Little James and Ryan: Bloody Hell

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I had to rewrite this 4 different times before finding the thing I wanted. Still don't like it but like it? All my fellow writers knows how that feels.
Also I love that title too much to change it and I've already used Period as a title soooooo . . . It's basically the same thing though.

James whimpered and clung onto Ryan with a tight fist. Ryan's frowned deepened at the action. His baby was in paon and he could do anything about it. He refused to take pills because they were hard for him. He's almost choked twice before so he just gave up. He felt icky and wanted to skip out on eating this morning, which he wasn't aloud to. He also wanted to wear something tight around his stomach. Only they didn't have any tight little clothes. So James was hurting more than normal, becuase he usually has pressure on his stomach by high wasted jeans or something. Currently they were in the lounge. There was two other people in the room as well, Lance and Hunk. They were having their own conversation though.

"Ry, hurts," James said for what seemed like the 100th time.

"I know, Jamie. I know," Ryan said, kissing his forehead. James frowned and layed his head on his shoulder.

"Ry?" James asked after a few seconds of silence. Ryan grunted at him but continued his MFE work. "Am I dying?"

Ryan wanted to laugh at his question but it was fair. James probably felt as thought he was dying, so that's what his brain went to. Ryan shook his head and looked at James. Who lifted his head to look back at him.

"Your not dying, Baby. Your just in a ton of pain," Ryan explained. James pouted at the statement.

"Feels like it," he insisted.

"That's because your bodys being a meanie," Ryan said. James made a sad noise at the fact and layed his head back onto Ryan's shoulder.

Lance and Hunk watched a couple feet away. Feeling a little sad for the smaller boy. He didn't have control over his body and it obviously hurt. They wanted to help but they haven't really interacted with Little James. Who, from what they've heard, is very different than Big James. But from what they've seen, which wasn't alot, he was very shy. The two looked at each other and nodded. He might like a small treat.

Ryan worked on some more thing son his tablet. James had tried to touch it, but Ryan had gently took his hand way. James got upset by the action but didn't do anything. He didn't want Ryan to get mad if he did something bad.

"Dying," James mumbled, looking at Ryan's tablet. It seemed like boring and hard big kid work, and it was. So he really shouldn't touch the tablet now.

"I understand you feel like that, Hun. But give it a few days and it should be going away soon," Ryan sighed, earning a squeak from James for even replying.

As much as James understood that Ryan had to do important work, his lower tummy was hurting a lot. Like a lot a lot. He didn't like it, it was painful. But he didn't want to cry! Then Ryan would have to stop doing his important big kid work. He also really needed to go pee. But he wasn't about to use his pullup while on Ryan's lap! That would be embarrassing! Ryan noticed James's squirming on his lap and began to pet the boy's hair. Ryan's also ways noticed little action like these and he knew James very well. He wouldn't mind if James went pee, he obviously needed to and the diaper bag was beside him. And it was a normal/human thing to do. But again, he knows James's mindset. And James probably though that Ryan was too busy for him. Otherwise he should be very talkative. There was another thing though. Mr. Squishy was in the dryer. He had gotten milk spilled on him this morning and James had a huge freakout about hurting his best friend. Which luckily thy calmed him down from but obviously they needed to watch him. Which James was reluctant about letting them doing. So he was also most likely lonely and wanted someone who made him feel safe. And as must as James trusted Ryan, Ryan knew that his stuffie was his number one person he'd do embarrassing things in front of.

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