Nightmares Coming True

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"So you killed her?" I asked as I walked into the school with Scott and Stiles. Scott had a really horrible nightmare last night about killing Allison in one of the buses. "I don't know! I just woke up. I was all sweaty and I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before." Scott told us, almost panicked. "Really? I have. Usually it ends a little differently." Stiles muttered. "I said I have never had a dream that made me feel that way." Scott replied. "And never give me that much insight into your dreams again." I added, crinkling my nose in disgust. "Noted. Let me take a guess, here." Stiles started but Scott cut him off.

"No. I... I know. You think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow. Like I'm gonna lose control and rip her throat out." Scott grumbled. "No, of course not!" I snapped, wrapping an arm around my brother's shoulders. "Yeah, that's totally it." Stiles added. I shot him a glare and he flinched. "Hey, come on, it's gonna be fine, alright? Personally, I think you're handling it pretty amazingly. You know, it's not like... like there are some lycanthrope beginners classes you can take." Stile pointed out, trying to get me to stop glaring at him. I smiled, satisfied with his new answer.

"Yeah, not a class, but... maybe a teacher." Scott mused. "Who, Derek??" Stiles asked, eyes wide. "Did you forget the part where you two dumbasses got him put in jail?!" I snapped, turning to face them as I walked backwards with ease. Walking backwards in heels should be impossible but I managed. "Yeah, I know! But... chasing her, dragging her to the back of the bus, it just felt... so real!" Scott explained, clearly desperate to learn control. "How real?" I asked, turning back around so I was walking forwards again. "Like it actually happened..." Scott trailed off, eyes wide with shock as we opened one of the back doors to see police swarming one of the yellow buses, blood splattered all over the inside and the back door ripped off its hinges. "Oh my god." I muttered under my breath. "I think it did." Stiles added, eyes wide and voice low.

"You find Allison. I need to talk to someone." I told them as we backed into the building again. "Who?" Stiles asked as Scott whipped out his phone and began texting Allison. "Derek. I'm going to try and convince him to train my dumbass brother." I told him before taking off the other way. I ran out into the parking lot and hopped on my motorcycle. Scott got a ride from Stiles earlier this morning because I was running a bit behind schedule. I pulled on my helmet quickly before starting the engine and tearing out of the school parking lot. I drove up to the preserve parking lot and parked before dashing into the trees. My legs pumped beneath me and I realized I was still in good shape for track. My back and stomach started to hurt when I finally stopped in front of Derek's house.

I stared up at the old house. The paint outside was charred and chipped and I knew the inside was just as bad. Why would he even be living here? I jumped when my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and answered. "Scott, you scared me." I muttered, laughing softly. "Sorry, I just wanted to let you know we found Allison. She's okay." He told me, clear relief in his voice. "Good. That's good." I muttered, nodding as I glanced at the woods around me. "Where are you? Stiles said you were going to talk to Derek." He told me, a sort of chastising tone in his voice. "Yeah, I'm outside his house. I'm gonna try and convince him to help your dumb ass instead of killing your dumb ass for getting him thrown in jail." I told Scott, an agitated tone in my voice. "Fine. Just promise you'll be careful. I don't trust him." Scott almost begged. "Will do. Talk to you later." I replied before hanging up.

I tingle down my spine told me someone was watching me. My gaze immediately snapped to one of the second floor windows. My eyes were met with glowing blue ones. "Can we talk?" I called, my voice shaking slightly. I didn't necessarily trust him either but I was giving him the benefit of the doubt. The figure with the blue eyes moved away from the window without a word. I groaned internally before jogging up the rickety porch steps. I paused at the door, wondering if I should knock. But he knew I was here, so I took a deep breath and pushed open the front door.

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