•chapter forty-six•

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kio's pov

i had payton help me look for addi, i had to explain to her

she probably thinks i'm some sick cheating bitch

and i don't blame her

the picture looked so real

but it's not me

yea, the boy in the picture looks A LOT like me, like to a creepy level. and that sick bitch sydney captioned it as me

addi must've powered her phone off since she does that when she sad or frustrated

i went into the lobby to see if she was in there, since she wasn't in our room

it was now midnight and everybody was still partying, but all i'm focused on is finding my baby

when i reached the lobby, i saw it completely empty

but when i looked outside, i saw a truck, weirdly stopped right in front of the door

and on the side, i saw what looked like a person, but it was hard to tell since a big pole was blocking them

the truck's window was rolled down and they seemed to be talking to the person, but the person was like...frozen?

the truck door opened and that's when the person bolted inside, i quickly realized that it was addi

my baby addi

she looked so terrified. i opened my arms, hoping she'd run into them, and she did.

i held onto her as tight as i could, then i realized that whoever was in that truck, scared addi to death, meaning they did not have good intentions with her

i quickly spoke up

"you okay baby?" i asked, still holding her in my arms, with my hand now stroking her hair to try and calm her down a bit

she was in tears and seemed to be out of breath from shock

she could barley answer me but i knew what she was saying

"j-jas-" she spoke, but got interrupted by her sobs

my face instantly turned red.

that son of a bitch has ruined our lives enough, he did not need to come and ruin playlist too

but more importantly, he tried to hurt addi.

which crossed the line

addi is my true love, and i would fight for her until i die, that's how much she means to me

addi's pov

(before she ran out to kio and stuff)

i stood there, not moving a single muscle


he's back, and he obviously isn't finished with me

i was so scared i couldn't even run

god damnit you idiot, run! i thought to myself

he started talking to me again which only made tears roll down my face

"ya she babygirl, i know you're all famous and shit, so i knew you'd be here. i've also been stalking all your social media accounts since you left me in the hospital three years ago." —he did a devilish giggle—"you little shits thought i was dead. yea well think again, cuz i'm back, and better than ever baby"

every single word he just said scared the hell out of me

he's been stalking me. now that shits creepy

i was still frozen with my back towards him. i still don't even know what he looks like now, and i don't intend to

i was trying to force myself to move, but me being an over thinker, i instantly thought that creep would shoot me or something if i moved

all i wanted to do is be safe in kio's arms, i honestly don't care about what he did, at least not right now i don't. he must have a explanation, we've been together for almost 4 years, he wouldn't do this to me

i snapped out of my thoughts when i heard the truck turn off

my eyes grew even wider and my heart started beating out of my chest as i heard the trunk door slam shut, then foot steps coming closer and closer to me

that's when i unfroze

i took a chance and bolted into the lobby, hoping that it wouldn't be empty since it was midnight

i luckily found kio

my baby

he saw the panic on my face and reached his arms out to hold me

i rushed into his arms and he held me tight, i was still scared out of my shit, but being in kio's arms made me feel safer

"you okay baby?" he asked, still holding me in his arms, with his hand now stroking my hair,
probably to try and calm me down

i shook my head and stuttered the first half of jason's name, but kio understood

hey guys!

i hope you enjoyed this chapter and i'm sorry that it's basically the same thing just in two pov's, but it's late and this chapter is already at almost 1,000 words so i figured it'd be okay to stop here for now

also tysm for 15k reads! i love you guys❤️
make sure you drop a vote too!

i'll update soon😘

stay tuned✌️

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