•chapter fifty-seven•

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*hey guys, sorry for the little break but i'm back and got all the stressful stuff out of they way so i'll go back to my regular updating schedule (updating every other day) <3

addi's pov

they fans started coming in and i just forgot about tony thinking i'm single for now since i just wanna enjoy the meet and greet. i also tried to forget about how kio and sissy are getting so close since i don't wanna be the jealous type.

i met tons of fans and got a lot of lovely gifts. a few fans asked if me and nick would ever get back together which i thought was crazy so i obviously answered with 'no' on every one of those questions. other fans also said how cute me and kio are and stuff like that.

about two hours later, the meet and greet was done and the fans started clearing out.

i turned around to where i had put all the gifts i received and started gathering them up. when i had my hands full of the gifts, i turned around but saw tony right there. i jumped a little but luckily didn't drop and of the gifts

"sorry didn't mean to scare you" he said while laughing

"no no your fine, i'm a jumpy person" i said while returning a smile

"so i saw you looking at kio, do you like have a crush on him?" he asked. i'm honestly surprised that he hasn't seen me and kio on each others insta and stuff, like is he living under a rock.

"oh, well yea i do like him because he's like my boyfriend" i said with an awkward laugh

"o-oh you have a boyfriend" he said in shock

"yea, sorry if i made you think differently earlier" i said

"no it's fine. obviously a pretty girl like you isn't single" he said with a shy chuckle

"thanks" i simply said while looking down

"we can still be friends tho right, cause you seem like a great person to be friends with" he said while laughing

"yea of course" i replied

"cool, so are you gonna go to ur boyfriend" he said while awkward laughing again

"yea i guess i should" i said while returning the awkward laugh

before i left tony asked for my snap so we could become better friends so i gave it to him. he walked away and i started walking towards kio until i saw him still talking to sissy. they were laughing a lot. i decided it'd be best if u just went straight to the room to put my gifts away since if i went over to them, i'd probably come off as a bitch towards sissy and i don't want that to happen.

kio never saw me coming towards him so i just turned around and walked to the door.

i went straight to the room and just set all my gifts down. i sat on the bed and opened my phone, i saw a text from kio

hey bb, where'd you go?

i just set my gifts in the room, i'm on my way back down:)

awe ok, but hurry. i miss ur cute little face🥺

i smiled at his last text.

i knew i had nothing to worry about i thought to myself. kio just made friends.

i got up and made my way down the hall to the elevator, but before i got to it, an arm came out of a cleaning closet that i was passing. they pulled me into the dark closet and shut the door. before i could scream the 'shushed' me. i couldn't tell who it was but as i was about to protest they said something

"just don't make any noise" they whispered

i quickly realized that it was sydney. something was clearly wrong because i heard fear in her voice. she kept looking out the tiny crack in the door. i was very confused as to what was happening, and to why she dragged me in here.

i waited about 5 more minutes in complete silence before she finally took her eyes off the door and let out a sigh of relief.

she grabbed her phone and turned on the flashlight so we could see.

i looked around the closet and just saw cleaning supplies and toilet paper

"ok, what the hell happened?" i asked

"jason" she replied

"what the fuck. didn't they just arrest that bitch" i said in shock

"well yea, but he convinced them that he had to get stuff from his room before he left with them so on of the officers came up here with him, but he made a run for it and got away. then i just saw him coming up the stairs so i ran in here then i saw you and i pulled you in too. sorry if i scared you" she explained

"hold up, that mother fucker is loose?! are you kidding me! we need to call the cops and tell them he's still in the hotel" i said

"yea i did, they said they were on their way like 10 minutes ago, and i still haven't heard anything" she said

"those are some lame ass officers" i said

"tell me about it" she said

"so can we like, get out?" i asked

"i think, i'm scared tho" she said

"i can call kio" i suggested

"yea sure" she said

i called kio and explained everything that happened and he said he was on his way up. sydney has steady sat down while i was on the phone so i sat next to her when i hung up.

"hey, i'm still sorry about the whole kio thing, i don't actually like him" she said quietly

"it's fine, that's all i think he past" i said. i sorta meant that. i mean i do like her now, but she made me break up with him one of the two times lmao.

"thanks, your so nice i don't know why i was ever a bitch to you" she said while giggling

before i could respond, kio screamed something from the hall

"oh fuck!" he screamed

me and sydney both stood up and i was about to open the door

"NO DON'T" he screamed

i jerked my hand back from the handle guessing he was referring to not opening the door

"what the hell is happening?!" sydney asked

"don't come out!" kio screamed

me and sydney both backed up to the corner of the closet and listened to what ever was happening in the hallway

kio's pov

i got off the phone with addi and ran straight to where she said she was.

i stumbled through the door from the stairs and made my way down the hallway, but i stopped and froze as soon as i saw....

hey guys! again, i'm sorry for not updating but here is an extra long chapter!

thank you sooo much for 45k reads!!!❤️

also, thank you for 53 followers!

stay tuned👀

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