Little James and Veronica

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Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, work. Normally it would be okay but there's so much on the Atlas! I'm only lucky I'm good friends with Curtis. He has a habit of working fast and if I work with him, I'll get it done in around 15 minutes. Thank god we always work together! Anyways, I was walking down the halls by now. It's either I go do more work than I need, tease my brother, or work out. Well there's no way I'm doing more work unless asked, Lance is probably hanging out with Allura already, and I already worked out this morning. So why not walk down the halls until something cool comes up? There has to be something!

You know what, why not go hangout with the MFE pilots? I think Nadia, Ryan, and Ina should all be working out with Acxa, my girlfriend. So James should be in his room. Why not hang out with him? All of the MFE pilots are like siblings/children to me so it shouldn't be that weird. Now that I think of it, he was very giggly and excitable today. Before leaving the table from breakfast and lunch. Not his usual self. And Nadia did seem a bit protective of him today. Wouldn't even let me curse or joke about how unusual he was acting. Hey, maybe he's finally letting lose! He's so up tight at times.

I ran over to his room and stopped at the door. Instead of knocking I just opened it. I know, it's rude and all but they know it's me! I'm like the only one who doesn't knock while entering a room. So everyone locks their doors. But what I wasn't expecting was James in a space onesie. It was all black and had planets on it. He was also wearing black socks. He was also playing with a spaceship that looked like one of the MFE ships. Running around in his room, pretending he was on some mission. The rooms here were a bit weird. It was a bigish room that leaded into the bedroom. The bigish room had two dressers and whatever you wanted to put in there. The other room had two beds that were inside the walls. Most of us had roommates, not everyone. I had one, Acxa.

"James?" I spoke up, walking into the room as the door closed behind me. He stopped running, almost slamming himself into the wall, before staring at me. A few moments passed between us and he seemed that he had no means to speak up.

"Griffin?" I asked again. Instead of repelling he just put his ship behind his back and looked at the ground. "James, what is, um, this?" I waved my hand in a circle in his direction.

"Nuting!" James exclaimed, his eyes darting around for some sort of escape. The only exit was the door behind me. And I wasn't taking any of that shit.

"Rightttt. What's actually up?"

"Hol on," James said, rushing over to his bed. When he came back he had some card thing as well as a giraffe plush, his ship wasn't with him. He handed me the card thing and hugged his giraffe.

I looked at the card. It was space like and purple. There was a thing at the top that said Little Space Cadets. There was a glass with purple juice that had a square under it. The words Kiddo on it. Below it was a thing for name, little age, and favorite color. It had pretty nice hand writting. James much of wrote it. He put his first and last name on the top and his only first name on the other Name spot. In little age there was 4-6. And his favorite color was orange, something I already knew.

Huh, so he's a little. I've heard of this. I might not know much but I do know the base. Like there different ages, like baby, toddler, and kid. I think teens in it's own category, not for sure. And it's a coping thing. Like for trauma, anxiety, stress, etc. A good way to escape their 'big' life. That shouldn't be too hard, right?  Like, to watch them? I wouldn't mind watching over him. I don't think that he has anyone, maybe. And I have multiple siblings, a niece, and a nephew. So I have experience with diaper changing, tantrums, sick days, picking up after them, and a lot more. What can I tell you? The kids love me. I make the best babysitter.

"Alright," I smiled at him, ruffling his hair. He quickly dried his eyes and looked up at me. He was probably worried that I would find out. "I like the design on your card, where'd you get it?"

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