•chapter twenty-six•

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addi's pov

i slowly turned around and saw the face that i have dreaded seeing for the past months.


he was looking at me with the same smug look on his face.

"i said, ARE YOU LOST BABYGIRL" he repeated, but in and angry and frustrated tone

i was just frozen in fear, i didn't move. i knew he wanted to hurt me, but i don't know how much. probably a lot.

i wish kio was here, he'd save me. but there's no way anyone would find me, i dont even know where i am.

i started backing up, but that only caused jason to step closer to me.

i ended up backing into a fucking wall. how convenient.

jason wrapped both his arms around my waist and pick me up.

i screamed and squirmed which only made him angrier.

he put me down and hit me over my head, then, everything went black.

kio's pov

after me and addi's phone call, i drove back to the sway house.

once i got there i went inside and asked everybody if they knew where she was.

no one knew. shit.

i didn't know if she was in trouble or anything, but i don't want her walking around LA by herself.

i decided to check her snap location again to see if she had picked up a signal, which she did.

but it said she was at some abandoned hospital thing.

why the fuck would she be there.

"guys, addi's at an abandoned hospital" i said

"wait, why?" mads asked

"i'm not she, do you think she's in trouble?!" i asked, starting to worry

"dude calm down, let's just go get her" jaden said

me, bryce, mads, and jaden all left and headed to the hospital, which was a while away.

addi's pov

i woke up in a dark, unfamiliar room. i looked down and saw my hands and feet tied up.

the room was empty and it had an awful smell.

i scanned the room some more until i heard footsteps.

the door opened and jason walked in with a smirk of his face.

i was so terrified at this point, that i didn't even know what to do.

"come on princess, you haven't talked to me at all" jason said standing right in front of me

i kept quit, scared of what he would do if i said anything.

"still not talking hun." jason said with a smirk.

"i guess we'll just have to do this the hard way" jason said as he raised his hand, about to slap me

"wait" i said.

he put his hand down and looked at me, waiting for me to talk

"what do you want from me?" i asked, with a little tears in my eyes.

"revenge" jason said

"but all i did was reject you" i explained

"exactly dumbass. you made me look stupid" he said with anger in his voice

i didn't reply. he then just randomly walked out and shut the door, locking it.

i looked around the room some more and noticed the boarded up windows that had some cracks in it, only letting some light thorough.

about 10 minutes had past and i was just looking around the room, until i heard a car pull up.

i decided to try and stand up, and i managed to, but i was still tied to the chair.

i stumbled over to the window and heard something fall out of my pocket.

i looked down and saw it was my phone. i completely forgot about my phone.

i slowly bent down and managed to pick
it up. i then saw a million missed texts from people.

i decided to call kio and he answered within seconds. i whispered the whole call

bold- kio
italics- addi

why are you whispering? are you okay?!
not really, where are you
i'm right outside the abandoned hospital
don't come inside
wait baby, why?
it's jason
that son of a bitch! i'm gonna take of his fucking face
no kio, he'll hurt you. just call the cops, please
kio please
*sigh* fine but i'm not leaving
well at least hide so the don't see your car
okay. baby has he hurt you?
not yet, but i know he wants to
i'm not gonna let him. bryce is on the phone with the police now so just hang tight okay?
okay, tha-


addi, ADDI!

jason ran over to me and took my phone and hung up.

shit, i'm dead.

hey loves🌟 thank you guys for reading and i still can't believe that i'm #1 in kio stories like holy crap tysm❤️❤️

stay tuned🌷

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