•chapter fifty-five•

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addi's pov

i walked over to sydney and the security guard and i listened as sydney explained everything that had happened

"well ma'am, i can hold onto the boy but i think it's best that you call the police and file assault charges" the security guard explained

"ok, thank you sir" sydney said as she nodded her head

"now let's get the boy and we can go down to lobby and call the police" the guard said "your friend can come too" he added while looking at me

"no, i think she has to go meet up with someone" she said. i looked at her because i was fine with going and she mouthed 'kio'. "i'll be fine, go and we'll meet up later ok?" she added

"ok sure, good luck" i said with a giggle

she giggled back and i left the room and made my way back to me and kio's room

i opened the door but he wasn't in there so i just waited on the bed until he came

i went on my phone while i waited and saw it was almost 8pm and i still haven't eaten lunch, and we didn't even eat breakfast since we left IHOP because of jason.

we didn't have any food in our room and the meet and greets were over so the food room was closed so i just googled the closet target to me so i could go get some snacks.

i found a target and i still had the same clothes on from earlier so i just texted kio and told him that i wanted to go to target and he texted back saying he was in the lobby so to just meet him down there and we'd go together

i got my wallet and put it in my pocket then left to meet kio in the lobby

"hey babyyy" he said while walking to me with his arms out

i smiled while he embraced me in his hug. i just melted into his arms since so much had happened in only a few hours. like i'm now friends with my former enemy like...what?

"ready?" he asked as he let go of the hug

"mhm" i said while nodding my head

he held onto my hand and we walked outside of the hotel. there was already an uber waiting so i assume he ordered one after i texted him

we got in and kio told him where to go and we just talked for a little but since the car ride was as short as 3 minutes. we honestly could've walked but oh well

"oh my gosh baby!" kio screamed out of no where as we were walking g into target

"jesus kio what?" i said while laughing since he scared me

"ya know the carnival is open till mindnight so we should goooo" he begged

"aw that'd be so fun, but i want food" i said

"we'll get you some food then we can go to the carnival" he said while chuckling

"ok" i said while smiling

we decided to just go to the starbucks they had in the target and we got some food there

about 45 minutes later we were done and we ubered to the carnival

"two tickets please" kio said as he walked up to the ticket booth

"that'll be $10" the man replied

kio handed him a 10 and they exchanged smiles then we went through the gates

"woah, it's so pretty at night" i said looking around at all the lights

"not as pretty as you" kio said while holding my hand and smiling at me

i blushed and laughed at his cheesy comment

"we should go on the farris wheellll" kio begged

"ok ok" i said

"yeepee" kio said in a high pitched voice while jumping up and down

i laughed and we both headed to the farris wheel and got on quickly since there wasn't too big of a line

kio sat down and i sat next to him and put my legs over him

"we should do something cute" he said getting out his phone

"like what" i asked while laughing

he set down his phone and put it on timer mode. he pressed the button and looked at me ask he said "like this". he grabbed my face and pulled me in for a kiss. even after we heard the picture take, we kept kissing until we got closer to the ground since we didn't want people to see us

we both looked at the picture and kio asked me if i wanted to post it, and i did since it was cute.

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addisonxxx bubs🥺✨ || @kiocyrrr

kiocyrrr ma baby🌏 ily
^addisonxxx ily2❤️

sydneyvmay cuteeee✨
^addisonxxx 🥺❤️
^^user hold up, i thought you guys hated each other?!
^^^user ikr, somethin ain't adding up

brycehall did is cute doe👀
^addisonxxx ik

mads.yo awww goalss🥺

^addisonxxx AHH I MISS YOU TOO BB

user this is literally goals🥺🥺🥺

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heya guys!

ty all so much for 28k reads omg🥺

i'm also #1 in playlist live books lol

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stay tuned loves🥺❤️

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