At Last

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Evie's POV

A soft groan escaped my lips as I felt my head lull to the side. My fingers curled around the soft sheets under me. I forced my eyes open when I realized I was actually on a bed instead of the hard table Mrs. Argent had strapped me to. I blinked rapidly, washing the sleep away. A figure sitting in a chair next to the bed shifted, sitting up a little straighter. I didn't need my heightened sense of sight to see those familiar green eyes. The rest of his features were hidden in shadows as moonlight spilled through the large window behind him, creating a halo around his head. "You're awake." Derek's voice came out as a relieved mutter. "Scott. Where is he?" I asked, my voice hoarse as my dry vocal cords rubbed against each other. "I sent him home. He's fine." Derek insisted before reaching towards something on the nightstand. A glass of water, I realized. I slowly pushed myself into a sitting position as the tired, achiness of my muscles slowly ebbed away. "Careful." Derek insisted in a soft tone as he moved from the chair to the edge of the bed. He handed me the water and I took small, slow sips before handing it back to him.

He set the water back on the bedside table and a heavy silence fell around us like a thick blanket. "Don't do that again." He said. His voice was barely a whisper and his eyes were locked on mine, a certain pleading in them. "Do what?" I asked him, my voice getting back to normal. "Don't..." he trailed off with a heavy sigh, running his fingers through his hair as he tore his gaze from mine. "Derek..." I prompted him softly. His eyes met mine again with a new kind of intensity. He had always had intense stares – but this one was different. This was the first time I had seen real fear in his eyes. "You... you have no idea. When I saw you... don't scare me like that again." He said, a sort of begging tone underlying his words.

"I thought you were dead when I found you and Scott. And then you didn't wake up until just now... it's been four hours. I thought you would have woken up sooner." He muttered, shaking his head. "I... I don't think I've ever been that... that terrified before." He admitted hesitantly. I sat, my eyes never leaving him as I listened. He sighed before tearing his eyes from me. He turned his green gaze onto his hands that rested in his lap. "I thought I would lose you before I could tell you my decision." He said before a dry laugh left his lips. "I should have known you were stronger than that." he said, a small smile on his lips as he met my eyes again. I licked my lips nervously as I prepared myself.

I was about to ask what his decision had been but his words made me freeze. "I love you." he told me. My eyes instantly started to search his for any sign of a lie as I listened to his heart beat. He reached over and gently held my face in his hands. "I've made my decision. I love you, Evie." He insisted, his voice a little stronger and a little louder than the whisper it had been. I saw the truth of his words in his eyes. Those green orbs were filled with adoration, concern, passion, and most of all, raw love. A breathy laugh escaped my lips as a smile spread on my lips.

A small smile spread on his lips as well and I finally let go of everything. I had been so hesitant to let him get any closer until I knew for sure. And now I knew. My walls came crashing down and I pulled him close, his lips meeting mine. They were so warm and perfect as they worked against mine. I had no reservations about anything anymore. He kissed me fiercely and I returned it. I let his tongue slip into my mouth and welcomed the passionate battle for dominance as I laid back on the bed. He came down with me, his hands roaming over me as I let him hover over me, one of my legs on either side of his hips. His lips moved down from mine, tracing my jaw and cheekbone until they moved to my neck. He easily found my sweet spot and started sucking on the tender skin, eliciting a soft moan from my lips as my hands pulled him closer to me.

His hips rocked against mine and I inhaled sharply before the breath immediately left as another moan. My fingers gripped the hem of his t-shirt and started sliding it up his torso, my fingers trailing over the lean muscles in his back. He sat up, pulling me with him so I was straddling his lap. He finished pulling the shirt over his head before tossing it to the ground. He pulled me close again, his lips returning to my neck as my fingers dug into his back, slowly pulling at the lean skin. He groaned softly and I smiled, satisfied that I had this effect on him too. His fingers dug into my thighs and I gasped as they slid under my dress, pushing the fabric up my body. I let him pull the fabric over my head, my skin sizzling where he touched me. His lips met mine again as his fingers plunged into my hair, tugging at the strands gently in their tight grip. I let my hands wander over the muscles of his back, chest, and torso before they finally met cool metal. They made quick work of his belt and I flung it aside.

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