Little Shiro and Allura & Keith

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Allura needs to find Shiro but he's in Keith's room. So, she heads to Keith's room. When she hears crying she forces Keith to let her go into the room. That's when she sees Shiro, who is in a infant littlespace.

"Hey, where's Shiro?" Allura asked. She had been looking for him for a while. They were meant to hang out.

"I think he's in Keith's room," Lance said, talking to Pidge and Hunk.

"Thank you," Allura smiled, walking to Keith's room. She knocked on the door when she heard crying. Was it Keith? Could Shiro be calming him down?

"One second!" she heard Keith panic. Defiantly not Keith, was Shiro crying? He rushed out of the room, slamming the door so I couldn't see what was inside. "Need anything?"

"Yeah . . . I was looking for Shiro,"

"Haven't seen him-"

"Everyone last saw him in your room. And who's crying in there?"

"No one-"

"Open the door,"

"I can't,"

"Really? Who'd you get out then?" I stomped my foot. What was he hiding?

"Okay I will but promise me that you won't think anything different of us," Keith said nervously.

"I promise?"

"Pinky promise," he commended, holding out his pinky.

"That's stupid-"

"Pinky promise," he stated. I sighed.

"Pinky promise,"

He opened the door and I saw Shiro crying on his bed. I ran over to him as he held his stomach. He was whining, crying, whimpering in pain. He was also in a onesie that looked like the black lion.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked, freaking out that something bad happened to him.

"Do you know Age Regression?"

"Yeah? It was a thing on Altea. It was a rare to be a little but we were required to learn of it,"

"Alright, well Shiro is a little. His right now only a few months old and I can't burp him even if my life depended on it," Keith grumbled. Allura smiled. She had been a caregiver two times. Once for someone who was only a year and one who was four.

"I'll do it," she smiled, putting Shiro on her lap and patting his back until he burped. But then he began to squirm. Fussing and squirming on her lap. "I think he needs changing."

"I'll get onto that," Keith smiled, getting out some diaper stuff and laying it on the bed. Then he layed Shiro on it. Shiro fussed and squirmed while being changed but stopped when he was done. Keith put Shiro on his lap while Shiro layed his head on Keith's chest, playing with a white cat stuffie that had a pink bow around it's neck. "Thanks for not think this is weird-"

"How can you carry him?"

"Oh, I've been carrying him for years. How come you can?'

"Well, there's this thing called strong," Allura joked. "Hey, whenever Shiro gets into his littlespace, inform me. I know you love training and it relieves your stress. When he does we can have freeish day from training."

"Thank you!" Keith exclaimed, hugging her. Shiro whined at the sudden movement but stopped when his head was in Allura's lap. Then he just continued to chew the cat's ear.

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