First Game, First Shift

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Stiles and I had driven around all night when we found Scott wandering along the road without a shirt on. We brought him home and guess what he was worried about the most – if Allison hated him now. He told us about the hunters – and then, after school on Monday, he saw one of them. It was Allison's dad. But he didn't seem to recognize Scott from what he could tell.

I watched as Scott practiced Lacrosse. "McCall, what are you waiting for?" Coach calls out just before Scott was slammed by Jackson who mumbled something to my brother. "My grandmother can move faster than that, and she's dead! You think you can move faster than the body of my dead grandmother?" Coach shouted at Scott. Scott muttered something in reply. "I can't hear you!" Coach shouted. "Yes, Coach!" Scott replied a little louder. "Then do it again! McCall is gonna do it again!" Coach shouted before blowing his whistle. Scott and Jackson ran at each other again and this time, Scott slammed into Jackson before falling to his knees. "Scott?" I called as I ran from the bleachers and over to my brother. Stiles was already with him. "I can't control it, it's happening." Scott hissed out, his eyes flashing a brilliant gold. "What? Right here? Now?" I asked, keeping my voice low. I glanced around to see none of the others paying attention to us – except for Derek Hale who stood past the bleachers, eyes on us. "Come on, get up!" Stiles called, pulling Scott to his feet. I grabbed Scott's other arm and we hurried him back into the boys' locker room.

"Scott, are you okay?" I asked him softly, reaching towards him slowly. "Get away from me!" Scot shouted before spinning around. His claws raked against my stomach and I cried out in pain as I fell back. Stiles tried to grab me but jumped away when Scott swung at him. I flipped over and tried to crawl away from my brother while I clutched my stomach. Thick blood started oozing from the wounds and making my clothes sticky. "Eve!" Stiles called just before pain shot through my back. I cried out, flipping around to look up at my brother. "Scott, stop!" I called to him, holding up my arm defensively. His claws raked against that too as I kicked out at him. "Scott!" I screamed, trying to break through his wolf barriers.

He suddenly stopped, his pointed ears going back to normal and his golden eyes becoming brown again as his claws and fangs disappeared. He started down at me with wide, horrified eyes. "Evie?" he called, his voice small and weak. "Oh my god, Evie." He muttered. I let out a heavy sigh as I felt the blood slowly oozing from my stomach, back, and forearm. "I'm so sorry. God, I'm so sorry." He whimpered as he dropped to his knees next to me. "It's okay. It's okay. This wasn't you." I told him, closing my eyes against the pain.

"I'm calling an ambulance." Stiles muttered, his voice shaky. I opened my eyes. "And tell them what? That I wolfed out and attacked my sister?!" Scott snapped. "A mountain lion. We say a mountain lion came in her and attacked me. You guys scared him off. They'll believe a mountain lion." I insisted, nodding my head. "Ooh." I groaned, holding still. The room around me was spinning slightly. "Hello? Yeah, I need an ambulance at the Beacon Hills High. My friend was attacked by a mountain lion. Yeah, we scared it off but she's hurt pretty badly. Boy's locker room." Stiles said over the phone before dropping down next to me. "Help's on the way, Eve. Just hang in there." He told me nodded. I smiled as I gave him a thumbs up.

I woke up in the hospital, an IV drip in my uninjured arm. I groaned, lifting my arm to touch my aching forehead. "Thank god." I heard my mother's voice sigh in relief. "Mom?" I called as my surrounding came into view. I was in a hospital room with a few cards and a bouquet of lilies on the bedside table. "How long was I out?" I asked her. "You've been out for a few hours. Things like this spread quickly." She told me. I reached over for the card and saw that it was from my art teacher. She absolutely loved me. "Who are the flowers from?" I asked, putting the card back. "They didn't come with a card." She said, shrugging slightly. "Weird." I muttered, brushing my hair away. "When can I go home?" I asked her. She sighed heavily. "They want to keep you overnight." She revealed and I groaned. "But, they said you should be okay to home tomorrow as long as you take it easy." My mom insisted. I nodded and smiled at her. "Get some rest, baby." She muttered before kissing my forehead. "M'kay." I muttered before drifting into a medicine induced dreamless sleep.

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