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"Two's not enough for Derek." Scott said as he confronted Erica the next day. "I know he needs at least three. So who's next?" he asked her as we stood in the empty hallway. "Why does there have to be a next when we've already got you two?" she asked us. Even her voice had gotten much more seductive since being bit. "Who's next?" I asked her, my voice a little gentler than Scott's. "You know, I never knew what I looked like during a seizure until someone took a video of me once and put it online." She told us, crossing her arms over her chest. "I don't care." Scott snapped at her. I elbowed him in the ribs. "It happened during class. I started seizing in my desk and everyone was saying how they should put something in my mouth until some genius reads the card on my key ring which tells him not to 'cause it could break my teeth." She continued as if Scott hadn't spoken.

"Erica." Scott growled her name. But she ignored him and continued. "Do you know what happens next? I piss myself. And they start laughing. You know, the only good thing about seizures was that I never remembered them. Until some brilliant jerkoff... had to go and put cameras in everybody's phone. Look at me now, Scott." She said before stepping towards my brother as she rested her hands on his chest. He quickly pulled them away, holding her by her wrists. "That's right. You only have eyes for her." Erica said when Allison came around the corner before disappearing again. She pulled away from him and turned to face me. "And he only has eyes for you, doesn't he?" she asked me, crossing her arms again to push up her already extensive cleavage. "What?" I asked her, confusion filling me. "I mean, here I am, ready and willing – and he still says no. What makes you so special?" she growled at me before pushing passed us. I stared after her with confused eyes. "What was that all about?" I asked myself. I looked over at Scott to see him open his mouth before quickly closing it. "Good choice." I teased him before looking back at where Erica had walked away.

Boyd's table was empty at lunch today. Scott, Stiles, and I quickly deduced that he would be Derek's next target. So that night we decided to split up. Scott and I went to check the ice rink while Stiles went to Boyd's house so we could find him. "Boyd." I called as we pushed open the ice rink doors. He sat on top of the Zamboni – a machine that cleans the ice rink. "We just want to talk." I called as Scott and I walked carefully onto the ice without skates. "Hey, come on, Boyd, please." Scott called. Boyd turned off the Zamboni before looking at us with annoyance. "Did Derek tell you everything? And I don't just mean going out of control on the full moons. I mean everything." Scott asked him. "He told me about the hunters." Boyd said, nodding his head. "And that's not enough for you to say no? Whatever you want, there's other ways to get it." I insisted. "I just wanna not eat lunch alone every day." Boyd replied, his voice small. "If you're looking for friends, you can do a lot better than Derek." Scott tried.

"That really hurts, Scott." Derek's voice called out in mock sadness. I spun on my heels to find him standing on the ice a few yards from us, flanked by Erica and Isaac. "I mean, if you're going to review me, at least take a consensus. Erica, how's life been for you since we met?" Derek asked her. "Hm. In a word... transformative." She said, flashing a seductive smirk. "Isaac?" Derek asked, gesturing to him. "Well, I'm a little bummed about being a fugitive, but other than that, I'm great." Isaac said, flashing a wide smile. "And then there's Evie. You and I both know how she feels about me." Derek said, gesturing between himself and my brother. A lump caught in my throat at him acknowledging my confession. He hadn't said anything about returning the feelings and I wondered if he ever would or ever had. "Okay, hold on. This isn't exactly a fair fight." Scott said as Erica and Isaac shifted. "Then go home, Scott." Derek insisted.

"He meant unfair for them." I growled as I allowed myself to shift. "Watch her. She's a wild one." Derek muttered to his pack before turning his gaze on me. "You learned to control that quickly." He commented, his hands clasped in front of him. "So did your lackeys." I shot back. Erica was the first to attack. She threw herself at me and knocked me down onto the ice. But I used her own momentum against her and kicked her off of me. She flew over me and slammed into the wall surrounding the ice.

With great balance and skill, I flipped up off of the ground and turned to see Scott fighting Isaac. I didn't expect to have arms wrapped around my torso, pinning my arms to my side. Painful claws dug into my arms and I cried out in pain before tossing my head back into my attacker's face. Erica whimpered as she touched her nose. "Bitch." She hissed at me. "Bring it on." I growled at her, claws at the ready. She launched herself at me but I moved out of the way and slammed my elbow into her back. She collapsed to the ice and I picked her up before tossing her at the Zamboni. I felt a little bad for hurting her but she attacked me first. She slammed into the Zamboni and went limp, a soft whimper the only sign that I hadn't seriously injured her.

I looked up to see Scott breathing heavily like me with Isaac unconscious at his feet. He and I both slid our defeated opponents across the ice to Derek. "Don't you get it?" Scott called to Boyd who still sat on the Zamboni while my eyes stayed locked with Derek's green ones. He almost seemed proud that we had defeated his pack so easily. But that wasn't all I saw. I saw too many different things to guess. He glanced down at Erica before turning his gaze on me again, and I swear, he smiled. "He's not doing this for you. He's just adding to his own power, okay?" my brother called out as Erica and Isaac stirred at Derek's feet. I heard them groan in pain as they slowly pushed themselves to their feet. "It's all about him. He makes you feel like he's giving you some kind of gift when all he's done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs!" Scott shouted at them before pulling me close. I lifted up the front of my shirt, just below my bust line, to reveal the scars that hadn't healed with my transition into a werewolf.

"Remember that mountain lion that attacked me? It wasn't a mountain lion or some psycho. It was Scott. He couldn't control it." I called to them before pulling my shirt back down. "What makes you think you can? You're going to hurt someone you care about." I shouted. "It's true. It is about power." Derek replied simply, as if I hadn't spoken. Was he ignoring me? No, he couldn't be – not with how he just looked at me. "Don't." Scott said as he turned to face Boyd. "You don't want to be like them." I added, shaking my head. "You're right. I wanna be like you." Boyd said before pulling up his shirt to reveal a bite mark on his side. He slid down from the Zamboni and headed towards Derek and his pack. Derek smirked in triumph until his eyes met mine again. His smirk faltered and I saw a bit of guilt flash so briefly in his eyes. But then it was gone and so was he.

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