•chapter eleven•

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kio's pov

i called addi like a million times and she hasn't responded. i'm really starting to worry about her. josh told me that he's called her a few times too and this time i wasn't jealous, because i just wanna make sure she's okay.

i talked to lexie and she told me that addi got out of it but she still probably really scared and i should give her space.

i know, maybe she does need space. but i need to see her.

i begged lexie to give me addi's address and it took a while for her to give in, but she finally did.

i went to target first to get a few things that i think she'd like.

•skip to addi's house•

i knocked on the door with all the target bags in my hands, then it hit me.

if she doesn't answer the door, i'm gonna have to meet her parents.

ah shit

the door started opening and it reveled who i guess is addi's mom

"can i help you?" addi's mom asked me.

"um yea, i'm addi's friend and i was wondering if i could check up on her. my names kio by the way" i said, kinda nervous.

"aw your such a sweet boy! she's up in her room" her mom said with a smile

"thank you ma'am" i said to be polite

"oh honey, call me amy" she said still smiling.

i smiled back and nodded then headed upstairs.

i took a deep breath before opening her bedroom door.

she was just laying on her bed, sleeping like an angel.

i set the target bags down by the door and gently sat at the edge of the bed by her feet.

"addi" i said, gently shaking her

she slowly opened her eyes and a smile instantly formed on her face. she jumped up and hugged me and i hugged her back even tighter.

we sat like that for a few minutes until she pulled away.

"what are you doing here?" she asked

"i came here to make sure you were okay" i said as i held her hand.

"i guess you saw the video" she said while looking away.

i put my hand on her chin and gently turned her head back so that she was facing me again.

i slowly pulled her in and kissed her, she kissed back.

i slowly pulled away and smiled at her. i saw her little cheeks begin to blush, which made me giggle.

"wanna watch a movie" i asked her

"yea" she said while smiling.

i got up and grabbed some of the snacks i had bought while she found a movie to watch.

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