Little Shiro and Matt: Froggie!

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I saw a cute picture with Shiro and a tiny frog on his head. It was someone doing his Instagram after the war. So why not write about?

"Matty look!" Shiro giggled as we reached the lake. It was around a 20 minute drive to the woods. And once at the entrance it was around a five minute walk to it.

"I see," I smiled, sitting on a log. Shiro knelled beside the pond and felt the water. "Make sure not to fall in, Baby!"

"Silly Matty, I won't!" Shiro giggled again. He was quite a giggly baby. It was always fun making him laugh. His laughs brought smiles. They were also very loud.

"Just wanna make sure."

Shiro dug through the bag that we brought. It had shovels, buckets, snacks, water, and some other things. One thing being a place to keep frogs. It wasn't highly but there were some around here. They didn't like people so we rarely saw them, or so I think. And I sort of made a promise that if he got one he could keep it. I know that we shouldn't keep wildlife but it wasn't very possible that they would even get one. Not even big Shiro could get one. So how on Earth could little Shiro get one?

Anyways, Shiro took out one of the small child's buckets and scooped up some water. He stood back up and looked over at me, smiling evilly. On no.

"Don't you even dare," I warned.

"'M not doing anyting!" He exclaimed, walking over.

"Oh heckty-heck no," I quickly stood up. He is not getting me wet!

Thats when he charged at me. I dashed over the log and hide behind a tree, peaking my head out. Now what happened next made me have to bite my tongue back because I don't want a hissy fit. Shiro probably wasn't expecting the jump at last minute. So he tripped over the log and fell face first, getting the water all over him. I know I should probably feel bad but that was gold! Oh wait until I tell Adam about this! Anyways, Shiro looked up at me with a pout.

"Awe, are you okay?" I asked, walking over to him. He huffed and looked away.

"You were suppose to be wet," he said while I helped him up. "'M dirty now."

"Don't worry, Baby. We can wash it off," I grabbed a Disney princess towel from the bag. I began to clean Shiro off. Like, we're right next to a lake. It wasn't too difficult. Or it wouldn't be is Shiro didn't squirm so much but thats fine. "There, all clean!"

That's when Shiro splashed me. It surprised me, at first. It made him go into a fit of giggles. "Why you," I smirked, splashing back. We splashed for a little bit until we were completely drenched. Then we decided to have a snack. Princess goldfish to be exact. They were Shiro's favorite, he wouldn't eat any other ones. Once we got done with that I let him play in the water for a little longer. I made sure he didn't go too far in, we don't want him drowning. I was watching some leafs swirl in a circle when he yelled my name.

"Matty!" he shouted. I snapped my head towards him. He wasn't drowning, that was good. Instead he was walking towards me.

"What's up?"

"Look!" He pointed at the top of his head when he got to me. There was a tiny green frog on there.

"Cool! What's his name?"

"Pudge," he stated proudly. Okay this name needs to stop obsessing Disney. But we do need to put him back. I don't want to take wildlife out of it's home.

"That's a really cool name! Although, I think Pudge wants to go back home," I smiled, standing up.

"But I wanna keep him!" Shiro crossed his arms, stomping his foot.

"But what if Pudge wants to go home? We don't wanna make him sad, do we?" I asked. He shocked his head and we walked back over to the lake. Shiro set him on a rock and looked at him sadly. "Can you say bye to Pudge?"

"Bye-bye Pudge," he waved as him.

"Good boy," I patted his shoulder, he smiled slightly at the praise. I then checked my phone. "We should probably get going, Mom's going to pick us up."


"Ah, no buts. How about we have some candy in the car, okay?" I tickled his sides, making him squirm and giggle. He nodded excitedly and skipped back over to the bag. He tried to pick it up but I snatched it from him first. "Ah, little boys don't need to carry big heavy things."

We started walking away from the lake when I heard a frog's croak. I turned around and saw Pudge staring at us from the ground. I grabbed Shiro's arm as he tried to pick him up.

"No, I'm going to put him back," I said, scooping him up. "Stay here. Do not wonder off."

Shiro nodded and crouched down. He picked up a leaf and began to rip it apart. I quickly walked back to the lake and set the frog back on the rock. When I tried walking back it jumped onto my foot. He can't come with us. He needs to stay here. I placed him on a further rock and ran back to Shiro. Luckily he stayed in place and didn't walk off. I patted his back and he looked at me, standing up. I grabbed his hand and we walked to the entrance of the woods. My Mom was there waiting for us.

"New friend?" she asked, leaning against the car.

"What?" I asked, putting the bag in the trunk.

"Look behind you Shiro."

Shiro looked behind him and gasped loudly, "Pudge!"

I looked over and saw Pudge hop into his hand. That dang frog. Shiro giggled as Pudge hopped from his hand to his head. He looked over at me with pleading eyes. What was I going to do now? Say no? Theres two people not affected by that face, my mom and Adam. But my mom favors him so she gets him whatever he wants. I sighed and shut the trunks door.

"Alright, you can keep him."

Once I said that Shiro basically screamed and ran up to squeeze me tight. I patted his back and he let go, jumping up and down. This'll be a fun thing explaining to Adam.

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