aren't I just a – what is it – an omega? Right?" I asked him. He nodded simply. I sighed before shrugging.

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