Little Sven & Slav: Slipping

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So in this it isn't the rebels thing, sadly I did not know how to write that without angst. Instead it's a mix of that and Defenders of the Universe, with the paladins having GoLion names. So basically Sven still got shot but by Lotor and the paladins decided that instead of being a rebel, that boy is staying his ass at the castle. And we still have Slav because I haven't done one with him. Sven still looks like his Legendary Defenders character and you won't be able to see anyone else, so it works.

"Sven, when was the last time you slipped?" Slav asked as Sven fiddled with his gun.

"Ah, that doesn't matter," Sven waved him off, shooting the first target, which he missed.

"But it does. Your aim would be 17.894% off if it was over two months ago. And you have been in the hospital for a while and before that you didn't slip for 4 weeks. Then the hospital took 7 weeks to recover enough for you to get out. And we've been on missions for the past week and-"

Sven kept on shooting the moving targets as Slav rambled on about the last time he had slipped. It was a bit annoying but not that it really mattered. Sven was really just trying to hit the targets in the middle. His aim got better after a few tries. Usually he could hit them all perfect with no problem but this is the first time in the week that he's been back that he's finally able to come to the armory. He wasn't about to end it in the first five minutes!

"That's two months and two weeks!" Slav exclaimed.

"Slav, trust me. My aims completely fine," Sven said as he hit the target in the middle. "Ha!"

Slav scoffed but didn't say anything else. So for the next few hours Sven just kept on shooting the targets, with talking to his boyfriend of course.

"The flowers outside are nice."


"I wonder if Princess Romelle is worried about us."

"Possibly, we did just recently leave."

"And then let's not forget that Akira- Chef or whatever you call him- Actually why are you called Quiet?"

"I mean Isuma's nickname is Moody."

Just some small stuff.

It wasn't until Slav told Sven that he's shot enough that Sven fought back. He wanted to keep on shooting! Not stop. Slav made a joke about how he was getting fussy and Sven just scoffed, putting his gun away. He was upset that Slav wouldn't let him shoot anymore but he didn't try to push Slav any further. They walked back to Sven's new room, only seeing Nanny on the way. Who fussed over Sven's still bandaged chest.

"I'll be fine, Nanny-"

"Yeah but you shouldn't be moving so much! It's still not fully healed."

"But my legs weren't shot. So why can't I move?" Sven asked, turning his head child like. Slav noticed this but didn't comment.

"Oh you small child. Just try not to move so much. You can still hurt yourself," Nanny sighed, patting his shoulder. "Just try not to hurt yourself too much, alright?"

Sven nodded and Slav dragged him off, earning an eye roll and chuckle from Nanny behind him. Slav brought them around the corner and looked around before crossing his arms and looking at Sven.

"What?" Sven asked.

"Not slipping, ey?" Slav teased a little, earning a small blush from Sven. Sven had claimed that he wasn't slipping earlier when Slav made the fussy joke.

"Oh haha!" Sven grumbled, making Slav eye him. Sven tried not to look at him but he felt Slav's eyes on him. Making him get nervous. It was quiet for a few minutes before Sven sighed. "Alright fine! Maybe I am."

"Knew it. There was a-"

"Finish that sentence," Sven dared him, making Slav go quiet for a few seconds.

"Let's go help you slip fully."


"Dogpile!" Sven giggled at he crashed onto Slav, who yelled.

"Really? Why is it only this reality that you seem to do this randomly. I don't think their Shiro, whatever he was called, did this," Slav grumbled as Sven put his hands in his hair, laying his chin on it.

"Because its fun!" Sven smiled, biting the end of his sweater sleeve. He was wearing a pink sweater, light gray sweatpants, and white socks that had pink paws on the bottom. Slav was wearing a light blue sweater and black pants with three white strips on the side.

"Don't bite that, where's your teething ring?" Slav asked, trying to get out from under Sven's weight.

"Hmmmm, dunno!" he shrugged, putting his feet in the air and swinging this back and forth.

"Well go find it," Slav said, earning a shake from the boy.

"Nu, dis more fun."

Slav wanted to try and get out from under Sven's weight, but he knows it wouldn't work. Sven was heavier than him. Eventually Sven got bored laying on him so he rolled off him. Sven crawled over and grabbed his coloring book, going onto coloring instead of laying on his boyfriend. Slav got up and began to look for Sven's teething ring that he got him. Because if Sven wasn't going to do it, then is was Slav's job. Eventually he found it on Sven's laundry pile. But when Slav found it, Sven was sucking on his pacifier.

"You're going to be the death of me, Sven," Slav sighed, earning another giggle from the boy.

"Nuh-uh!" Sven smiled behind his pacifier.

"Well yes but there is a chance of-"

"Nuuuuuuuuuu!" Sven whined, his paci falling onto his coloring page. "Nu big numbers."

"Fine, no big numbers," Slav grumbled, sitting on Sven's bed as Sven smiled and continued to draw. Putting his paci back into his mouth.

Slav continued to talk to the taller boy as he drew. Sven liked hearing Slav when he talked. Just not when he talked big words. Big words confused the boy. He just knew him enough when he would use them. After Sven was done with his drawing he crawled over to Slav and showed him.

"Lookie!" he exclaimed as Slav took the book. It was the Solar System. The planets were oddly colored but nothing too bad.

"It looks very pretty," Slav said, setting the book beside him. "I'll have to hang it up later."

"Yay!" Sven gasped, jumping into Slav's arms. Slav's groan as Sven jumped on top of him again. Only this time on his stomach. 

"You really need to stop jumping on people," Slav mumbled, earning a huff from his baby as they cuddled.

Based on this picture:

I'm running out of titles. I can write a long oneshot, but not good titles? Bruh, story of a writer.

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