•chapter twenty•

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addi's pov

it had been a month since i had broken up with kio. we haven't talked since and i rarely speak to josh. not like i'm mad at josh or anything, we've just drifted apart since i'm not over at the sway house anymore. i've also kinda got over kio, but still, deep down, i love him.

this week is homecoming week. and the hoco football game was on friday and the dance is on saturday. it is currently wednesday

i had recently been hanging out with this guy named ben. he's on the football team and he's the one who replaced jason in the quarterback position.

we have gone on a few "dates" and i think i really like him. and i think he likes me too but i'm not sure.

me and lexie walked to lunch and sat at our usual table. my life was basically back to normal now that i'm not involved with famous people. 

"do you think he's gonna ask you to hoco?" lexie asked, referring to ben.

i blushed at her question and said "he's like the most popular guy in school lex, he doesn't like me like that"

"said who" a voice said coming from behind me

i turned around and saw ben, holding a homecoming sign it said "i could not bear going to hoco without you" and he was holding a giant stuffed bear.

i got up and hugged him and he hugged me back

"i take that as a yes?" he said while laughing a little

i let go of him and giggled "yes"

"YAYTAYAYAY " he screamed while picking me up and running through the lunch room with me on his shoulder.

ben is known to be a crazy, upbeat crackhead who always smiles.

•skip to friday's football game•

me and ben had hung out the rest of the week.
before he went onto the field, i kissed him good luck

we had kissed a few times now so it wasn't weird. we just weren't officially dating yet.

ever since i had started hanging out with ben, i had kinda forgotten about kio.

once we broke up, i had removed him as one of my followers on insta since he wasn't unfollowing me himself. i also made my account private so he couldn't stalk me

all the other sway house members unfollowed me, even josh, which i thought was weird but i got over it.

i hadn't posted about ben yet so none of them knew. not like they would anyway, i was private.

i put my phone down and watched the game.

kio's pov

it had been a month since addi broke up with me and ever since then, i had been really sad.

i still really love her and i wanna be with her, but i fucked up so much. i hate myself everyday for hurting her.

i check her insta everyday to see if she had become a public account again, but she's not. i realize that may be creepy, i just can't live without her.

ever since we broke up, the rest of the swat house guys had drifted away from her too.

i heard from people around town, that tommorow was addis's school homecoming.

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