Detention Attack

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Well, we found Jackson – at the police station and in human form – with his lawyer father at the ready. "You will not go within 50 feet of Jackson Whittemore." Sheriff Stilinski read to us from the court-issued restraining order. "You will not speak to him. You will not approach him. You will not assault of harass him physically or psychologically." The sheriff finished, disappointment in his eyes as he stared at his son. "What about school?" I asked, arms crossed over my chest as I sat with Scott and Stiles in the interrogation room. "You can attend classes while attempting to maintain a 50 foot distance." He replied with a small nod. "Bu... okay, what if we both have to use the bathroom at the same time and there's only two stalls available and they're only right next to each other?" Stiles asked before quickly shutting his mouth. "I'll just hold it." He mumbled under his father's steely gaze.

Finally we were let out of the interrogation room and mom was pissed. "Move!" mom snapped, pointing at the door. "It's not just this. Although, a restraining order is a new low that I didn't think that you would reach quite this soon. It's everything on top of it. The completely bizarre behavior, the late nights coming home, having to beg Mr. Harris for you to make up that chemistry test that you missed." Mom listed, facing Scott. "I missed a chemistry test?" Scott asked in confusion. "Really, Scott? Really? And Evelyn Mae." Mom started, turning to face me. I was in deep shit if she used my full first name and middle name. "You have been skipping so many classes and signing yourself out that it is absolutely ridiculous. And after you spent the night trapped in school, being chased by a psycho? You disappeared for days! What the hell was that about?" she snapped at me, arms crossed over her chest. I couldn't exactly tell her I had thought Derek was dead, especially since he had supposedly been the bad guy of that night. "I just needed some space. After that and the mountain lion attack – I just needed some time to be alone." I told her. Not exactly a lie.

She sighed and shook her head. "I have to ground both of you. I'm grounding you. You are grounded." She told us, trying to be the big bad mom that she never was. "What about work?" Scott asked her. "Fine... other than work. And no TV." She added. I groaned to myself. I guess I could survive without TV though. "My TV's broken." Scott told her. "Then no computer." She replied. I made a small, pathetic noise of protest, glaring at Scott. "I need the computer for school." Scott told her. "Then no, uh... no Stiles." She replied. "What – no Stiles?" Stiles asked, jumping up behind her. "No Stiles!" she shouted, holding her hand out to stop him from continuing. "And no more car privileges. Give me your keys – both of you." she told us, holding out her hands.

"Give them to me!" she snapped at us. Scott handed them over but I held them tightly in my hands. "Oh, for the love of god." She growled at me before snatching them away. A pitiful whimper came from my lips as I watched her pull my car and motorcycle keys off of my key ring before fumbling with Scott's. "Mom, you want me to..." Scott tried, reaching slowly for the keys. "No." she snapped at him. "Mom, come on, let me just... mom. Mom!" he snapped when she wouldn't stop. She gave up with a sigh and let him remove the car key. "What is going on with you two? Is this about Allison and that guy you won't tell me about?" mom asked us. Scott shot me a subtle, confused look before turning back to mom. "Do you really want to know?" my brother asked her. "Yeah. Is this about your father? It is, isn't it? Okay, you know what, um... we'll talk about this at home. I'm gonna go get the car." Mom mumbled before pushing past us with sad, brown eyes. I sighed heavily as I watched her leave. "You told her about Derek?" Scott asked, muttering softly. "Not specifically. She helped me figure out that I loved him." I replied with a shrug. "Not that it matters right now anyway." I added, mumbling the words under my breath. It didn't at this point. I didn't know what Derek was going to say and until I did, there was nothing that could come of my feelings. Sad but true.

The next day, Scott, Stiles, and I met Allison in the library. Apparently she had managed to get Lydia to translate the bestiary – which was in archaic Latin. "It's everything Lydia could translate. And trust me, she was very confused." Allison said as she passed her tablet through a space in the books on the shelves. "Yeah, what'd you tell her?" I asked, smirking softly to myself as I imagined Lydia looking confused and possibly annoyed. "That we were part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures." Allison replied with an embarrassed laugh. "I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures." Stiles said, his tone very serious. "O-oh. Great." Allison replied, trying to play off her embarrassment at possibly offending Stiles. I just outright giggled. He shot me a loving glare before we got serious again.

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