•chapter twenty-two•

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addi's pov

holy shit


kio was just standing in the crowd, looking at me.

he smiled once he realized i had seen him. i was so shocked, i didn't even realize ben was trying to get my attention. i snapped out of it and looked at ben.

he was telling my stuff but i zones it out and started thinking.

why was kio here?

am i happy to see him?

does he still love me like i love him?

why was he in a tux?

what was he planning on doing?

does he wanna talk to me?

"addi..addi....addi!" ben whisper yelled.

i snapped out of it and looked in ben's eyes. then i looked at the crowd. everyone was just silent, they were just staring at me.

"i-i have to go" i said while running off the stage, not giving a chance for ben to reply.

i ran through the crowd and out the gym doors.

i walked through the empty halls and found a bench, and i sat on it and thought the same things as before, but i was interrupted by a voice.

"addi" someone said

i looked up and saw kio. he was smiling at me, admiring my dress.

i stood up and said "what are doing here?" i said it is a confused tone, not an angry one.

kio stepped closer to me and wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to his body, causing me to blush and smile.

"i was a big idiot" kio said while smiling and leaning in at the same time

"damn right you were" i said also smiling and leaning in.

i smiled while still kissing him, missing these moments.

we both slowly pulled away but he didn't let go of my waist.

"you look beautiful" he said while smirking at me

"you don't look to bad yourself" i said, returning the smirk.

"addi?" someone said

kio let go of me and we both turned around. i saw ben staring at me with a hurt look on his face.

shit, i completely forgot about ben

"oh um ben i-" i started to say but kio cut me off

"hey, i'm kio" he said while holding out his hand to greet ben

"i know" ben said, not shaking kio's hand, he just kept looking at me with a now angry look.

i didn't make eye contact with him tho, i just stared at the floor.

"are you really gonna be like that addi" ben said, breaking the awkward silence

i kept quiet, feeling guilty as ever.

"i knew it, jason was right about you" ben said while rolling his eyes and walking away

my eyes widened as i heard jason's name, had ben kept contact with jason?

"hey, don't worry about him, or jason" kio said, comforting me by hugging me.

i just nodded while still hugging him.

"hey, how about we go back to the sway house? i know the guys really miss you." kio said

"okay, sure" i said, excited to meet up with everyone again

•skip to the sway house•

we got to the house and kio opened the door for me. i was still wearing my dress because  there was no time to change, but i don't mind since it was a gorgeous dress.

i walked in the house first and everyone was sitting on the couch but their heads turned as i walked in

"HOLY CRAP, ADDI" everyone said while running to hug me. i was in the middle of a big group hug, but they eventually let go.

"hey guys" i said while smiling

i noticed that josh wasn't in the group hug, he was outside of it, waiting for a hug of his own

everyone walked away with kio to get some answers about me being back, but josh stayed behind

"hey bestie" he said while hugging me

"hey bub" i said while hugging him back

we both pulled away and he smiled at me

"you look beautiful" he said to me while blushing

"thanks" i said while smiling

everyone then walked back into the room, but with another person.

i couldn't tell who it was, but when they turned around, my face got hot with anger.

hey guyssss! hoped you enjoyed this chapter and i'll update soon:)

this is also kinda a cliffhanger lol but i like those so hehe

stay tuned❤️

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