The Alpha

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Stiles and I walked into the Beacons Crossing Home attached to the hospital. We searched the desk my mother usually sat at but couldn't find any trace of her. She must have left for Scott's game tonight. "Yeah, I said we can't find her." Stiles told Derek over the phone. Derek waited outside in Stiles' Jeep while we checked the place out. "Look, ask for Jennifer. She's been looking after my uncle." Derek instructed. He stopped in the doorway to Derek's uncle's room. He had been here for six years – ever since the fire – comatose. "Yeah, well, he's not here either." Stiles said as we stared into the room with an empty bed and an empty wheel chair. "What?" Derek asked, shock in his voice. "He's not here. He's gone, Derek." I replied, a tiny thread of fear in my voice. "Get out of there right now – it's him! He's the alpha! Get out!" Derek urged us over the phone.

"You must be Stiles and Evelyn." A voice called, making both of us snap our heads up. A man stood before us, half of his face covered in burn scars. "What are you doing here?" another voice called. We spun around to see a nurse standing behind us. "Visiting hours are over." The woman snapped at us. "You – and him. You're – you're the one who – oh, my – and he's – oh my god, we're gonna die." Stiles said, scrambling for words. "Oh, shit." I hissed as I grabbed Stiles' hand and held it tightly. He pulled me to his side and slightly behind him as we waited.

Then, out of nowhere, Derek appeared and punched the nurse, he head slamming into the wall as the sound of her neck cracking hit my ears. "That's not nice. She's my nurse." Derek's uncle – Peter – said to his nephew. "She's a psychotic bitch helping you kill people." Derek growled at Peter. "Get out of the way." Derek snapped at me and Stiles. "Oh, damn." Stiles muttered as he pressed us against the wall. "You think I killed Laura on purpose? One of my own family? My mind, my personality were literally burned out of me. I was being driven by pure instinct." Peter tried to reason with Derek. "You want forgiveness?" Derek growled, anger clear in his eyes. "I want understanding." Peter snapped before grabbing Stiles and tossing him into the waiting room. "Stiles!" I cried as I watched him slam into the wall and fall to the floor.

"Do you have any idea," Peter started as he hit Derek. "What it was like for me during those years?" he asked as he hit Derek again. "Slowly healing, cell by cell. Even more slowly coming back to consciousness." He continued as he hit Derek a few more times." Yes, becoming the alpha, taking that from Laura pushed me over a plateau in the healing process. I can't help that. I tried to tell you what was happening. I tried to warn you." Peter growled before lifting Derek up by the throat and tossing him through a glass wall. I yelped as glass rained down around him. He was hidden behind the desks but I knew he was hurting.

Then Peter turned his gaze on me. I may not have been afraid of Derek but Peter terrified me. "What a pretty thing?" he commented as he stroked my cheek. I pushed his hand away defiantly before I tried to punch him. I had to fight or I would die and I knew that. Peter grabbed my wrist and twisted it. I cried out in pain as I dropped to my knees. "Oh, I like her spirit, Derek." Peter mused before grabbing me around the throat and tossing me after Derek. I went through the hole in the glass and slammed into come cabinets on the others side. I groaned in pain as my body took the full impact. I fell, landing on the counter before rolling off and onto the glass covered floor. I bit my lip and closed my eyes as pieces of glass dug into my back and tears of pain welled up.

I felt Derek's hand pull me close to him and I opened my eyes to meet his. Concern and an apology stared back at me. I simply nodded, trying to tell him I was okay even though I was sure I had a concussion. He nodded in reply before pulling me along. I flipped onto my stomach and we crawled around the corner over the glass. I whimpered as shards of glass cut my shirt and bit into my skin. Derek pulled me into a sitting position, leaning me against a desk, before positioning himself in front of me. He was breathing heavily as he sat next to me, one arm in front of me as a sort of shield. Peter strolled forward easily. "I was going to wait, for dramatic flair, but," Peter said, before spinning a rotating mirror on the desk beside him. The mirror spun and he watched his reflection, the scarred half of his face towards us.

And then, right before my eyes, it healed. He had been handsome before the fire – but I was too terrified to think about that. "When you look this good, why wait? Derek, you have to give me a chance to explain." Peter started. His arm shot out so fast that Derek didn't even have a chance to try and stop Peter from lifting me off the ground and holding me at his side, his fingers wrapped loosely around my throat. "After all, we're family." Peter said with a smirk. "You want to explain? Fine. Just let her go." Derek replied, a pleading hidden under his words. "But she's so pretty, Derek. And she has fight." Peter added before his gaze landed on my arm. I hadn't realized that my sleeves had ripped open enough to reveal the scar on my arm. His smile grew as he examined the claw marks. "You really are a fighter, aren't you?" he asked me before lifting me off of my feet. My throat almost immediately constricted and I gasped for air. "Peter, let her go, she has nothing to do with this!" Derek snarled at his uncle as tiny, black dots started to invade my vision. "You care for her, Derek. So she has a lot to do with a lot of things." Peter replied as the dark spots grew over my vision and my head started to hurt, my lungs aching for air. "Derek..." I heard my hoarse voice call out before my vision tunneled and finally went completely black.

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