Little Shiro & Allura: Pancakes

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"Morning Shiro," Allura smiled, kissing her boyfriend's cheek as he slowly woke up. Shiro whined at the bright light and tried to bring his blanket over his face. "No," Allura aid, bringing the blanket back down. "it's time to get up."

"Bu Mommy!" Shiro huffed, pouting. "Its bright."

"It's going to be a small day, isn't it?" she asked, pushing his floof up to kiss his forehead. Shiro grumbled and hugged her arm. "Do you know how tiny you are, Boo?"

"Uhh, early," Shiro decided to stick with. Allura smiled at his brattiness. Not only would he not respond to her questions but he was still complaining that it was too early. It was around nine actually, Shiro had missed all his alarms. Aka, Allura turned them off that he would sleep in some more.

"Alright Early Bird, let's go get something in that tummy of yours," she smiled, pulling the blanket fully off him. Shiro whined as the coldness hit him, curling into a ball. Allura picked him up and brought him down stairs.

She saw Alfor trying, and failing, to make pancakes with Coran and Melenor. Both were trying to help but if anything, he was flipping them so high one took five minutes to land back onto the pan cause it got stuck on the ceiling. But they all seemed to be having fun. It was Coran who first noticed that the two came down stairs, after trying to get the pan out of Alfor's hand. Which he fail at.

"Allura! Shiro! Glad you could join us," he smiled, making Alfor whip around and got pancake batter on Coran's apron.

"Food will be done shortly," he nodded, earning an 'eeeh' from both his wife and best friend.

"Good, Mother could you make Shiro a sippy or bottle?" Allura asked as she re-positioned Shiro so that instead of cradling him, he was on her hip.

"Of course," Melenor nodded.

Allura made her way over to the living room, hearing something Coran grumbling about how Alfor was making a giant mess. Allura set Shiro on the couch. He flopped on his side and Allura sighed.

"When did you go to bed last night, Dear?" she asked as he whined, reaching out for her to come cuddle him. He huffed at her question. Alright, maybe he stayed up a little past than what he was suppose to. "And these," she pointed at his legs. "bruises again?"

Shiro looked at his legs and frowned. Whenever he woke up he would have bruises on his body. They didn't know if he caused them or how he even got them. But thankfully that never hurt unless you poke them. Allura looked at Shiro's outfit; basket ball shorts and a tank top. No wonder Shiro was cold. She knelled beside him and kissed his temple.

"How about we go back up stairs and get you cozy outfit?" she asked. She probably should of done that when he woke up. Whoops.

Shiro nodded and made grabby hands towards her. Allura picked him up and bounced him slightly, trying to get him more awake. It seemed to work because soon Shiro's eyes stopped drooping and seemed more alive. Shiro played with Allura's hair as when made their way back upstairs. They would have some time, lots if Coran didn't get Alfor to stop trying to cook.

"Do you wanna wear your bat sweater?" she asked, Shiro nodded and grabbed if off the hanger. It was dark purple with a cute black bat on it. Allura also grabbed a pullup, since Shiro seemed to be in a youngish headspace.

She layed Shiro on the bed and quickly changed him. She also grabbed a some soft pants and put them on him. Shiro seemed happy by this and reached out for her.

"There we go, now mother should have you a drink down stairs," Allura smiled, picking him back up.

Shiro smiled at the comment and nodded. Allura kissed his temple and walked back down stairs. She passed her Nanny on the way. Nanny gushed over them both, making Shiro embarrassed and hide in Allura's neck. Allura made her way back to the living room and sat Shiro on  the high chair. She put the table part on right when Melenor came back with a sippy cup.

"There we go, strawberry milk for a precious angle," she smiled as Shiro drank his sippy cup. She gave her daughter a hug, which Allura gladly gave back. "Food will be done food. Don't worry, you'll be getting Coran's and I's pancakes."

"Dad really needs to learn how to cook," Allura joked before looking at Shiro. "Alright Hun, I'm gonna go cut up your food. Drown it in syrup?"

"Uh-huh," Shiro nodded. Allura smile and went to the kitchen. Shiro looked at Melenor and set his sippy cup down. "Tank chu, Mel."

"You're welcome Sweets," she smiled, heading back into the kitchen. Shiro smiled at the sippy cup Melenor got him. It had pumpkins around it and was round instead of tall. One of his favorites.

"Mommy?" Shiro asked after around five minutes. Instead of Allura coming over Alfor ran into the room. A towel was thrown at him, which lightly hit him.

"And don't come back!" he heard Coran exclaimed.

"I'm sorry!" he laughed back.

"No! You're ban from the kitchen!"

"It's not like I did anything," Alfor grumbled, getting another towel thrown at him. "Hey!"

"I heard that! Don't you even think you didn't do anything! What are you, five?" he heard Coran scoff. Shiro giggled at the thought of Alfor messing up the kitchen.

It reminded him of the time him and Allura made waffles when he had an older headspace. He got it everywhere and on himself. Allura made him to sit at the table half way through, banning him from the kitchen. Alfor glared at the others but sat next to Shiro.

"It wasn't even that bad," Alfor mumbled, earning Shiro to turn his head. Alfor looked at him and chuckled awkwardly. "I might of gotten more batter on the ceiling and on Coran."

"'M did dat wif Mommy," Shiro giggled, earning a smile from Alfor.

"You got her covered in batter?"

"Nu, me!" he exclaimed.

"Ah, sounds like she had fun," he joked. Allura came back into the room with two plates. She gave one to her dad and one to Shiro.

"Pancake!" he exclaimed, grabbing his kid fork and eating a piece.

"Yep, pancakes," she agreed, kissing his cheek and sitting beside him. Melenor and Coran came back into the room and Shiro laughed at how Coran looked.

His apron had a crap ton of batter, there was some in his hair, and he even had some on his arms. Coran shot a glare at Alfor, who whistled and shoved pancake into him mouth. Coran gave Allura her plate and ate his own. Melenor ate hers as well as they made plans for the rest of the day.

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