•chapter forty-three•

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addi's pov

the rest of our hawaii trip went perfectly.

me and kio just did fun activity's during the day, then we would just be with each other all night. it was honestly better than perfect.

but after a week, it was time to go hame and get ready for playlist, which i was dreading.

and you guessed it, sydney.

sydney will be at playlist and i don't wanna see her.

me and kio haven't directly seen her for a while, but she keeps hitting him up and stuff, which is hella annoying

"baby you ready?" kio asked

i snapped out of my thoughts and nodded my head

we both checked around the cottage we've been staying at to see if we've left anything, but we didn't

we both gathered our luggage and went the uber waiting for us since we had returned the jeep already

kio loaded the car like the gentleman he is so as he was doing that i went ahead into the car

our driver looked around kio's age, and he kept giving me creepy smirks and looks, but i shook them off and knew i was safe since kio was right behind me

on the other hand, the driver could drive away at any moment, leaving kio and just taking me

i knew i was overthinking, but as a woman alone with a strange man, it isn't bad to overthink, sadly knowing the things he could do.

i was once again snapped out of my thoughts when the driver spoke up

"is that your boyfriend" he asked while looking at kio in his rear view mirror

i looked back too and saw kio still loading the car

i awkwardly nodded my head and looked down, not wanting to continue a conversation with him.

"how long have you guys been together" he asked in a creepy tone, still not taking his eyes off me, regardless of wether or not i kept eye contact

"three years" i replied quietly

he nodded his head and looked forward

as he was about to ask me another question, kio got into the car

he looked in and smiled at me and i faked a smile since i didn't wanna bring him down with my overthinking

he told the driver the address and he started driving, but all throughout the car ride, i could feel his eyes on me

"you good baby?" kio asked as he must've recognized my worried look

i nodded my head and kio gave me an "are you sure" look and i nodded again but this time with a fake smile

he let out a sigh and placed his hand on my thigh

we both just went on our phones till we got to the airport.

we weren't gonna fly back home so we were just flying straight to florida. we would just wear our hawaii clothes since it would be the same climate

we got to the airport and did all the boring security stuff, then we finally boarded the plane

me and kio were both super tired so i just fell asleep on his shoulder and he fell asleep while resting his head on mine

i must've been asleep the whole plane ride because i woke up to kio telling me we had landed

all we did was get our luggage, then get an uber to take us to our hotel, nothing fun

once we pulled into the hotel, i saw tons of tik tokers making videos or just talking

we both got out of the uber and before we could even get our luggage out of the back, i saw someone run up to kio and jump into his arms

i looked up and all i saw was a face full of bitch, aka, sydney.

hey guys! sorry for the wait but i updated!

thank you to those who answered my questions last chapter and also,
tysm for 13k reads!!❤️🥺 i love youuuu

stay tuned😎

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