•chapter thirty-three•

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addi's pov

"he what?" i asked

"here, i'll just show you" avani said while handing me her phone

i looked at it and saw this picture:

i looked at it and saw this picture:

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i was hurt, but also confused.

"what is this?" i ask, forcing myself not to cry

"while you were in your coma, kio kept hanging out with this girl, her name is olivia, and she told me they hooked up a few times" avani said

i was now fully crying, and they all hugged me and comforted me

"i'm so sorry baby, i thought you knew" avani said

"no no, it's not your fault" i said while sniffling

"you're too good for him anyways bb" charli said

"yea, he's just a fuckboy. and your a beautiful girl who doesn't need a man!" addison said

i giggled while still crying (if you know what that means lol)

i wiped some of my tears away and we just hung out for a few hours in charli's room.

after a while, i looked at the time, 7:38.

"do you guys wanna order postmates?" charli asked

we all agreed and ordered some food.

after about 45 minutes, they were here and the postmates dude knocked on the door

"i'll go get it" i said, honestly wanting to see more of the house

halfway down the stairs saw nick at the door, thanking the postmates man.

he had the food in his hands and he closed the door and turned around.

once he saw me, he smiled

i went down the rest of the stairs and smiled back

"this is yours?" he said while handing me the food

i giggled and said "mhm"

"nice" he said

i nodded back and turned around to leave because it was getting kinda awkward.

"um, are you okay? i heard about the whole kio thing" he said

i turned back around and smiled sadly

"yea i think i'm okay now" i said

"that's good, so what are you gonna do about you two?" he asked

"i mean, he cheated so i guess...break up with him?" i said questionably

"i think that's the right thing to do" he said while smiling

i smiled back and was about to say something g before avani interrupted us.

"dude, stop flirting and let addi bring us our food" she said while standing at the top of the stairs

i giggled and looked at nick, he was blushing like crazy. obviously embarrassed.

"okay okay i'm coming" i said to avani

she turned around and went back to the room, i looked at nick and said "see ya later?"

"for sure, bye" he said while smiling

i turned around and went up to the room.

once i got up there, me and the girls just watched movies while we ate, then we eventually all fell asleep in the same bed


i woke up and looked around me, everyone else was still asleep.

i looked at the time, 7:34. dang, i never wake up this early.

i also saw TONS of texts from kio. i really didn't wanna talk to him, but i want to let him know how i feel.

i quietly got up from the bed and went into the bathroom and called kio, he answered within seconds

bold- addi
italics- kio

omg addi, i'm so so so sorry okay, i did not mean to yell at you like that, i was just frustrated and i'm so sorry

just hearing his voice made me cry, because i do not wanna break up with him, but it's the right thing to do

are you crying?
baby, i'm sorry, please don't cry. do you want me to come pick you up?
kio just stop!

i took a deep breath and he silenced

we don't work kio
wait addi, are you breaking up with me?

he was now crying too

yes kio
wait why? is it just because i yelled at you
no kio. avani told me about your little fling with that olivia girl!
yea! while i was all helpless in the hospital, you were out hooking up with some girl!
don't call me that! we are done kio!
i- i can explain
oh please do (i said sarcastically)
i- i um... i fucked up. i have no excuse, but i still love you
i've given you too many chances kio. we are done!

i hung up before he could say anything.

i sat on the bathroom floor and just started balling my eyes out.

i had been crying for a few minutes and then i heard a knock on the bathroom door.

hey bruvs i hope you liked this chapter and i hope you like the drama, cause i do;)

hehe stay tuned🌟

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