Little Keith and Lance

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Keith is playing with his toy cars. He loves his toy cars, they're fun to play with. Well while Lance watched him, he thought of Keith's behavior from earlier. And he does that moment when you say something without thinking. Keith can get easily hurt in littlespace, many things can upset him. Like a little tone of voice. You can blame his old foster parents for that one.

Keith was in little space. He was currently playing with some race cars while Lance watched him from the wall. He was wearing some dark blue shorteralls with a stripped red and white long sleeve shirt.

Lance's mind drifted off to this morning. Keith had avoid talking to everyone during breakfast. He was grumpy and seemed mad. He cursed Lance out, making Lance jokingly lecture him. Which made him lash out.

"You know buddy," Lance frowned, looking at the giggling little boy, "you weren't being very nice earlier."

At that exact moment, Lance knew, he had fucked up. Keith's big bright smile dropped and he stopped giggling. He looked at Lance with regretful and guilty eyes. Knowing exactly what he was talking about. His big kid attitude.

"I sowwy . . ." Keith mumbled, tears forming in his eyes.

Lance quickly walked over to him. He placed his hands on his cheeks while drying the tears from his eyes. Lance was always keen on forgetting things, like how easily Keith got hurt or how Keith acted in the mornings. It was never Keith's fault. But Lance's. And he now had to prove that to the sad guilty toddler.

"No baby, it's fine. I should be sorry. It slipped off my tongue and it shouldn't of. You were being yourself earlier and I have no right to say it that's bad or not. I was the one who forgot you acted grumpy in the mornings. Can you forgive me?"

"Mhm," Keith nodded. Lance smiled, gently placing a kiss on his forehead. Right when Lance was about to return to his wall, Keith held out a toy car. "Pway with me?"

"Sure Sweetie," Lance said, taking the pink car.

Keith cheered up after a few seconds of playing cars. His smile returned, he was super giggly, and his eyes seemed to sparkle when he rolled the car into the wall. Lance making sounds of explosions when it happened. They both loved it.

Alright so I know the drawing isn't the best. But I reread my outfit for him and just really wanted to draw it. Also, don't blame me if Lance haunts your dreams! Also, I know this one's short and seems rushed but I did wake up at 2 AM, lay in bed for hours, and finally wrote this at 5. And for anyone who had read my past thing of the little section I write at the bottom, I am getting a bit better. I have more confidence with my work and art. But I do have time with replying to comments, thinking that no one will care about them.

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