•chapter fifty-six•

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addi's pov

me and kio were both pretty tired after a few more rides so we just decided to uber back to the hotel.

once we got there, it was already like 11pm so we just changed into some sweats and went to bed.

-morning- (8:22am)

my alarm went off and i groaned then slipped my phone until it went off

we had another early meet and greet today. it was at 9:30 and i still had to shower so knowing how long it takes me to get ready, i went ahead and got up and went to the shower.

i took a quick shower the. changed into:

(nessa's so pretty like heckkk)

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(nessa's so pretty like heckkk)

i curled my hair and by the time i got out of the bathroom, it was 9:15 and kio had to change real quick but it takes him like 5 minutes so it's fine.

he quickly grabbed his clothes to go into the bathroom

"you look gorgeous baby" he said while giving me a forehead kiss and then going into the bathroom

i smiled then just sat on my bed and went on my phone until he got out.

i wasn't sure what we were going to do today, but our meet and greet is over at noon so we'll have the whole afternoon. we could always hang out with our friends since we still haven't been able to do that much. charli has been asking me to hang out. even after what happened with me and nick, charli and i stayed in touch and hung out a few times. along with avani and addison, so i might hang out with them sometime today.

"i'm ready baby" kio called from the bathroom

"ok coming" i said.

before i got up, i shot charli a quick text saying we should hang today and she quickly replied with a "yessss" so ig that's what we'll do.

i got up and walked over to kio and he was just waiting by the door.

"i'm gonna hang with charli some today, do you wanna too?" i asked him as we let the room and started walking down to the venue

"sure bebe" he said as he held my hand and started swinging it

i giggled and we just talked about other stuff until we got to the venue

"addi and kio?" a security guard asked us as we got to the door

"yes sir" kio said

"you two will be in different spots today, so um..." he paused to look at his clipboard "..addi is over there" he pointed to the left side of the room "and kio is over there" he pointed to the right side of the room "got it?" he asked for reassurance

"yes sir, thank you" i said. he nodded and then walked away to other creators

"awww baby we won't be together" kio whined

"it's only for a few hours" i said while giggling

"fine" he said while pouting

"ok go to your spot, it starts in five minutes" i said while sorta nudging him in his direction

he chuckled and went over to his spot, and i went to mine.

i was at the end of the line so i only had one person beside me instead of me being in between people (ik that's not how playlist works but that's how imma put it lol). that one person was tony lopez. tony is in the hype house but for the time i was there, he was back in his hometown visiting family so i've never met him. he was talking to a security guard, so i could t make any conversation so i was kinda just standing there.

i looked over at kio and he was in between max dressler and sissy (if you don't know who that is look her up on tik tok)

sissy was sorta known to be the flirty type, but they were just talking and laughing so i didn't think too much of it

kio didn't notice me looking at him so i just stopped. i saw the security guard walking away meaning tony was done talking to him. maybe i could start a-

"hey" tony said to me, snapping me out of my thoughts

"oh hi" i said

"i'm tony" he said while he extended his hand for me to shake.

"addi" i said while shaking his hand

"you've been to the hype house before right?" he asked when we let go of our handshake

"you i stayed there for about three weeks" i answered

"oh cool, sucks that i missed it. nick said you're a great person" he said

"haha yea" i said while sorta blushing but then i stopped because i had no reason to blush

"so did you and nick have something going on?" he asked. i was a little taken back from this but i answered anyway

"yea sorta. it wasn't anything official and it happened after me and my boyfriend broke up. but it's over now" i explained

"oh so you're single?" he asked with a smirk

i realized what i said did come off as me telling him i'm single

"oh-" i started but got cut off by an announcer


"talk to you later" tony said with a wink. before i could do anything, he went back to his spot and the fans started coming in.

hey guys! sorry i couldn't update yesterday, i just got busy with other stuff.

i need some more ideas for things to happen so please omg them here*

also ty all sm for 32k reads! i hit 32k before i could even thank you guys for 30k and it's only been a day. that's insane❤️

stay tuned👀

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