A Kiss

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"You sure it was Derek Hale?" Sheriff Stilinski asked me, Scott, and Stiles. The cold evening wrapped around me as we stood outside of the school, police cars and paramedics surrounding us. "Yes." Scott replied. "I saw him too." Stiles added. There was a silence as I stared at the ground. "Evelyn?" Sheriff Stilinski called. "I don't know. I was too scared." I told him, my eyes never leaving the asphalt. "What about the janitor?" Scott asked. "We're still looking." Sheriff Stilinski replied. "Did you check under the bleachers? Under them?" Scott asked. "Yeah, Scott, we looked. We pulled them out just like you asked, there's nothing." He told us. "I'm not making this up." Scott started as I zoned out a bit. I held my car keys in my hand – one of the deputies had found them on the ground by Derek's car.

I closed my eyes as I imagined that intense way Derek had looked at me a last night. There had been so many emotions in his eyes and I wondered what they had been. I wish I knew. I wish I knew what I was feeling so I could have told him sooner. The alpha had made away with his body as well as the janitor's and I couldn't help the horrible images passing through my mind. Ones of the alpha eating their remains – god, I wanted to throw up at that thought. I remembered how Derek had held me after Kate Argent had attacked us and last night. I remembered the way his skin had seemed to singe mine and wondered if he had felt that say wave of electricity running through his body.

"It wants me in its pack." Scott's voice brought me out of my thoughts. "But I think, first – I have to get rid of my old pack." Scott said, his eyes sad. Sheriff Stilinski was gone and it was just the three of us. "What do you mean? What old pack?" Stiles asked my brother. "Allison. Jackson, Lydia. You two." He replied somberly. "The alpha doesn't want to kill us." I muttered, shaking my head. "It wants me to do it. And that's not even the worst part." Scott said hesitantly. "How in holy hell is that not the worst part, Scott?" Stiles asked, his arms waving in the air. "Because when he made me shift – I wanted to do it. I wanted to kill you. All of you." Scott told us. My eyes widened and I shrunk away from him slightly. He had wanted to kill us all. That wasn't exactly reassuring considering the approaching full moon.

"I'm gonna take off." I muttered, turning quickly from my brother and Stiles. "You guys can catch a ride with the sheriff, okay?" I called over my shoulder before heading to my car. "See you at home, Eve." Scott called almost absently. I climbed into my car and let go of a breath I hadn't known I was holding. I shoved the key into the ignition and turned over the engine before pulling out of the parking lot. My nerves were fried and now that I was alone, my thoughts ran wild. Derek's car was gone when the police arrived. What did that mean? Was he alive? How? Did the alpha steal his car to escape? I barely paid attention to the road as I drove on autopilot.

I only snapped out of my thoughts when I felt myself stop the car. I looked out the windows at my new surroundings. The preserve shrouded in the darkness of night met my eyes. Right in front of me was the old, burnt out Hale house. Why had I come here? I thought that my autopilot would have taken me home but apparently not. I climbed out of my car, feeling like I was completely numb and burning up all at the same time. My legs carried me even though I wasn't sure I wanted to go. What was I looking for here? What did I expect to find? I climbed up the porch steps. I hesitated at the door for some reason. I felt like I should knock even though I knew it wouldn't make a difference. I had barged in here so many times before without knocking that it wouldn't have mattered if Derek was alive or not.

I pushed open the door and silence met me. From what I could see, the house was completely empty. I climbed the stairs, my fingers gliding over the scorched hand rails. I reached the top and turned towards Derek's room. Why was I here? I kept asking myself this over and over again but never came up with an answer. I pushed open the door to his bedroom and caught myself half expecting him to be sitting there, reading a book or something. But the room was dark and empty. I stood beside the unmade bed and stared at it. I was completely exhausted so I pulled off my shoes and crawled under the blankets, pulling them up to my chin. Closing my eyes, I felt the sting of tears building up again. He was dead and there was nothing I could do about it. I knew that if he was alive, he would have come back here. This was his home after all. But no, he was gone. I couldn't keep it in anymore. All of the stress and fear from running for my life mixed with a longing to have him here to tell me it was okay and a grief that I had never known.

Four days have passed since the incident at the school. And for some strange reason, I found myself going to the old Hale house in the middle of the night and sleeping there. I guess I found comfort in staying there. But it didn't really matter because today was the first day school was open again. Great, Monday morning. I groaned as I turned off my phone alarm and went through my daily routine. I was grateful that Derek's house still had hot, running water. I took advantage of that and the surprising electricity. I showered quickly before blow-drying my hair and getting ready for school. I didn't want to go. I didn't want to go back to the parking lot where Derek died and Scott thought about killing us. But I had to and I knew that. I was grateful my mother hadn't been asking questions as to why I was coming home early in the morning. She had asked the first night, freaking out, but I told her I was fine and I just needed some time to be alone.

I sighed as I examined myself in the bathroom mirror. Most of the second floor had been untouched by the fire and Derek's room was one of those places. Forcing myself to smile into the mirror, I opened the bathroom door and headed back into his room. But then I froze, eyes wide in shock. My voice caught in my throat as I opened my mouth to speak. Standing a few feet in front of me was Derek Hale himself. He stared at me with surprised and amused green eyes. "Hey." He greeted, a small smirk on his lips. That pulled me out of my trance. "HEY?!" I snapped, my voice loud and angry. "You've been gone for days! I thought you were dead – we all did!" I shouted at him, suddenly very angry. I should have been happy – Derek was alive. But why hadn't he told me? "I've been thinking you were dead for the last four days and all you say is 'hey'?!" I snapped at him, taking small steps towards him. His eyes were apologetic but I barely noticed because I was too frustrated. "Why didn't you tell me? You know, it would have been nice to –"

At first I only noticed his hands gripping my hips as my back hit the wall. And then there were his lips. They were on mine with a ferocity that almost scared me. But this was Derek and no matter what happened, I had never truly been scared of him. His lips worked with mine in a fevered passion as I melted into him. My arms wrapped around his neck, my fingers tangling themselves with his black hair in an attempt to bring him closer. He kissed me so hard and so passionately that I was practically melting in my shoes. His body was so close to mine and his fingers dug so roughly into my hips that everything else was forgotten.

I didn't know if it was the force with which he kissed me or the pressure of his fingers digging into my hips that made a small whimper escape my lips. But as soon as that noise left me, he pulled away, back to me. My heart pounded against my ribs as I took in ragged breaths. I could see Derek's shoulders rising and falling rapidly and knew he was just like me. My eyes were open wide in shock as I felt my cheeks flush. He just kissed me. That was all my mind could think about. Everything else was shrouded in fog – even the thought of school. "Wow." I muttered, my voice low. "You should leave." I heard him mutter, his voice low and heavy. "What?" I asked him, my mind not completely registering his words. "I said you should leave." He replied, his voice a little louder and filled with something a little animalistic. Confusion clouded my mind. Leave? Why did he want me to leave after a kiss like that?

"Derek, I –" I started. But then he whipped around to face me. "Get out!" he shouted, in full shift. I froze, eyes still wide. But I wasn't afraid. He breathed heavily and I wondered if he was really angry. I stayed still as my eyes searched his glowing blue ones. There was no malice or anger there – only something I couldn't decipher. Just another piece of the puzzle that is Derek Hale. I reached up slowly, my hand surprisingly steady. I waited for him to stop me – to push my hand away and yell at me to get out again – but he didn't. Surprise flashed in his eyes as my fingers touched his transformed face. I brushed my fingers over his forehead and down to his jaw. My thumb brushed across his high cheekbones as I committed this face to memory – a face that excited me more than anything. Had I affected him so much that he had shifted?

I brought my other hand up to his cheek as I cupped his face. His eyes met mine with such intensity that my heart skipped a beat. And then I leaned forward slowly. I waited for him to stop me, but again, he stayed still. My lips met his in a much tamer kiss than our first one. I could feel his fangs on the other side of his lips but I didn't care. He was a dangerous person, but to me, he was someone who I knew would never hurt me. My lips brushed against his again and I closed my eyes. He still didn't move. I turned around without looking at him and grabbed my school bag before leaving him standing in his room, a confused expression on his shifted face.

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