Night School

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We managed to trap the alpha in the locker room after shoving a desk against the door. But the desk blocked the hall. "Come on, get across." Scott said, pointing at the desk. On the other side was the way to get to more of the building. "What?" Stiles and I asked at the same time. Scott rolled his eyes before jumping over the desk and holding a hand out to me. I took his hand and climbed over the desk, Stiles right behind me. "What are you doing?" Scott snapped when he realized Stiles wasn't following us. "I just wanna get a look at it." Stiles said as he looked through the crack in the door. "Are you crazy?" I snapped at him. "Look, it's trapped, okay? It's not gonna get out. We're that's right, we got you!" Stiles started to taunt the alpha. "Will you shut you?!" Scott snapped at his best friend. "I'm not scared of this thing. I'm not scared of you. Right, cause you're in there. And we're out here. You're not going any –" Stiles jumped away from the door when the alpha rammed into it. A small squeal escaped my lips before the three of us ran off through the school.

"Wait." Scott muttered, stopping us in our tracks by holding his arm out in front of us. "Do you hear that?" he asked, his eyes unfocused as he listened. "Hear what?" I asked. "It sounds like a phone ringing." Scott said, confusion passing over his face. "What?" Stiles asked, almost sounding bored. "It know that ring. It's Allison's phone." Scott told us, eyes wide. We all ran at that point, following Scott who was following the sound of the phone with his super wolf hearing. But the ring must have echoed too much because Scott groaned before asking for Stiles phone. He dialed Allison's number which was programmed in Stiles' phone before waiting. "Pick up, pick up." he muttered. "No, it's me, where are you?" Scott answered after Allison's muffled voice answered. "Where are you right now?" Scott asked her after a moment. "Where? Where are you exactly?" Scott asked her. There was a short pause. "Get to the lobby. Go now." he instructed. Another moment passed and he hung up.

We ran to the lobby and saw Allison waiting for us. "Why did you come? What are you doing here?" Scott asked her frantically. "Because you asked me to." Allison replied, confusion written all over her features. "I asked you to?" Scott asked, the confusion covering his features as well. "Why do I get the feeling you didn't send this message?" Allison asked before handing her phone to Scott to read the text. It was simple, really – only instructing her to meet him at the school. "Because I didn't." Scott replied, handing her the phone back.

"Did you drive here?" Stiles asked her urgently. "Jackson did." She replied simply. "Jackson's here too?" Scott asked, annoyance and anxiety building in his voice. "And Lydia. What's going on? Who sent this text?" Allison asked as I saw the fear grow in Scott's eyes. Three more people he had to look out for. "Finally." A voice called as she and Jackson strolled into the lobby. "Can we go now?" she asked, turning to face Jackson. A creaking noise sounded from above just before the alpha crashed through the ceiling. Lydia screamed as I grabbed her hand. "Run!" Scott shouted as the others followed us.

We ran into one of the science rooms and Scott immediately grabbed Mr. Harris' desk. "Help me get this in front of the door." Scott instructed. Jackson – who looked terrified but obedient – helped Scott move the desk. "Scott, wait, not here." I tried as I stared at the large wall of window that covered the entire exterior wall. "What was that? Scott, what was that?" Allison asked as everyone pushed chairs and desks in front of the door – everyone except for me and Stiles. "What came out of the ceiling?" Lydia asked, her wide eyes even wider than normal. "Will you just help me? the chairs, stack the chairs." He ordered. "Guys – can we just wait a second?" I called even though I knew they wouldn't listen. "You guys, listen to me, w – can you wait a second? Guys? Stiles talking." Stiles called as the others ignored him and continued stacking chairs. "Can we hand on one second, please? Hello!" Stiles shouted at the group, catching their attention. "Okay, nice work. Really beautiful job, everyone. Now – what should we do about the 20 foot wall of windows?" Stiles snapped, gesturing to the wall with arms wide.

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