•chapter six•

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josh's pov

me, bryce, and jaden were all on the couch, waiting for kio to come back and tell us all about his little hot friend.

not gonna lie, she was really cute but i know kio has the biggest crush on her. doesn't mean i still can't casually flirt;)

we were all just on our phones till the door opened. kio walked in with a cute girl in his arms. then i realized. it was addi.

kio's pov

i walked in and everybody's eyes went one me, then addi.

"dude what the hell?" jaden asked in confusion

"what are you doing with her?!" josh said, kinda sounding concerned

i knew josh had a crush on her too, but i really like her.

"woah man" bryce said in shock

"okay listen, once i got to the party i saw addi going upstairs with some dude, but she didn't look like she wanted to. so i got her out of it and said i would take her home, but i don't know where that is so i brought her here" i said, practically all in one breath.

bryce, josh, and jaden just looked at me in shock.

"look guys i don't know what to do so can you help me?"  i said. i was now starting to worry about addi.

what if her parents get mad she's not home?

did she go to the party with anyone?

will she think it's weird for me to bring her to my house?

"kio....kio.....KIO" josh screamed, getting my attention.

i snapped out of it and said "what?"

"look just take her to the gust bedroom and let her sleep, maybe try and get ahold of her parents from her phone." josh said

"okay" i said, walking upstairs with addi still in my arms.

i didn't want her to sleep in the clothes she was in,  it it would be way to weird if i changed her.

i called in mads, jadens girlfriend to change addi into my sweatshirt and some of my sweatpants, because i figured it wouldn't be as weird if a girl changed her.

i waited outside the room while mads changed addi. when i walked back in, i looked at addi and smiled at how cute she was in my big clothes.

i sat next to her on the bed and she moved and laid her head on my lap. i looked down at her and smiled.

i got her phone and used her thumb to open it.  ow i didn't wanna be snoopy or anything, but i saw that she had some texts from this dude named jason. i read them and my heart dropped.


where are you bitch

your lucky your little boyfriend saved you

i'll make sure you get it worse next time.

oh my god. jason must be the dude who was gonna hurt addi. i could never let him do that tho.

i looked back at her phone and saw that lexie texted her. i assumed lexie was her best friend because of her insta comments and stuff


where are you bby?

are you okay?!

um this is kio, addi is fine but i saved her from this dude named jason or whatever. i don't know where her house is so i brought her back to the sway house, but i promise i'll take care of her.


i promise i won't, but with her drunk condition, i'm not sure she'll be at school tomorrow.

that's fine, just text me your address and i'll come get her after school.

okay     also, can you text her parents that she's at your house or something?

yea sure


i put her phone away and decided to get up, like i would love to stay and cuddle with her, but i don't wanna be weird.

i got up and kissed her forehead. i saw a little smile form on her face, which mad me smile too.

i went to my room and quickly went to sleep.

heyy guyssss! i hope you enjoyed this chapter so yea that's it.

ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 45 READS. it really means a lot, even if it's not a big number. thank you all🥺🥺❤️

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